Immune suppressed - have you flown recently? - NRAS


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Immune suppressed - have you flown recently?

RachelD1972 profile image
26 Replies

So, after 18 months of lockdown and shielding hokey cokey I’m booked to go to Tenerife in November. This is a holiday that was booked pre pandemic and has been pushed back several times.

I just wondered if anyone has flown recently and how comfortable they felt with it? I’m still being fairly careful and waiting for my 3rd dose. I realise we all have different levels of anxiety around covid and being high risk, but after being stuck in a flat with no outdoor space for so long, I’m not relishing another winter and feeling inclined to say to hell with it and go this time.

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RachelD1972 profile image
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26 Replies
Neonkittie17 profile image

No sorry, I’m still shielding and will be for some times, but hope you have a great time. 💗

AgedCrone profile image

Watch Tim Specter’s Wednesday (22/9) weekly report on UTube……..I think you are as likely to pick up Covid in a UK supermarket as on an aircraft these days.

The UK is falling behind the rest of Europe now with vaccinations … get your third jab & fly off & enjoy some sun!

If I hadn’t just moved house I’d be in Tenerife right now!

RachelD1972 profile image
RachelD1972 in reply to AgedCrone

That is my thinking! At least masks etc are mandatory at airports/planes & over there more than here, plus the testing etc at the moment. Nothing is entirely risk free. I still have time to watch & wait with numbers. Just fighting for this third jab is frustrating x

I have flown a few times throughout covid. Initially it was great as there was hardly anybody there at all!!! Now it is much filler but technically everyone should have a negative test and masks are mandatory and people abide by that. Lots of people with FFP2. I was a little stressed by the queues eg to board and at immigration but overall felt much safer than being on public transport or in a shop here currently!!

The only other thing I would say is that everyone gets a snack at the Sam time and so everyone takes their mask off at the same time….best either not or wait until everyone has finished ;-)

Overall though der felt safer than most things I have done in the UK so I would recommend getting some decent masks, lots of hand gel and going on holiday 👍🏻

Take care x

in reply to

PS: you could always board last… I have small kids so get to board first… either option is probably best than standing right in the middle of the queue down the walkway. Mind you if you then get on a bus it‘s just a free for all 🤷🏼‍♀️

RachelD1972 profile image
RachelD1972 in reply to

Ah thanks! Hadn’t thought of that. Or speedy boarding… Have 10 min taxi at the other end and yes airport buses 😩. I could not go and then catch it in Sainsbury’s etc. Wish we didn’t have to risk assess everything we do!

Gilliancheche profile image
Gilliancheche in reply to

Some excellent tips! I am hoping to travel to see my son who lives in Abu Dhabi as I haven't seen him in nearly 3 years! We were due to visit just as Covid kicked off.

I wear an FFP2 and then a surgical mask over the top and have some spares in my handbag. That was if I feel really gross having been in a crowded area I can discard the top one and change for a clean one. May be overkill but if it gives you the confidence to go.. I def felt much safer flying overall though than eg on the tube which gives me panic attacks on my way to work currently. Worst thing about flying is sanitising the hands of three small children every 20 seconds 🤣 🤣

RachelD1972 profile image
RachelD1972 in reply to

Thanks! I’ve just ordered some. Thankfully don’t live close enough to need the tube and only get trains for hosp apps at the moment. The anxiety on public transport is very there right now. There’s fewer mask wearers with each week that passes. Know we’ve got to try and live but others wearing them did make me feel a little less on edge.

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to RachelD1972

We have been deferring our holiday which we were due to go on two days before Lockdown last's now booked for March next year. I so agree with you re the masks! I, too, think the optional mask wearing is a step too far. Mandatory masks in enclosed spaces made us all a lot safer. I haven't been in a shop since the start of Lockdown but my son and daughter in law, who get us the things we can't get via our online delivery, tell me that fewer and fewer people are wearing masks in stores now. Like wise church. My husband and I went back when the church buildings opened but masks had to be worn...but going now with no masks required, plus singing, is just too risky. (We are well catered for by online services and join in with husband's really good singing voice drowning out my croaky voice during the hymns! It's not the same though as being with your church family).

