Waiting for this to happen!! : Here we go, and so it... - NRAS


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Waiting for this to happen!!

Dave74 profile image
31 Replies

Here we go, and so it begins

Don't really know What to say, all a bit fuzzy headed about all of this to be honest and quite worried, I'm on Benepali am CEV, step daughter who is 19 and double jabbed is now isolating due to contact with someone who tested positive on Sunday, she's now in her room and own bathroom etc, but worried about it is an understatement indeed! I've been waiting for this to happen as she missed so much of last year she's out constantly mixing with god knows who, but I was expecting this when the nightclubs opened! I really feel so unsafe in my own house surely that's not right, I'm self employed, i can't afford to take time off and im just sick to death of selfish attitudes which there are alot I've found.

I feel basically there waiting for us all to get it, and its survivest of the fittest! Things are closing all around due to exposure, coffee shops shut etc because people in constant contact!!

Sorry rant over its so much to take in!!

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Dave74 profile image
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31 Replies
Lyndy profile image

I agree Dave74, lots of talk about 200 deaths being acceptable but who are they talking about? Oh it’s us! They didn’t care about those in care homes before and now it’s the immune suppressed…😤

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Lyndy

Remember though guys our RA immune fuction is no where near as low as those with say blood cancer, we get blood tests to ensure our wbc count doesnt get too low.

allanah profile image

My daughter sent home as a teacher , her bubble and nearly all the school positive or isolating. I hope she won't catch it, likelihood is she's younger, double jabbed so less likely to get sick or hospitalised. The jabs give between 66 AZ or 85 per cent pfizer so she more likely to be fine even after 1 jab. Its going to be like this now restrictions have changed. Think the government pinning their hopes that jabs will prevent most getting very sick ....How can they expect 19 year old not to go out though?? I wouldn't have opened up until they were all double jabbed.

But lots of love, its scary . Mine have all been pinged through work but as double jabbed not caught it xxx let us know how it goes.

Pippy25 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through there Dave74 and have to say I and no doubt others with agree with you. We seem to have lurched from the initial 'protect the vulnerable' 'save lives' 'every death is one death too many' blah blah blah to now this so called (and I hate the words) 'Freedom Day' and basically a free for all and now quoting numbers and statistics regarding hospital admissions and estimation of further deaths to follow. Don't know about you but I feel this is all too soon and absolutely crazy and as I mentioned in another post once the genie has been let out, how on earth do they reign it in. I hope you can keep as safe as you possibly can in the circumstances and send my best wishes to you. Take care.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

I saw some journalist write “freedumb”.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Neonkittie17

Well it's hardly off to a good start if the double jabbed Health Minister has Covid and as he was around and about this week in a Care Home and Parliament there may be a lot of 'pinging' as the word that gets used and isolation of Boris and co, if that's what is supposed to happen. So maybe the journalists have something there? :-)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

I expect Boris and his colleagues who were with Javid at the meeting on Friday will squirm their way out of having to isolate. More hypocrisy.

helixhelix profile image

Why are you CEV? I’m on Enbrel and Methotrexate, and have been carrying on carefully but normally. We have guests and run a gîte with people from all over (when borders are open) and don’t feel unsafe. Especially since I am double vaccinated.

I feel hugely sorry for young people as is such an important stage of life when you should be socialising and enjoying life, able to grow up and work out who you are. So I accept a certain amount of selfishness (young people are often a bit self-centred anyway!).

This may not be a popular view on here, but from my perspective in France the whole approach to shielding in the UK has spread too much fear and suspicion. And separates the population into victims and non-victims. A more nuanced and personalised approach would be preferable. It is not of course ideal here (especially not vaccination where the UK has excelled!) but I was quite happy for my GP to assess me as moderate risk only.

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to helixhelix

Lung surgery as well as biologics apparently, yes the scare tactics seem to well underway, luckily I work with dogs so seeing people is not much if an issue but at the same time I should feel safe in my own home, I appreciate youngsters are given a hard time but out of them that had contact 1 is isolating from 6, to me that's a very selfish attitude, I'm really sorry if they can't go and have a drink in a pub for a few days but hey ho, most of them that get it are fine so that's good!

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Dave74

Lung surgery makes the position clear!

Trouble is that it’s been 18months of constraints for young people - which is a very big chunk of a young life. Could your daughter go and stay elsewhere for a while? Or divide the house so no common spaces?

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to helixhelix

I've tied her in her bedroom until this is over, and I mean covid Completely!! Yes she's got a bedroom downstairs with one bathroom so isolating but she's so cross with her friends also for not , as a few of them live with vulnerable people! Yes lung surgery, the wonderful RA disease in all its glory!! 😊

Hezekiah profile image
Hezekiah in reply to Dave74

"most of them that get it are fine" - that's true, but the potential for "long Covid" is not to be under estimated

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Dave74

Dave hi, This sucks for you and her for sure.

Did you hear of the recent study that showed that if both of you wear a mask in any communal spaces the chances of you getting it if she indeed has it was greatly reduced. You'll have to look at the study which I think was in china for the exact stats but it's not a given that you'll get it if you are both extra careful.

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to helixhelix

For me personally the problem is that both my GP surgery and my rheumatology department classed me as CEV so I had all the dramatic doom and gloom letters, emails and phone calls which are quite hard to ignore, even though I feel that it was probably unnecessary.

When I queried it my GP said that they're "scared" of Methotrexate so probably just put me on the list because of that and the rheumy nurse said that the clinic had decided to put all their patients on it rather than look at each case individually.

