Feeling upset and angry : Three weeks ago I was given... - NRAS


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Feeling upset and angry

jackiestu profile image
115 Replies

Three weeks ago I was given the Pfizer vaccine and felt very happy to receive it. I was advised to delay my methotrexate for a couple of weeks to better my chances of protection. I did this but have since been flaring and in some considerable pain but I kept on telling myself that it would be worth it in the long run.

Today I have read on Sky news that the scientist behind Pfizer - BionTech Vaccine said vaccine doses shouldn't be more that six weeks apart.

Apparently there is no data to substantiate the governments theory that the vaccine will still give protection up to twelve weeks as in the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

I now feel it wasn't worth going through all the pain I have endured and feel very let down by this government.

What makes this government think they know better that the scientist who have developed this vaccine.


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jackiestu profile image
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115 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

You could let your Rheumy know you are flaring and ask them to contact your GP to try to get you your second jab quickly. We have been told we are at greater risk if our RA is not properly controlled so it’s worth a try! 🤞🏻

joanne2 profile image
joanne2 in reply toLolabridge

We are extremely lucky in UK to have Boris Johnson and his team at the helm, taking advice from top doctors and scientists. The vaccine roll-out is amazing with millions of people already vaccinated with their second dose. Let us be grateful and not criticize people doing a job that we wouldn't have the first idea how to do.

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply tojoanne2


Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply tojoanne2

I wasn’t being critical Joanne. I’m sure we all feel most fortunate that the vaccine rollout in the U.K. is going so well.

in reply tojoanne2

Ignoring Pfizer who make the vaccine and WHO is not a good call..

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply tojoanne2

I’m so impressed with the UK. Well done!!! At this point i don’t have a clue when any of is will get one in Canada. Sigh

Neonkittie17 profile image

I’ve been reading this too and have to say that I was very concerned when I originally saw the news that second vaccines were to be delayed to 12 weeks. It made my heart sink thinking the government were changing things. Also I’ve had to cancel my Rituximab infusion which was March to allow the 12 week vaccine delay and I won’t have my Rtx now till mid June. Can’t do anything much about that and not really re the delay for the second vaccine. Understand the government wanted to get more of the first vaccines done but if it means they don’t work as well and especially for immune compromised people then it’s worrying. However, we can do very little to change what is happening at the moment. I have my second appointment for 12 weeks’ time. I had the Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday. I’m sorry you are flaring and hope you’re back on track soon.

jackiestu profile image
jackiestu in reply toNeonkittie17

Thank you, sorry to hear you have to delay your Rituximab I just wish I had known this before hand as I would have held out for the Oxford vaccine I had a call from the Pharmacist at my GP’s the other day she was also given the Pfizer jab she also said she would have refused it had she known they were going to delay the second dose says the BMA have asked that the second dose should be brought forward to six weeks at the latest but looks like they will ignore them too.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tojackiestu

Thank you. ❤️ I’m hoping I don’t flare. Ah we didn’t have a choice in which vaccine so it’s out of our hands. I hope you can soon get back on track. It is frustrating and upsetting though I agree. I don’t think the government will amend their second vaccine schedule due to the BMA advice as they haven’t taken notice of WHO. x

helixhelix profile image

I actually think there’s probably not enough data to know for sure one way or another. All the trials were done with 21 and 28 day gaps, so the scientist can’t know for sure that a longer gap won’t work too. As far as I know the AZ vaccine doesn’t have masses of data to show 12 weeks is ok either.

But what people do know is that a single dose reduces your risk of death to around 0. And isn’t that the important thing?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tohelixhelix

Yes it is, and we don’t know for sure as you say as there isn’t enough data re second vaccines and we are getting some protection as opposed to none and not a thing we can do about it at the mo. I had fully expected Pfizer (and any pharma organisation) to cover themselves saying they hadn’t trailed their second vaccine beyond 12 weeks if it was being extended such as we are doing.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tohelixhelix

The AZ vaccine doesn’t have any data re Covid19, but it is made in a way very similar to the Influenza vaccine ...using Covid antigens....so there is some data available....but the way mutations are appearing it seems it will be a long time before the most reliable vaccine can be identified....if it ever is.

in reply tohelixhelix

33% according to studies in Israel..