Lizard28 profile image

I’m flying in a few weeks, I’m a little bit worried after all the months shielding, I will still be ultra careful, I’m also getting my third vaccine just before I fly so I’m hoping I have no reaction, I was fine with the first two. I hope nothing changes on the testing system as we will know everyone on the plane won’t have covid, you certainly don’t know that when visiting supermarkets and on trains etc. My son in law wasn’t allowed to wear his own cloth mask but had to wear a surgical type one so I’m off to buy some good masks, he was on an easyJet flight but British airways let him wear his own mask. Everywhere is different. Have a lovely time xx

RachelD1972 profile image
RachelD1972 in reply to Lizard28

Have a lovely time! I’ve decided we are going unless one of us tests positive 😂. I’ve ordered the masks from Lloyds pharmacy for extra protection as suggested on this thread. Funnily enough my 3rd vaccine date would be duethe weekend I’m due to go, so hoping they get a wriggle on and get it done sooner. Really need the break and change of scenery. Enjoy yourselves x

HanaleiBa profile image

I have twice. Here’s what made me feel ok. Ok is about the best you can do, because so many people break the rules. We have a good quality face shield and FFP3 masks from 3M with breathing filters. 3M costs more, but is super comfy. We wear a blue surgical over it because the breathing then is still easy, but it complies with rules. (Filters enable you to breath out easily, but your aerosols aren’t filtered then, only others coming in. Some airlines pick up on this, as they SHOULD. We don’t want to harm others regardless of whether airline staff say something to us, so we add a blue surgical mask on top and have the same filter benefit for us, but protect others, too). I put on the face shield on board when people take off their masks to eat. In the US, or anyway flights from the San Fran area (where everyone over 2 has masks on in public and indoors and they follow science - super safe there), my friends don’t eat etc on board. I follow that. They keep their masks on as do I. But here on European flights out of the UK I notice once the masks are off to eat, people just dawdle over their drinks for the entire flight. We use our shields then. Doing this, and knowing the air in flights is filtered VERY often, I knew I was 100% safe. Which was how I wanted to feel.

Sheila_G profile image

I understand your need to get away but I wouldn't do it. It isn't worth the risk. On saying that, I haven't flown since 1980. Terrified. I like my feet on the ground.

Sunset54 profile image

I feel your concerns. Always outgoing and up for anything pre Covid. Now a stay at home to feel safe person!! It’s horrible snd I hate feeling vulnerable . However, lucky me , my daughter works abroad and has arranged to come over to collect me and take me for a holiday in a warmer place. I am feeling worried about flight etc but happy to be going. I think we have to ‘bite the bullet’ at some point, whilst being careful. I say trust in your own judgement and if it feels right then go and do it. Best wishes

Otto11 profile image

Hi we have just flown from Manchester with Easy Jet & we’re pretty disgusted with the set up. Having just had Covid ( both doubly vaccinated) & were recovering still we decided that as we should have plenty of antibodies from Covid it was time to visit our home abroad which was in a state having been left empty for over a year. The airport was very busy with long queues at security ( even though we paid for fast track) & no social distancing at all. I was very annoyed with them as travel with my Abatacept in a cool bag all in original box etc & the man at security insisted on taking them out of the box individually & attempting to put each one into a separate clear bag. They didn’t fit as the are rather big. I had an argument & ended up in tears until someone more senior came to sort things out.

On the flight we were unfortunately sitting in the middle of a wedding party both the row in front & behind & also the other side of the aisle. They all purchased drinks & sat fiddling with them for the whole flight (5 hours) without wearing masks. Every time crew came past they either pretended to be drinking or pulled their masks on for a few seconds. They were constantly turned around shouting over us to their friends. I found myself getting stressed & upset about it so went to speak to the crew at the back of the plane only to be told that they were on a break & I was not allowed to speak to them. I’m still angry they crew did nothing about it. I was very relieved to get off the plane & feel so much safer now here as masks are still compulsory & a doubly vaccinated safe pass is required to get into supermarkets restaurants etc. Although we know that doubly vaccinated doesn't mean you can’t still catch it.

