I am due to have an elbow release operation on 8th April which is a Thursday and inject on a Friday but I am not sure whether to stop MTX week before then not have it on that Friday or say the 9th then the following Friday. Do I stop the folic acid daily or carry on with that. The nurse at pre op said do what I feel is best😦Dermatology said week before and week after😞I have not had an operation before whilst on this medication😉
operation and stopping MTX: I am due to have an elbow... - NRAS
operation and stopping MTX

That’s not very helpful! They are supposed to advise you.....
Is it arthroscopic surgery as a day patient? As in tiny incision and teeny, tiny tools? And how well controlled are you so would you risk flaring if you missed a week?
You need to weigh up the factors and choose. Here’s a piece of research that might help you decide
I have been told I have general anaesthetic op takes about 90 mins. I am well controlled if I stop yes as I only take a low dose now. I will have a look at your research you posted. thank you for your information.😊
I have just spoken to nurse and she said to carry on with MTX as it won't make any difference either way. It is in your system. I have an appt with them 4 days after surgery but I have asked for phone consultation as I won't be able to drive. Good news is my 2nd vaccination for AstraZeneca is next week. 😉🎉
I ave had several operations. They used to tell you to stop it before your op but over the last few years they have changed the advice. It can cause a flare afterwards. I am on 25mgs weekly and continued taking it before last four ops.