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

33% what?

in reply tohelixhelix

Efficacy from one Pfizer jab

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

That has been disputed, and more recent analysis also suggests otherwise.

“A recent paper based on Israel’s experience of vaccination suggested that a single dose may not provide adequate protection. Here we extract the primary data from the Israeli paper and then estimate the incidence per day for each day after the first injection and also estimate vaccine effectiveness for each day from day 13 to day 24. We used a pooled estimate of the daily incidence rate during days 1 to 12 as the counterfactual estimate of incidence without disease and estimated confidence intervals using Monte Carlo modelling. After initial injection case numbers increased to day 8 before declining to low levels by day 21. Estimated vaccine effectiveness was pretty much 0 at day 14 but then rose to about 90% at day 21 before levelling off. The cause of the initial surge in infection risk is unknown but may be related to people being less cautious about maintaining protective behaviours as soon as they have the injection. What our analysis shows is that a single dose of vaccine is highly protective, although it can take up to 21 days to achieve this.”


in reply tohelixhelix

Pfizer are opposed that’s all I need to know :-)

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

$$$$$$$$ are no doubt why Pfizer are opposed...they see their much looked forward to ongoing cash cow not bringing them in the loot.

Basically who is going to buy a vaccine that needs to be stored at -70°C costing a fortune when they can buy one that can be stored in a domestic refrigerator for roughly 1/10 of the cost.

When countries are deciding where their foreign aid budget will be spent when donating vaccine money to third world countries......guess which vaccination they will want to buy?

Not the one that will cost more to store it then it will to vaccinate people.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tohelixhelix

Another thing that has to be taken into account is that living in the UK is very different from living in the Middle East. And living in London is very different from living in the depths of the UK countryside

Look at the number of diseases western people pick up east of Rome....think back how Covid spread around Milan in early 2020.

As the Indian scientists say the.... the different hygiene conditions existing in India would probably kill off half of us ....but because the Indian population are used to living in those conditions their immune systems manage to fight off more diseases .....probably including Covid.......than us hygiene mad Westerners do.

I haven’t actually looked up the figures but I wouldalso imagine the huge number of Covid cases in New York is very different from downtown Mississippi....where the population per sq mile is (?) much lower?

I don't understand why you were told to delay your Methotrexate?. I had my vaccine a week ago and I wasn't advised to delay my Methotrexate by anyone.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toJosephine13halffull

The jury is out on this as research is based on flu vaccine. This has shown that some people can develop a better immune response to the vaccine if they pause their MTX for one or two weeks.

So some rheumatologists are recommending this with covid vaccine and others aren’t. Mind did, but first checking that I felt completely stable (I am in remission) and that I didn’t think it would cause me to flare (it didn’t).

So it is a very individual thing. And whichever way you go the vaccine will provide protection.

Cien profile image
Cien in reply tohelixhelix

I had mine done and didn’t get any advice beforehand to pause the MTX for the jab. I didn’t have much post jab symptoms so I raise my queries about the immune response to the Rheumatologist in my recent telephone consultation about this. Since I was talking 12.5 mg MTX and in remission, she doesn’t think it will have much effect on the immunity. The good news is she has reduced my MTX to 10mg. I am very pleased about it.

I did asked about the prospect of further reduction on the MTX. She replied that as I am seropositive the chance of flare up is much higher so we have to do it slowly. Glad to know that.

RA2002 profile image
RA2002 in reply toJosephine13halffull

Same here, I continued with my Methotrexate and Etanercept - I am sure I had been advised or read somewhere that it was safe to do so and the GP surgery where I received the jab holds my medical records. I had the Oxford vaccine about three weeks ago. No problems initially but over the weekend I developed a slightly sore arm, constant headache and fatigue. This passed after a few days. For the benefits the vaccine will hopefully bring,, I am happy to put up with those (possible) side effects and await my second dose in around 12 weeks. Where I live they seem to be rolling out the jabs pretty quickly and I am impressed with the service so far.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toRA2002

All the authorities say it is completely safe to continue with your drugs. And for many people this will be the best thing to do.

