One bit of me is in great condition and very healthy !! - NRAS


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One bit of me is in great condition and very healthy !!

medway-lady profile image
30 Replies

I and it's a long story best avoided, had to have a Stigmodoscopy on Monday referred by a private chap but done on NHS fast track at local much critiqued hospital. I thought I was very brave as didn't have sedation so could go home asap. It was mildly uncomfortable but really quick and to be fair nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be. And the doctor asked me if I'd mind waiting so he could have a cup of tea ! I didn't and he collected me to walk with him with some trepidation to the operating theatre. He did the stuff and told me you've a very healthy bowel and no polyps so no need to do a biopsy and I'll write a report to Mr ....

I am so relieved. And reviewed the treatment I received as superb, caring and the hospital was clean and Covid secure. Despite Covid the NHS is working well hereabouts.

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medway-lady profile image
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30 Replies
HJC321 profile image

Oh I’m so pleased that all looks good for you and you didn’t need a Biopsy! It’s especially good when you get treated with care with what can be a very daunting procedure. Good old NHS! I can imagine how relieved you are! Treat yourself now - you deserve it! 😊😘

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to HJC321

I've decided as they said healthy that I need new jeans and tops. Appointment for shoe shop next week and taking granddaughter for hers too. Haircut booked and just looking to see about a new style too. I have thick straight hair but might go for the new choppy rough look, and invest in a mild perm for some waves.

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to medway-lady

Ooh nice! We’ve all waited so long for the hairdressers to open. What hospital did you go to by the way? Always good to know as I’m in the area.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to HJC321

KIMS for the referral and Medway Maritime, Gillingham. I only went to KIMS as long waiting list and Covid etc. But same doctors and worth the £160 to get referred and seen in 14 days. MMH gets a lot of stick but they've saved my life twice once for PE's and then the AKI and the RA team is good too. Always ring back and helpful. I go to Kent and Canterbury for Renal but they have a unit at Medway for all the outpatients renal stuff. Worst thing about Medway is the food. ! x

springcross profile image

That's really good news and must be such a relief for you. x

Mmrr profile image

Good news and so good to hear positive stories about the NHS.

Neonkittie17 profile image

Well done and glad to know it went well and all is alright there. 🙏🏻 x

Deeb1764 profile image

Some good news in there x

nomoreheels profile image

Well, we've to be grateful for small mercies! Thanks for the giggle, I had visions of a man in full white racing gear (inc helmet) having a very fast rummage about! I've not had that particular scope but have had similar, colonoscopy, without sedation & I wouldn’t hesitate to have it again. Yes, it's a bit uncomfortable but if you watch the screen it helps distract you away from it. My team talked me through it too so that helps too. Aren't we fortunate to have the NHS though? I’ve found investigative scope medical staff are particularly caring, asking throughout if you're comfortable & to say if not. Not one has been surly or hurried in my experiences.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to nomoreheels

I did ask when he said about going for a cup of tea and seemed so friendly that I hoped camera was not like the ones used by the BBC. He did laugh and say the NHS couldn't afford a BBC camera ! We are indeed very lucky to have the NHS. Makes me so cross our local hospital is so busy and often moaned about but from RA to AKI to all the other stuff its always been good to me.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to medway-lady

It is nice when you can have a bit of banter, they'll know too that it releases that bit of tension you're likely to have before such explorations. My h's Renal Consultant, a lovely Indian man, is very good. He's very professional, never rushes an appointment & is quick to pick up on things other than renal, probably through being so thorough. My h has had 2 separate referrals by him, one of which was a complaint that had been dismissed twice by his GP & has now, thanks to his Consultant not only been diagnosed but under control. He's someone who isn't limited by his own Speciality, if that makes sense?

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to nomoreheels

Its the same for me, my Nephrologist rings back very quickly if ever any questions and he wrote in capital letters to my GP telling them that it was lucky I'd not taken a medication as it was not licensed for people with a kidney function under 30. Very down to earth and also amusing as well. Your right I think I was so surprised when a he said about getting a cup of tea I just thought this is a human being not some distant expert (which he was of course). He really put me at ease.