I hope you’re experience is better than ours was. Take care x

RachelD1972 profile image
RachelD1972 in reply to Otto11

Oh gosh, that sounds horrendous. It would have stressed me out. We are also flying easy jet and I’ve just got speedy boarding in the hope that makes it a little easier. I think I would have emailed a complaint but guess sometimes you just want to get home and forget about it. Hope you are both feeling better now x

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to RachelD1972

Thanks. My husband did tell me to complain but we have been so busy here & I havnt got round to it. The boarding process was fine. We went straight through & as we had booked the back of the aeroplane most of the others were boarding at the front. We were at the gate on time & only a few people were there. Of course all flights & airports are different. I kept glaring at them but think they had had such a lot to drink they didn’t notice or care. Also I think flights may be a lot quieter in November. I’m a stress head anyway & was already upset due to meds fiasco at airport.

Hope you have a great time. Please don’t let my bad experience out you off. X

Suzy-P profile image

We have just come back from two weeks on a Greek island and our experience was very positive. Flew in and out of Gatwick which was a breeze - no queues on way out or on return. Flight half full on way out and full on way back - but still felt very safe. We only took out masks off to have a quick drink but others lingered over food and drinks. When we were on the island we were amazed to find the Greeks stuck to the rules - taxi drivers and customers had to wear masks, masks in supermarkets and waiting staff at the tavernas all wore masks even though outside. We met some friends on the island and they had been very hesitant about travelling but now feel confident about travelling again. Maybe we just got lucky but I wouldn’t hesitate to go somewhere again - probably not city breaks but to feel the sun on our backs and to fully relax - it was wonderful.

Katie-Mag profile image

Hello Rachel, I’ve flown twice in the past year with no problem at all. Depending on where you’re travelling to everyone on the plane with you will have been double jabbed and or recently tested. In my case I managed to catch COVID locally (while I can’t be sure exactly where suspect it was at my hairdresser…)

Enjoy your trip.

Madrugada profile image

I haven´t flown for a while but when I do I usually ask for disability assistance. That is because RA has messed up my feet and ankles so walking any distance can be a challenge. Most of the airports I have been through have separate security sections for wheelchair users. Where there are lines for immigration etc the disabled are normally allowed to jump the queue. They also board you first and help stowing luggage overhead. The staff are really helpful. I would recommend the service to anyone travelling with RA. Use it or lose it!

LinaM profile image

Best thing I did was getting away for some sun. The flight is something you need to be prepared for mentally. The flights are getting fuller , however , I felt quite safe . It’s easy to get all worked up about the closeness of strangers , however, chances are most are vaccinated, have had tests before an international flight , and the air on board is hepa filtered . Everyone wears masks and I keep sanitiser on me and use it regularly. The worst part got me was queuing up in a hot room crammed with people at customs on arrival. While you’re away , your much safer. Eating all fresco and not socialising with family and friends . It’s healthier and safer . I’d say go for it!

Green230461 profile image

Have a wonderful time and take your Vit D😍

Angjoplin profile image

I'm thinking of booking for November. The volcanoes worry me more than covid. I haven't had the opportunity to shield, worked all the way through. The gods so far have been on my side and I haven't caught it. So if I'm gonna catch it at work or at tesco I might as well go on holiday.

RachelD1972 profile image

Just to update.. we went! I did find the airport/flight nerve wracking due to being near so many people after so long. On the way out, the flight crew had to repeatedly ask a minority to put their masks back on, coming home several were coughing. I fully expected a text from track n trace but nothing. Back two weeks now and several lft tests done but both ok. I actually felt safer in Tenerife as the rules there are stricter than the UK. Thanks to all who shared their handy tips! x

So glad you got to go, enjoyed it and stayed well!!! Hooray!!

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