Egpa profile image
Egpa in reply toJosephine13halffull

I had mine yesterday, I checked with the nurse she told me not to stop my jab, when I had my zolendronic infusion the other week they said the same.

Liz018 profile image
Liz018 in reply toJosephine13halffull

Had my vaccine last week not asked to delay methotrexate by anyone either !

junik53 profile image
junik53 in reply toJosephine13halffull

I agree Josephine,I thought all the vaccines were okay with MTX and it wasn't necessary to stop the MTX

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply toJosephine13halffull

My rheumi said stop methotrexate for two weeks but stay on the biologic so the vaccine has a better chance of working

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Equally you could say there’s no evidence to prove it doesn’t. No one really knows. Obviously I’d much prefer to get my second vaccine sooner rather than later but I can’t see that’s going to happen. My neighbour is a consultant anaesthetist working with covid patients. We were talking about vaccines, she said she’d had hers and I asked if she had both, she hadn’t and didn’t seem at all bothered by that saying that the first one will give good protection so I’ve decided to adopt her philosophy.

At least our government invested heavily in vaccine research and development and then in buying vaccine - we could be living in the EU or Canada or some of the other countries who dragged their heels in ordering it.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toFruitandnutcase

Very true. I’ve a French friend living in Paris and she says they have been slow and remiss. I don’t see the second ones coming earlier than 12 weeks even to the higher priority groups. x

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply toNeonkittie17

Spain is the same. It’s a mess there too

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toHappykindaGal

I know it is 😑 Very much so. My ex tutor lives in Majorca so I hear from her. x

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toNeonkittie17

The French messed up on ordering vaccine, so have little to put in people’s arms. Once supplies start flowing again I’m sure it will be fine.

But having said that I had my first dose in January here...so not so shabby for me.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tohelixhelix

Yes I’m glad you had yours.❤️ My friend keeps me updated (weekly!) Her in-laws 80+ have had theirs two weeks ago - one has Alzheimer’s and diabetes, but the younger end will have a wait. My friend and her husband are early 50s. One daughter aged 24 is a physio in a large hospital but hasn’t had it yet, but hopefully they will catch up.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toFruitandnutcase

After taking medical advice on the after effects I had from the first vaccination I am not going to have the second vaccination. None of the doctors I have seen think this will be detrimental.As you say we are very fortunate to have access to any vaccine so soon at no cost to us.

But we will still need to continue with all precautions for a long time, so the sooner we stop hankering after “Life Pre Covid” the more relaxed we will be.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toAgedCrone

Although there are many people hankering after life pre pandemic, there are many who have accepted things will be very different and don’t actually want to return to how it was anytime soon. Caution is in the minds of the sensible and I hope it continues. People have made a lot of sacrifices so don’t want to rush back. Slowly is the way. I don’t hanker after anything as such. I miss some things but that’s the way it is for now and for some time.

Understand absolutely though those are really wanting to return to their businesses and work though. 😢❤️Kids and students wanting to return to the way their education too.

Mmrr profile image

It was not discussed with me regarding stopping taking my meds....leflunomide and toficinitib, so I didn't. No one mentioned it to me before I asked the rheumatologist the day before receiving the vaccine at a routine appointment, when he said no need. I was aware of the information coming through that the jury is out on this matter and as I'm not particularly well controlled (improved recently) I decided just to carry on with the meds. There is talk now of a booster being required in the Autumn too.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toMmrr

I agree.I think if you’re not completely stable, and preferably in remission, then it isn’t necessarily a wise thing to do. Risking a flare you would probably undo any potential good! So for each of us to discuss with our own teams...

allanah profile image

Seriously 🤭😂😂 sky tv at it's best.

I believe the scientific advice from SAGE and the JCov all agreed that 12 weeks after Pfizer was actually from further trials even better efficacy x that's why the government did it, it wasnt plucked from the trees x

Also even more....primarily the pfizer vaccine gives most of its body of protection on the first dose ...98% wow!!! and the second dose is mainly for long term immunity ( look at the Johnson and Johnson vaccine which is on similar trials ). Wish the media would stop twisting and scaremongering.

