Anyone fancy a whinge?: Woke up at seven and I'm still... - NRAS


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Anyone fancy a whinge?

snotts profile image
54 Replies

Woke up at seven and I'm still in bed at half eight because my arms hurt and I am so stiff! The thought of dragging myself into the shower does not appeal... I've got tons to do today and feel very sorry for myself 😅

Who else fancies a moan? Better out than in....

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snotts profile image
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54 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

Do it! Hope it makes you feel better. I’m ranting instead …

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Lolabridge

Rant here if it helps!

wishbone profile image

Whinge on!.........

I suffer with my arms, including hands wrists and shoulders . I know what an ordeal it can be to have a shower, that's why I haven't had one for nearly 3 weeks! :-O ......... haha, just kidding. ;-) Seriously, I'm about to increase my meds (baricitinib) to try and ease the problem. Hope you get some relief soon.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to wishbone

Ooh stinky!! Glad you're kidding.

Sorry to hear you're suffering so much at the moment my friend. I hope you feel better soon x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Lolabridge

At the minute I'm more concerned about this awful sore throat I've had for the past 11 days. Just been speaking to my GP about it on the phone who's prescribed penicillin. She said because I'm immunosuppressed she wants to see me face to face if it doesn't start to clear after 3 days. Some peopl have a nasty cough with what appears to be the same bug. Just hope I don't get a cough with my lung issues. :-O All aboard the worry train yet again... a regular trip for me. :-(

Thanks Lola

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to wishbone

Oh that sounds terrible, I hope the penicillin kicks in really soon. The winter bugs seem to have kicked in early this year.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to wishbone

Hope it clears soon for you wb. x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to springcross

Thanks springcross,

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to wishbone

Take care of yourself Wish! X

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to wishbone

I hope you begin to feel better soon a sore throat is horrible. I had to read your message twice. A face to face appointment with a dr! I have only seen my gp once since the beginning of the pandemic f2f and that was for an injection in my knee, difficult to do over the phone!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to helenlw7

Thanks Helen, not spoke to this particular GP before, so probably a locum. Not sure my regular GPs would have wanted a face to face this soon.

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to wishbone

I’ve had three telephone consultations with three different drs, 2 were locus. The two locums prescribed pain killers for my bad back that cause liver damage if take for a long time and the other said I shouldn’t need painkillers if my RA drugs were working. Two points - my back is an issue that’s been going on and off for over 30 years and isn’t RA related, and if she’d read my notes she’d have known one of my RA drugs wasn’t working any more. She went on to tell me that my test for coeliac disease had come back negative and she was referring me to a bowel cancer consultant! Straight out, just like that. I’ve lost all faith in drs and will be asking for an appointment with my named gp, even though I’ll have to wait longer.A positive note - my rheumatologist is a star and has seen me f2f twice since last December and I’m seeing her again next week.,

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to helenlw7

That's terrible! You would think that someone not familiar with you would make a point of reading your notes. Seems as if standards are falling with the shortage of GPs. :-(

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to wishbone

I think standards are dropping. We have the opportunity to speak to a gp via video call. The doctors are all working part time for the video company and part time as a regular gp. You can book your own appointment slot but not the gp so it's no better than my regular gp practice so I'm going to continue to ask for my named gp!

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to wishbone

I really feel for you Wishbone. Thank goodness the Dr is on the ball and intends to check you out. The last thing you need is a chest infection. Thinking of you, ❤️

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Knip

Thanks Knip. but you need to take into account that it could be a case of "man sore throat" :-) Nah, seriously, it's pretty nasty and a chest infection is the last thing I want! I was surprised my Dr wants to see me if things don't improve... concerned as well as I tend to be a worrier when it comes to health matters. Think this Dr was a locum and am not so sure my regular GPs would have wanted to see me face to face quite so soon.

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to wishbone

He has obviously looked at your case notes and wants to nip this in the bud. Sensible man. I just wish all our GPs good as they are, could see things this way! Hope it all clears up soon, it's the last thing you need. Take care.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Knip

You take care too.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Lolabridge


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

I’ve not had a bath for 25 years! 😳 😝 Of course there is a shower here .. two actually. Steer clear of the microbes. Do you take zinc if it doesn’t interfered with your meds and if the rheumy allows?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Neonkittie17

Haha, I've not had a bath for about 8 years either.

Had a good chat with my rheumy nurse on the phone this mornlng about the 3rd vaccine. She said she'd talk with my consultant and get back to me, which she just did. My consultant is sending me a letter to take to the vaccination centre confirming that I qualify for the 3rd vaccine. Trouble is, this bloody bug I've picked up might hold up things as the nurse said I need get it sorted first. Same goes for my flu vaccine due on the 15th I suppose, though she said I would have to ask my GP about that. Shouldn't think I'll be able to have it with this bug though will I?