Lolabridge profile image

Such fab news for you. X

I'm so pleased everything was ok and they let you know there and then.

They sound lovely people, empathy is so important and goes along way.

Hair idea sounds lovely, go for it x

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Marionfromhappydays

Yes it is good that that can happen now and you can watch on the screen too. I was chuffed healthy and one big worry gone. x

thelmar profile image

This was a well timed post as I am booked in for the same procedure on Sunday. I have opted for sedation as I have 2 fractured vertebrae and can find lying down very painful (finished up in tears after an MRI recently). You have put my mind at rest about the actual procedure.

Having it done at Southend Hospital so will wave to you across the estuary when it is over.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to thelmar

Hi Thelma , I can see Southend Hospital on the horizon or at least thats what I think the huge building is. ! I was offered sedation as well but they said that Entinox is usually enough so I took as chance as have left side vertigo and they said we'll get you another pillow. Do wave or tell me the time and I'll walk down the reserve and wave to you. The worst thing to be frank is Medway's version of tea and toast. Lukewarm and margarined hot so the bread is like slime. lol The procedure is quick and I hope you get a good result too. Just been learning on the news over 4 million on waiting lists so feel very fortunate to have had it done so fast. xxx Good luck and I hope you can now sleep the night before as I definitely didn't.

thelmar profile image
thelmar in reply to medway-lady

Appt is 11.15. Unfortunately Endoscopy unit is on mezzanine floor so waving will be a bit pointless. I only spoke to my GP 2 weeks ago and as soon as I mentioned the word blood he put through a 2 week referral. Bit worrying but I would rather have answers. Just had my second vaccine so quite a week.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to thelmar

Oh well I'll still think of you at 11.15. I had to have the Covid test 2 days before the procedure. Good luck and fingers crossed all goes well. xx

sylvi profile image

Well done you . xxxx

rounder profile image

That's great news, and I absolutely agree about the wonderful NHS. Similar to you I have had two colonoscopies in the last 6 months at a local hospital with excellent care and minimal wait. Unfortunately I had a large polyp that was removed and biopsied......there were some early cell changes so they will keep monitoring at regular intervals, not pleasant but for my own benefit and at no immediate cost. I am so grateful to live in Britain having experienced paying thousands for care following a back injury two years ago on holiday.

medway-lady profile image

Oh yes I like most have the odd moan but in reality it is very good and the medical staff are very caring. I did notice a lot of nurses about it was almost one to one but don't know if thats because of Covid or now just routine in the day care centre. My husband dropped me off at 9.40 and picked me up at 11.15 starving hungry and desperate for a good cup of tea not luke warm, pale unidentified liquid in a plastic cup. And if thats the worst thing it says a lot about how well it was organised. xx

Green230461 profile image

Hope your procedure goes well and you get some answers. 🤕

lucymead profile image

Why did you need Sphigmoidoscopy if you don't mind me asking?

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to lucymead

Following a medication that made me constipated I got a fissure and I had a bit of oddly coming and going lower tummy ache. The GTN didn't work well so I had a test ordered by the private colorectal surgeon via the NHS. He said its best to get this checked out as only by sight can I be sure its not anything sinister. And fortunately it isn't, and he prescribed a new treatment and said if this doesn't work I'll see you on the NHS to do botox. But it has worked after 2 months trying GTN which didn't work and had side effects the new cream has done the job in 2 weeks with no side effects. Why GP's can't prescribe this stuff I don't know but I'd guess as ever its cost. Surprising what you can find out in the private sector about the NHS and GP's keep quiet about.

lucymead profile image
lucymead in reply to medway-lady

I had to go Private to have the similar examine but with Biopsyies . I have Collagenous Colitis which is now under control thank goodness. I had been ill for three years before.

Green230461 profile image

Never heard of a stigmodoscopy so had to look it up. Very glad for your sake it has come back okay 🌈

QAGS profile image
QAGS in reply to Green230461

It is a Sigmoidoscopy

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to QAGS

I had trouble saying, never mind spelling it ! lol x

QAGS profile image

yes, it is a tricky one medway-lady

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