Also isnt 98% fantastic if you even lose some of that due to immunosuppression!! Lots of Real data around media is often very biased and scaremongering just now I feel x ok nighty night 😂😍

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toallanah

I love Allanah! ❤️😄 He he I really do! Love you all too as well. 😄 Thank you for your post. I shall sleep better tonight. xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toallanah

Oh and I don’t look at Sky as it’s a bit .. pie in the sky sometimes! x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toNeonkittie17

Well , good night , I hope all continues to improve .. south African variant just found 10 miles from us yikes , well it's no more severe but if they dont lock our area down maybe more transmissable. Yikes

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toallanah

You are right that SAGE have now agreed the strategy....

“Independent SAGE recognises that the first four points are valid concerns and, in normal circumstances, we would argue for continuation of the earlier plans to administer two doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine 21 days apart. However, these are not normal circumstances and there are other important public health considerations.

It is now clear that the new variant of the virus, which seems to have emerged in the South East of England, is substantially more transmissible than earlier variants, by 40-80%. This increases the R number by between 0.4 and 0.8. It is also clear that the current Tier 4 restrictions are unable to contain its spread, even with closure of schools and universities. The pandemic is now out of control, and the NHS is struggling, with some hospitals having to stop non-COVID activities.”


Neonkittie17 profile image

Oh no, Allanah. Hope they lock your area down strict for testing where it is. xx

HappykindaGal profile image

There was a lot more to that article than Sky reported. He said it was a risk VS benefit decision that governments had to make.

Love how any news outlet prints a headline and one always has to dig around for the full context. Drives me mental.

Fra22-57 profile image

I feel blessed to have received the vaccine.My husband in the under 70 group had his the other day too. Roll on the second doses which we have appointments for.Some areas haven’t even had the critically vulnerable done. yes I agree the press do give all sorts of scary stories.You can never believe all that papers write.I know the government hasn’t always got things right but they are doing super job with the rollout of this

runningbracken profile image

To many mixed messages. I heard on the news some RA drugs give protection against Covid some early data was showing. Am only just getting a hold of my RA with MTX injections. I've felt really good for the last 5 weeks, pain free and back running. I didn't know you have to stop taking MTX to receive the vaccine. I want the vaccine but to stop my meds to receive it am not sure.

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply torunningbracken

You don't need to stop your Methotrexate so just have the vaccine 😉It's great that it's working for you - my triple therapy is working well too 👌

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply torunningbracken

You do not need to stop your RD meds, unless your rheumatologist specifically advises you to do so, for a reason specific to you as an individual. The advice is to keep taking your meds, if you are concerned you should contact your rheumatologist.

I had a wee issue a few days ago, where my rheumatologist said it was fine to have my vaccination even though I had sinusitis, my GP said no. I phoned my GP and explained what the rheumatologist had said, to be told my name was still on the vaccination programme list, but the GP would not recommend it. I turned up and was vaccinated, I've had no issues.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply torunningbracken

Agree with boxer lady x

AgedCrone profile image

What is done is done....there's so much written about changing the time gap between injections, but if you listen carefully to all the different scientific opinions ...nobody can 100% come down on one side or the other...because no research has been done......nobody truly knows......even Pfizer.....they did no research on a longer gap....so although they may believe X weeks is the most suitable time gap.....the can’t say for sure.They could lose a lot of money over the decision .....if other cheaper vaccines prove successful.......their vaccine will probably not be a contender in the long run......so of course they are going to push for a shorter gap.

Those of us who have had any of the makes of vaccine have all had our own experiences....good or bad......and getting upset at the decisions made by the Government will only cause upset to the people stressing about something they have no control over.

Refusing to be vaccinated because of time gaps will only expose people to contracting the virus.....& possibly infecting others.

It is a stressful time for everybody & continuing to take all precautions is surely preferable to getting angry....let’s face it....having any protection. against this terrible virus given free to everybody with any length of time gap ......is surely preferable to having no access to any vaccination.....like so many unfortunate people around the world?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toAgedCrone

Well said AC

Evaibrahim60 profile image

Sorry to learn about your pain, but just as you said it how come that they believe they know better than the scientists who developed it? How can we as people came to believe our politicians! We are here in Melbourne Australia having our third lockdown since the start of this fiasco.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toEvaibrahim60

Presumably the Government listened to all the arguments put forward by the various drug companies, considered the options, listened to their scientific advisors & made their choice.Most people would not want that responsibility...& I venture some who had to make the choice do not sleep lightly.