You just watch, all these precautions I've taken throughout this pandemic to fend off covid, and it will be the common cold that'll finish me off! :-O

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

Let your bug 🐜 go first. You don’t want to feel yuk before you have your flu and third vaccine so yes check with the GP. Did you get advice re your JAK and timing? I’ve lost touch with what’s meant to go on with your med.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Neonkittie17

Forgot to ask. Hopefully it will say in the letter.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

Do ask as Rtx and JAK’s were the meds which disrupted the most.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Neonkittie17

I did say to her about JAK Inhibitors being one of the red flagged meds but didn't get a definitive answer. Will check before I have the jab.

Somedays just call for a good whinge

I just went to Sainsburys and bent down to get some eggs and never nearly made it up again🥴

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Marionfromhappydays

If they could put everything on the middle shelf that would be ideal!

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Problem with your underwear?!! Hehe 😜🤣🤣

Marionfromhappydays profile image
Marionfromhappydays in reply to Lolabridge

Underwear ? 😉😅

kellymomcars profile image
kellymomcars in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Oh you saucy lady! I want to party with you...

Marionfromhappydays profile image
Marionfromhappydays in reply to kellymomcars

Ha ha

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Seems supermarkets put everything we want too high it too low! 😝🤨. Not that I’ve been in one since March 2020 ......

Chockyuk profile image
Chockyuk in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Oh gosh, it’s not just me then 😂Am currently in my second bad flare in 3 months, I tried to walk the dog last week, dropped my walking stick in the middle of the road, then couldn’t bend to pick it up - a random man got out of his car to help me 😳 bless him.

Marionfromhappydays profile image
Marionfromhappydays in reply to Chockyuk

That was very kind of him, somedays were just aren't so bendy ! Hope your flare is short x

sylvi profile image

I feel rubbish as well darling. xxxx

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to sylvi

Sorry to hear that Sylvi, sounds like its just one of those days for lots of us!

Deeb1764 profile image

I feel I do a lot of whinging lately trying to stop so dont encourage me! Hope the throat gets better soon and good to see you back on here x

Chockyuk profile image

Oh I’ll join you in a winge!I had a steroid jab on Monday and it’s taken ages to kick in, I’m still stiff in the mornings, but better than I was.

If we can’t winge on here, where can we 😊

Hope you feel better soon. Waking up in the morning and getting ready for the day feels like climbing Mt Everest.

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Chockyuk

Oof yes, my previous experience of steroids is for asthma where they kick in pretty much instantaneously, so I expected to feel better fast - not the case for my joints. Hope your jab does the job quickly!

Sheila_G profile image

Absolutely. You are entitled to a whinge. If it makes you feel better do it as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I can whinge for England when needs be. I hope you feel better soon.

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Sheila_G

Champion whingers unite!

Orangutans profile image

Sorry to hear that. I am in the same position but I have a bath every morning which helps so so much. I have a seat called Bath Wizard which lowers me in and lifts me out. Been using one for years. They are amazing. Couldn’t manage without it. Portable too so you can take it anywhere (a bit heavy). Good luck

oldtimer profile image

But I KNOW that I will feel better after a shower - so I struggle out of bed.

Plumcrumble profile image

Hi, I don't know if this might help, but when having a flare etc I would take some prescribed painkillers an hour before I had to get up, (with a biscuit so not on a empty tummy) , I I found it helpful, best wishes Sarah 💕

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Plumcrumble

Thats a very good idea....I might try setting an early alarm to take pills and go back to sleep. This forum seems to be full of useful tips and tricks, thank you for sharing!

Wobbies profile image

Just joining in the whinge. Hate showering as find standing for that long difficult bit won't allow myself to resort to a seat. This morning had to rush my dog to the vet before showering as she is very poorly. Thought it would not matter as not allowed into vet but today was the first day of the practice opening again properly. So hobbled in looking and smelling like bag lady. Had to leave my baby for treatment, so fingers crossed for her. So, it is good to whinge sometimes and this forum is the best place as people understand.

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Wobbies

Oh thats not a good start to the day, I hope your pup is on the mend really soon 💙

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Wobbies

I hope all will be well Wobbies, they are so precious aren't they. 🙏 x

Happy5 profile image

My daily wake up routine very much so so much pain through the night, took Co-codamol at 4:20 am slep deeper cos had weird dreams. I have the radio on in the night think what was on filtering in to my dreams lol

Have good un whatever you manage.


snotts profile image

I dreamt my boss was trying to sell me diet coke in gold cans....NO idea what that means!

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to snotts

Pay rise hopefully! 😀

kellymomcars profile image

Hoping today starts much better for you!

Knip profile image

For that very reason, snotts, I have started showering in the evening...and a touch of luxury for me is putting my warm and cosy dressing gown on and going downstairs for my breakfast and to read my emails etc before heading back up to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Not an option open to all, I know, but at my age I can indulge. I also find that taking a painkiller during the night can help me with the morning pain. Take care.

Mmrr profile image

I don't wake/ get up till after 9 am most days.I'm in bed from 10. 30 pm until 9. 30, although I only sleep 8 - 9 hrs each night, my body needs this much rest to function at all.

I hope your arms settle soon.

(Ps, I'm retired so it is easier to take the rest your body needs)

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