Please can anyone help with hand pain my knuckles on my right hand are burning and so painful my hand is so stiff. This seems to happen suddenly with no warning. I am on methotrexate 12.5 mg so sick of being in pain 😢
Hand pain : Please can anyone help with hand pain my... - NRAS
Hand pain

Many with RA get affected by weather some of us are hot some cold I puff up in hot weather and cold weather my joints go very stiff. I also have fibro and Raynauds so this complicate things.
My fingers on my right hand are so painful and they burn as well. It is caused by RA sadly. I had my middle right finger injected with a steroid and i have to say it has helped me no end. It still gets painful, but nothing like it was. It is now deformed now and that will not change. Try ringing your rheumy and speak to them and see if they can help you darling. xxx
Hi, thanks, I am seeing nurse next week. It’s so frustrating all I did was walk my dog and my hands got so cold. Need to get some warmer gloves x
Inflammation caused by RA. Whilst I was off my RA drugs my hands became very bad with deep seated sharp pain and swelling. You will need to see a Rheumatologist. Good luck.
Hi jarujuda
Hand pain is an issue for me. My wrist bone is damaged and I have flare ups in my wrist tendon and fingers swell (whole hand seizes up).
I recently had an ultrasound guided cortisone injection in my wrist at my local NHS Scotland hospital. The pain has calmed down a lot after this and I can drive without pain/no longer dropping things etc. I can even have a gentle swim now. Still sore lifting things but manageable.
The ultrasound showed lots of areas of inflammation and a damaged tendon sheath bone so it was interesting to see too. Sounds like you would benefit from this.
I had to push rheumatology for this as at first the consultant was asking if I could cope with the pain etc before arranging the injection. I said no I couldn't. He asked on a scale of one to ten what was my pain like I said about 6 but I'm heading for an 8.
He pressed my hand in various areas and kept saying is this sore? I kept saying no (my hand was totally numb) I was annoyed because if I hadn't been assertive he would've happily let me go out the door with no further treatment. He was ready to say cheerio but I stopped and said with respect I'm in pain with every single movement and attempt to lift things not when you press areas of my hand (psoriatic arthritis affects the tendons more) Eventually I was offered the injection!
Hope you get more help when you see your nurse next week.
Sorry for the rant- it is to highlight you need to push your point. I've had to take on professionals a lot for my health and as a carer in the past so I go into battle mode sometimes!
Heat pads may help for temporary relief and I hope your situation improves...

Thank you 😊
Hi, I feel methotrexate just Keeps it controlled ,my dose was lowered from 15 to 12.5 because of side affects 🙄
Get some thermal gloves. This is RA I’m afraid. If your dog has been pulling that will make things worse. Depending on your dog, you can get a leash that you wear round your waist.

Hi, she is a mini wire haired dachshund, I think I need thicker gloves 😊
I can get this too and often my in knees and shoulders. I have found that by taking Co-codamol 500mg tablets, 2X every 4-6 hours and applying Diclofenac cream 2.5% helps.
Hi yes hand pain is awful , lot of stiffness no joint movement and hot and swollen, put in hot water ,massage them and wrap them in warm towel , or buy a elastic support sock which you can get at £1 land just as good , better still you can buy them off internet which help with pain and circulation, mine were £20 read reviews. I have had RA over 8 yrs and have lost all the muscle waist in my hand no grip now .