But it’s done...so let’s not make too much of it......we can just hope it was the right decision.

in reply toEvaibrahim60

It may be that in ideal circumstances the second dose would be given three weeks after the first. Ideal circumstances would include having enough vaccine and vaccinators available immediately to vaccinate the whole population extremely rapidly. The real-world situation is that it is taking time to acquire enough doses (as opposed to just placing orders for them), to train enough vaccinators and open enough premises, let alone notify millions of people about appointments. Meanwhile, the virus infects, disables and kills more and more people. Therefore governments have to juggle conflicting aims: should they stick strictly to the researchers' advice about the interval between doses or should they give some protection to as many people as possible as quickly as possible via a single dose and delay the second doses? The scientists agree that there is a high degree of protection from a single dose, but which route to go down is a question for politicians and I for one am very glad not to have to shoulder that responsibility.

Angels54 profile image

I am on biological drug and took it four hours after Pfizer .

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toAngels54

I'm on leflunomide, toficinitib and prednisilone, I've taken all meds as usual.Gaining some protection, now for me is the important thing.

Flaring due to stopping meds, increases the risks with coronavirus, the medics all do seem to agree on this issue.

Everything is a trade off.

Angjoplin profile image

I think the goverment want to be able to say they have vaccinated 12 million people. It sounds better than 6 million people if they'd have done it following the manufacturers advice.I feel like I'm being used as an experiment all for optics.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toAngjoplin

From whatI read here...everyone was still very keen to have a vaccination.......no matter how long the gap was? Having a pop at politicians isn’t going to help....especially as the majority of them have no more knowledge of Covid gap vaccines than we have.

in reply toAngjoplin

If they had given 6 million people both their doses, everyone else would be waiting longer to get vaccinated. Would people have been happier with that, I wonder? You can't please all of the people all of the time!

oldtimer profile image

1. Having one injection of vaccine gives good protection after about 14 days2. Having a second injection boosts your immune system and gives longer lasting protection

3. The more people even partially protected, the fewer the people will be infected

So, yes, I would like to have my second vaccination, but I would rather lots of people who might give me Covid 19 won't have it and won't infect me or others.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tooldtimer

Don’t you mean you’d rather “lots of people who might give me Covid19WILL have it” ?

Or am I misunderstanding?

in reply toAgedCrone

I think oldtimer meant lots of people might give her the virus if they had to wait to be vaccinated, but once vaccinated won't catch it and therefore won't infect her. I think!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

You sound as discombobulated as I am!My excuse is I still have a headache from my vaccination....what’s yours?😅

in reply toAgedCrone

Almost year of there being no life, just existence.

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to

I work on the basis of, if we all lived to 85 which is 31025 days the past 365days is nothing but a moment vs all those others days!🥰

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to


Skezza profile image

I have been on methotrexate for years and isolated when all this started last year. I recently had the Pfizer vaccine and heard nothing about continuing to take my medication. As it suppresses the immune system I did try to stop at the end of last year but within a couple of weeks I was in pain and so decided to restart. Nobody advised me to stop taking my medication, and I’d had a telephone consultation with my rheumatologist only weeks before my jab so assumed there wasn’t an issue. Now the manufacturer has said that the vaccine second dose should be given within 6 weeks I really despair of our leaders and health professionals. Watching the cricket from India at the present. Big crowd, no distancing and very few masks being worn. Next thing will be the “Indian” variant, with flights coming into this country every day. What on earth is going on.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toSkezza

Numbers of cases are vey low in India, the ground is only half full and people are wearing masks until they get to their seat. Fingers crossed!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tohelixhelix

Indian scientists have suggested low hygiene, lack of clean water & unsanitary conditions may have saved lives in India.

They reckon people living in low income countries may have been able to stave off severe CV 19 because of exposure to various pathogens from childhood ....which has given them sturdier immunity to CV19!

In the west...our immune systems have not been exposed to such conditions hence we react badly.

