Shielding : At long last the shielding letter has... - NRAS


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At long last the shielding letter has arrived. It took its time again.

Just had my appointment with my nurse ( rang a day early) to update on how things are going with Baricitinib. Told her brilliant apart from my right ankle. Today the swelling has started along side the heavy tight painful feeling. I need a f2f with my consultant hoping to be next week as so many are cancelling appointments. She said I will need a scan . Hope they can do something. Can’t wear shoes today 🥺she doesn’t think it’s a flare more likely joint damage... bummer .

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18 Replies
Pippy25 profile image

Good news about getting your letter and fingers crossed you can get a scan on your ankle as soon as possible. Take care xx

Oshgosh profile image

I had a text about shielding,whilst Boris was still broadcasting about the lock down.I’ve since had a letter

Niao profile image

Glad you got your letter eventually. Really hope you're not waiting too long for the scan. It sounds nasty and I hope they can do something to provide some relief soon. Xxx

Lolabridge profile image

Not received the latest letter yet but got an email from Matt. Good news the Baricitinib is working for you.As for the ankle, have you thought about asking for a referral to a podiatrist? As my right ankle often swells I had asked for that and got a call offering me an appointment today. I'm not sure how a telephone appointment will work with a podiatrist though, but it's a start.

in reply to Lolabridge

Hi L . I have been to the podiatrist and have insoles also physio. I think they were banking on the baricitnib and getting them to work collectively.. hey ho.,

Not sure how telephone podiatry works... mind boggles. .. I had telephone physio. He was lovely but it was a waste of time. I insisted on a f2f and even he said he couldn’t real tell what the problem was over the phone..

good luck keep us posted. X

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

Yes will do! I have custom made insoles too and could not manage without them. The first pair from about 25 years ago (to slow big toes tracking across and creating bunions) and I'm on my third pair now. So far I've always had to pay for them and the appointments with a private bio mechanics podiatrist. I'm hoping any new ones could be provided on the NHS.

in reply to Lolabridge

I don’t see why but mine are so thick I struggle to buy shoes that can fit them . I’m thinking about going private but the ones near me are not taking on new patients while this malarkey is going on x

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

Do you buy shoes from which the supplied insoles can be removed and replaced with thinner ones? That's what I do.

in reply to Lolabridge

Yes I’ve tried a few. I have very high arches and with the insoles there’s just not enough depth have tried wider fitting but they are too wide around my toes and heels.. gonna win the lottery and get them hand made .. I can dream 💭 x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Lolabridge

Me too .. I’ve a bag of various inner soles and orthotics for different shoes and trainers. x

Finally got your letter for work too!

in reply to

Yep. Won’t be returning any time soon . According to the letter even if I have the vaccine not to return before 21st feb . A letter will be sent nearer the time .... doesn’t bode well..

my friend whose a nurse had covid in October was one of the first to have vaccine has just tested positive again..

Boo1111 profile image
Boo1111 in reply to

So sorry to hear your friend has been tested again positive hope she’s is going to be ok? If you don’t mind me enquiring which vaccine did she have prior as I work in the health care field and I had my vaccine last week I’m hoping theses vaccines they are giving to people will fight off this awful virus... and variant sadly too too many life’s lost and my heart and condolences goes out to everyone stay safe xx

in reply to Boo1111

She had the Pfizer.. she’s ok but as you know what with the trauma of looking after people on top of covid twice she’s exhausted. In the shielding letter it tells us not to return to work even after the vaccine. Gotta ask yourself why?

Very much admire all those working in the nhs no matter what capacity you are all working above and beyond .

Stay safe xx

bubblyalex profile image

Oh good that you had the follow up. I sure hope it isn’t joint damage 🤞🏻🍀

Summerrain14 profile image

Glad you have your letter for work. Hoping you can get a scan soon too. I got my shielding letter via email last week and since had calls from my local council offering support and Asda offering a recurring shopping slot with them. All very appreciated and hope everyone who needs this has the same. x

cropredy profile image

Hi J1707 hope you get your ankle sorted soon. Take care.xx

Monkeysmum profile image

That would be great if you can get seen and your ankle scanned so quickly. I think I’m in a similar boat with my left foot unfortunately. Even when my other symptoms are all in check the amount of walking I can do is still limited by pain in my left foot which seems to be permanent damage. Hopefully this won’t be the case for your ankle, but at least if this is identified as such on the scan, it might then be possible to look at whether there are any surgical options? Last appointment I had with a foot and ankle surgeon (pre COVID obviously!) he said that if I got to a stage with medication where my RD was no longer active so he could be sure it wasn’t inflammation from the RD, then it would be possible to look at options. Fingers crossed for you.

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