I made the personal decision not to shield but I have been careful and minimised my risk where possible; it's hard not to be concerned by all the warnings though and it does feel as if the government are being TOO relaxed now which will only add to people's anxiety. I think that it would have been better if they'd opened things up but kept some social distancing and mask-wearing rules if only to stop people worrying unnecessarily.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to helixhelix

Quite agree HH….we must all make up our own minds how we react …if we are careful …….most of us are not in any more danger than the rest of the population..Let’s face BJ & the rest of the. Politicians havre no more idea how to behave than we do.

I’m on Rtx….& my rheumy tells me my age is of much more concern than the drug..,,,hence all those CEV letters I got from Matt & Rob.

So as they don’t make a vaccine for age…… I just try to keep away from crowds….& meet friends at outdoor venues.

But I do fear there are going to be some very heated confrontations on 19th.

Thank goodness the weather is very pleasant…. I think I shall stock up and spend the week in my garden…until it all sorts itself out.

medway-lady profile image

I do agree with helix and am in the UK although do understand its very hard. Trouble is Covid is here to stay and whenever lockdown ends, be it this week or next week, next month or perhaps in 6 months it will be too early for some. I also think that as it only take one person it's probably impossible to actually avoid it anyway. It could be passed on to me from the doctor and two nurses I saw in the hospital this morning to the lady who served me in the local coffee shop. So I'm sympathetic but can't see how it's possible to blame anyone as in reality a lot get it without symptoms so how would they know. Is all we can do is protect ourselves by being careful and taking all necessary precautions that are reasonably practical.

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to medway-lady

Yep, def here to stay, it's a real git!

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Dave74

I've got kidney failure so am CEV from that as well as the RA and Brochectasis. My son is front line worked all through the lockdowns and its been really hard not seeing him and his family. So difficult for everyone. xx

Green230461 profile image

Apply for a free box of tests and do them every day. It will reassure you both and you will know how to act around each other good luck. 🌺

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to Green230461

We're all doing them every morning, thanks you so much for your advice, it's the anticipation that's horrible

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Dave74

My husband works in a secondary school. Every day another child or teacher is ill. When he comes home he runs upstairs has a shower puts clothes in the machine and sits as far away as he can- not normal after 36 years of marriage. The only good thing is I am banned from the washing machine 🤨take care of yourself and your daughter I expect she feels so dreadful at the moment. 🌺

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to Green230461

I can sympathise as my partner works at a preschool where u can't socially distance, but she's brilliant and have been throughout, we all test regularly, and yes she feel really bad especially that her other 5 friends have decided not to isolate!

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Dave74

That’s the 🤬problem isn’t it? Fingers and RAtoes crossed for you 🌺

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Dave74


Monkeysmum profile image

Hi Dave74, sorry to hear about your current situation. Just wanted to send a few words of encouragement as I was in a similar place a few weeks ago, my 13 year old daughter was sent home from school to isolate as a close contact, and then later ended up testing positive for coronavirus. Our first reaction was similar to yours, but my daughter took isolating very seriously and we did manage to get through it without the other three of us catching it. Like your stepdaughter, she has her own en suite so that definitely made things easier, plus we gave her bin bags to bag up all her rubbish herself in her room, used a tray to pass things in and out which was then thoroughly cleaned each time, and also spent time together and ate meals together out in the garden (opposite sides!) so she didn’t feel too left out. Lots of FaceTiming each other too. On the tests, if she hasn’t done so already it might be worth her going for a PCR test as she would qualify as a close contact of someone who has tested positive. My daughter tested negative on a lateral flow test on the Sunday eve but positive on a PCR test the next lunchtime, even though she didn’t develop symptoms until three days later. Once we had the positive PCR test it really focused all of our minds in terms of making sure we were doing everything we could to avoid spreading it around the household. Good luck, will be thinking of you all 🙂

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to Monkeysmum

Sounds just like my house right now, thanks for all you advice, it's brilliant! 😊

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Dave74

You’re welcome, just wanted you to know that it may all work out Ok. We’re back in the same situation again - both kids now home from school to self isolate again, just hoping my 9 year old son doesn’t develop it as it will be far more difficult to keep him separate, especially as I am supposed to be home schooling him!

Sheila_G profile image

I agree with some of what you say and having a lung condition is definitely a worry for you, as it is for me. Although I haven't had surgery, I do have a lung disease. I was told by my Rheumatologist last week, that people with RA are more at risk from covid if we have active disease than from taking dmards. That is why we shouldn't stop taking them before or after having the vaccine ( presumably apart from rituzimab) that is me saying that not my rheumatologist. She said that 2 of the drugs used to treat covid are drugs that are used for RA patients but sorry I didn't ask what they were, so possibly all dmards give us some protection. A dichotemy I know but very interesting nonetheless. I also understand that young people need to get on with their lives. These early years, when they should be enjoying life before they get all the medical problems in later life, should be a time of freedom and I feel so sorry for them because it is a short time and can't be relived. I think we must all do the best we can to keep ourselves safe, keep others safe and enjoy what we can, when we can. I know you are in a difficult position with your daughter in the house and it is a real concern. You have to protect yourself as much as possible and as far as 19th July goes, if anyone told me that it was safe to put my hand in the fire without burning it, I still wouldn't do it so the same applies with this. Hands, Face, Space all the way. Sending love and best wishes to you all. God bless.

Wobblyone profile image

I presume you have been vaccinated?

Dave74 profile image
Dave74 in reply to Wobblyone

Yeah twice but waiting for the octave results to put me at ease maybe??

Deminem profile image
Deminem in reply to Dave74

I found that study Dave, it's on sky news page

"Another study in China found that, in 124 households where there had been a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus case, mask wearing by both the patient and the other inhabitants reduced transmission within the household by 79%."


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