However...lovely as India is...I think I would rather take my chances in i U.K. than Mumbai!

lynndemedicis profile image
lynndemedicis in reply toAgedCrone

Very interesting. I've received first injection of Moderna vaccine last week, here in the U.S. Doesn't appear anybody is taking this type in the U.K. Am scheduled to take second vaccine in four weeks. My rheumatologist advised me to wait on Methotrexate for two weeks after injection, if I didn't have a flare. Less time, if I did. He advised there was no real research on the use of DMARDS for this vaccine. I do know I caught the flu last year after being vaccinated for flu while taking methotrexate; so I stopped this drug after Covid19 vaccine. Love to read your posts.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply tolynndemedicis

Moderna is passed here, we should get supplies apparently April time

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tolynndemedicis

Currently 17 million doses of the Moderns have actually been ordered in the United Kingdom.... but as we’ve got such a good start with the Pfizer & the AZ those two are further on being distributed...but the Moderna will apparently come online in the spring.I’m on Rituximab infusion so I haven’t really had to investigate whether to stop or start .....just decide when!

Cheylann profile image

I reckon you should just be grateful you've had the phizer. Gives you 90% protection after 3 weeks and 2nd one is just a booster to take it to 97%.Dont be angry as its wasted energy.

Do something about your flare with your rheumatology department.

Need to understand the situation fro. Governments perspective. They are doing their best so haven't let us down.

Lolabridge profile image

Take a look at the advice to our clinicians on the ARMA website.


It’s very clear about the recommended intervals between doses, with extra information for those of us who have Rituximab infusions.

When I have my biologic rescore appointment this Thursday I shall ask the rheumy nurse if this is being followed at my hospital and will report back to you.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toLolabridge

Good link. Particularly like sentence about “being important that the message is the same”. - hopefully they’ll get there eventually.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toLolabridge

Good site x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toLolabridge

Yes it’s a good site I look on too. ❤️

essexgirl profile image

People tend to forget that the flu jab every year has only about 68% protection and lasts for about 4 months ... Covid vaccine is higher % and they are probably going by the length of the flu jab lasts so when you think about it they are ok in leaving second dose longer

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toessexgirl

Yes , and the more of us with some immunity the better for us all at a population level, which is what it is all about ? Giving a higher level of protection to some, and none to others will not control the spread of the virus.

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply toMmrr


Lurpack-2016 profile image

Hi ! I feel exactly the same as you. It seems to have been a waste of time. We are just a number to promote the government figures.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toLurpack-2016

Why would the government vaccinate for " figures" they would do what other countries have done and not vaccinate. Think it's so a larger number have some immunity to a virus there is no treatment for , well certainly initially. It keeps the people who would end up in hospitals, or die of covid to getting sick possibly but not severe disease.I'm not really sure what your main point is Lurpack thoigh?

lynndemedicis profile image
lynndemedicis in reply toallanah

If there is a good percentage of protection with first vaccine; then waiting on second one may be alright. There is also the problem of having enough healthcare workers available to give the injections as well, even though here in the U.S., the National Guard (military), has been utilized to give injections. Assume there is a rush to get people vaccinated before all the various strains develop.

Evaibrahim60 profile image

But my point is it’s pointless to have one dose because the affect of it would not last till the availability of the second dose!

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply toEvaibrahim60

See my comment below

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toEvaibrahim60

The data shows it does , well all the stuff I've read,and maybe even accidentally shows that you get higher immunity on some vaccines. Why would the government want to do something detrimental around vaccines, it's the scientists I think who would very strongly advise ? However if more data comes to light then maybe they will rejab Pfizer folks quicker ? I'll go with what they say 😀

bpeal1 profile image

I was really lucky to be able to attend a webinar with the professor from the Jenner Institute which developed the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. He was asked his view on delaying the second doses for both vaccines. He said they were lucky to have the data for different dosing intervals which clearly showed the bigger gap gave better immunity, this was by accident rather than design. They had originally set out to make a single dose vaccine but quickly established that two doses were better, and therefore they went back and asked existing participants to consent to a second dose which resulted in the different gaps. Phizer biontec only tested one dose interval, and therefore can’t recommend anything else because they don’t have the data to back it up. However, he said that immunity from the first dose would certainly last more than 21 days, it might to start to drop slightly after that but would still offer good protection. He also said from his experience of working with lots of other virus vaccines longer gaps between vaccines usually gives better protection so he would be surprised if that wasn’t the case for the phizer one (he gave example of the HPV vaccine where the recommended dosing gap is 12 months). He said he hoped the lesson learnt by all the vaccine developers would be that even in a pandemic (and maybe more importantly in a pandemic) it is vital to test different dosing intervals.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply tobpeal1

Interesting stuff x

Durrell profile image

I’m totally confused by this, I was told to continue with MTX when I had my vaccine, (I have the Oxford due to allergies!) but what I’ve always been lead to believe is MTX takes time to work, it’s not instant & you build your treatment as you take it, so missing a week or 2, I wouldn’t of thought you would feel quite so quickly, however I do wonder if the vaccine has caused your flare up, I have spoken with several people having had either one & the ones who had the Pfizer seemed to feel less well than the Oxford. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon but put in a call & see if they can throw any light on this for you, maybe to bring your 2nd jab forward..

Tourk profile image

Best not to trust anything this government says. Far too many of the medical experts they use to give advice on covid say what they are paid to say.

Covid has been made far worse due to so much misinformation u-turns and outright lies from our government.

As for you needing a second vaccination within a limited time, I wouldn't worry too much about it. From what I've seen it does make it more effective but just having one dose should reduce the symptoms enough so you aren't seriously ill.

Just make sure you are taking vitamin D it has been medical proven to help fight covid.

Ref Dr. John Campbell if you need any more informaion on this.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toTourk

I agree John Campbell is excellent and I like to watch his You Tubes and also that vitamin D is said to help greatly with covid recovery and be beneficial in prevention. (I did think he was in favour of vaccines though and I just read this week re him enthusing about one of the upcoming ones here in the U.K.?) Another post here references proof of the vitamin D and Covid recovery stats. Very good news indeed. I have taken it for approx 12 years and continue to do so. However, I don’t think any of us know enough here to say don’t have the vaccine as vitamin D alone will protect you enough, or to say you don’t really need to have a second vaccine. In time who knows what the data will show re second vaccines. For now we don’t have that data. Maybe you have some specialist knowledge re the vaccines due to career/experience if you’ve some scientific/medical expertise. Which are you saying though .. put off having the vaccine altogether if you’re on vitamin D or just have the first vaccine?

I won’t be taking your recommendations re both the above as I don’t feel they are appropriate for myself. I’ve already had vaccine number one as lots of us have on here. There are many medics and scientists who have given their independent opinions on the vaccines .. Professors, professionals and doctors from respected organisations and universities all over the U.K. They haven’t been influenced or paid by the government.

When you’ve a lowered immune you want to try do all you can to protect yourself and have the vaccine. That’s my thinking. Maybe not everyone’s. I hope people take Vitamin D but don’t rely totally on it and go for the vaccine as well. It’s up to you what you do and up to me what I do but I’d not want to say to anyone to not bother to go for it. If you are someone with strong political feelings in respect of this government that the vaccines are primarily a way of governmental control or of promoting themselves then you won’t change your mind. I won’t change mine either. I wish you well for your own decisions.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply toNeonkittie17

I've removed some of my comment as I feel it miss lead my intent. I can see how it was miss understood.

I've had covid, thankfully like most a very mild form of it, so don't need the vaccine but I would not incurrage anyone not to have it.

Intimation on all aspects on health and welfare are avilble from many different sources. I would always advice people to seek advice from there doctor before making their mind up about treatment.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toTourk

Is there a medical reason for you not to have the vaccine? As far as I’m aware they don't know how long you're protected but they do know reinfection is possible so anyone who's already had COVID should be vaccinated regardless, especially anyone here with RD or associated diseases. So please ask your GP or whichever Consultant you're under about your specific needs, sorry I don't know which condition/disease you have.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toTourk

Hope you are feeling recovered after having had the virus. Sorry to hear that. I do think Vitamin D is really good to take though (but also have the vaccine. ) The docs say have the vaccine even after you’ve had the virus but of course it’s your choice.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply toNeonkittie17

I've taken vitamin d for several years so it was a very mild covid. my stepchildren brought it home from school.I've rechecked medical sights again and there is still no evidence to back up the claim that getting covid twice possess any risk. or that not having the vaccine puts others at risk. it makes for interesting reading.

we live in troubled times that affect those with health and mobilty problems even more.

a little hope is a good thing.

wishing you the very best neonkittie

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toTourk

I’m very glad it was mild and wishing you the very best too. ❤️

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toTourk

Tourk , you should not be advising people to put off their vaccine. Vitamin D does not stop you getting covid. Also advising people from listening to government advise us wrong.

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply toallanah


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toessexgirl

Agree x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toallanah

Agree totally as have said too. We don’t want to influence people not to go for their vaccines or to be confused re vitamin D. x

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply toallanah

Advising people not to listen to the government in this case is appropriate. I am referring to a goverment that has terrified people and given contradictory and misleading advice. This does not mean that you should ignore safety measures to protect yourself and others from covid. I should of made it clear that I was not telling anyone not to have the vaccine.

My comment was in response to some one needs treatment that interferes with the need for a vaccine. Also someone who is worried by conflicting information.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toTourk

Follow government advice in my opinion

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toallanah

Agree absolutely as we know it’s advice from the medics and independent SAGE and university professors etc and non governmental experts and not something Boris &. Matt have made up. xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toTourk

Nonsense .

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toTourk

Hiya Chris. Apologies as I don't know which condition/disease you have or if you take immunosuppressive meds but whilst I agree keeping our Vitamin D to an acceptable level, supplementing if necessary especially in winter & in the current situation, I don't think it's helpful to make any suggestion about putting off having the vaccine. Simply taking Vitamin D won't stop you catching COVID, it does seem that it helps with reducing severity though, but the vaccine is still necessary. The order in which we are being vaccinated proves that.

Neither do I think that the Government is under pressure to be seen to be doing something. We've led the world in figures re immunising against COVID, we were the first to initiate vaccinating, why it would need to be seen to be doing something I don't understand. Either way personal political views are best left out of our forum.

The reason I questioned your situation re meds & condition is because I'm astounded someone with a reduced immune system would be so relaxed about not doing all they can, all the medical profession can, to protect ourselves against the potentially devastating effects of COVID on those of us with autoimmune diseases. I can only presume you are in a different position to us here. Can I ask if you've had the pneumonia vaccine, or the flu vaccine?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

I agree and was also concerned as you’ll have seen. x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toNeonkittie17

I did. I'm in full support of your response. x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

As I am of yours and the others here. ❤️ x

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply tonomoreheels

It wasn't my intention to put people off haveing the vaccine, I do appreciate how desperate people feel. As for my comments about the goverment advice this came from them starting of the pandemic with herd immunity... advice that went against the WHO at the time.

My comment was meant as reassurance, not to worry do what's needed to get you though these hard times.

Worrying about conflicting advice from goverment and experts behind the covid vaccine doesn't help people who are already suffering .

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my comment to get this across.

I also forgot to mention in my original post that if you are concerned about the discrepancies over the timing of your vaccine and how it effects your other treatment., talk to your doctor.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toTourk

You obviously realised that's how it came across so I’m pleased you've amended your comments. As for asking your doctor, that is sound advice, better still ask your Consultant/Specialist. Past advice from Government is just that, in the past. We do need to heed current advice rather than the say so of someone on a forum. Anyway, thank you for your apology. Maybe do as I & many others do & read through what you've written again before posting. Meant as a helpful reminder as I’ve done similar myself & been misunderstood.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toTourk

Political ideas are not helpful on this site and you've repeated it quite a few times now . Apologising but adding "but " doesnt count x

Following government advice and getting your first vaccine as soon as offered is essential and indeed follow up as determined by the government scientists and nhs.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply toallanah

As much as possible I try to avoid politics on thus site. In this case how ever jacksu talked about the conflict she is feeling due to contradictions from the goverment v Pfizer. my reponce reflects that in my comment.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toTourk


essexgirl profile image

Thing is we are not doctors or rhuemy’s so we will just leave it to them , because hopefully no one has decided not to have jab through this post

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