hi i have been on methotrexate for 3 weeks with no side effects luckily, the nurse phoned me on fri to say that my inflamation markers are rising and are at 60 so that could indicate its not working, has anyone else had this problem.
crp level rising: hi i have been on methotrexate for... - NRAS
crp level rising

Hi snoopy I had to come off methotrexate after 4 years as it was affecting my liver as my alt readings were high,so I’m just on Toxilimunumb now and their going down which is good but sadly been left with a fatty liver ,hope yours improve xxx
Hi Snoopy, i too have been taking methotrexate for 4 weeks now and with no side effects....I am no doctor but they day it can be some 3 months before any positive effects to show...so maybe it is still early days...I hope it works for you...and for me too..lol.
I suppose its one of these medications that is okay for some not for others, it dampens the immune system which can cause problems personally it made me very breathless and so I stopped it
Depends on the level of Methotrexate you're currently on Snoopy, it may need adjusting. In conjunction with the metho, I also take Salazoprin, has this been mentioned as well as a steroid.
Hi Snoopy It took me 5 months before my markers started to reduce and my methotrexate dose was increased after 4 months.
It's early days I was told it can be 3 months for methotrexate to fully work.
Good luck
As others have said, unforunately it can take 8 - 12 weeks to really start getting the benefit of mtx, and especially if you're in the early stages of the disease, it can seem as if things are getting worse before they get better...
That was certainly the case for me, and my markers (and pain) kept rising for quite a while after starting the mtx, but by about 8 or 9 weeks, I was definitely starting to feel a difference and thankfully that has continued so far.
Personally I would suspect 3 weeks is really too soon to make any decision as to whether the mtx is working or not, although I guess if you're on a very low starting dose (and aren't experiencing too many side effects so far), your rheumy just might want to consider increasing the dose...
I really hope you start getting some relief soon... x
I guess it depends what the inflammation is. Is it the auto immunity still? Have you had a cold etc?
I’m on 7 x 2.5 methotrexate a week but I think I started on 4 or 5 back in 2011.
I went up to 8 once but started feeling nauseous so went back to 7 again.
Good luck 😉
Hi Snoopy29, are you taking pills or injections.They say it sometimes takes 6 -8 weeks for it to work . Is that all you are taking. Hope this helps you.
Hi Snoopy, I was on methotrexate for 9 years and it’s the best medication I have taken but it took a while to settle down and become effective. I started on 20 mill a week but got some poor liver results so came off for a month then went back on at 15 mill once my liver had settled down. It does take about 3 months to become effective but it worked really well for me. My rheumatologist then recommended combining it with hydroxychloroquine which improved things a bit more but I would say don’t do it if you don’t need it.
I think the nurse is perhaps a bit premature in saying the MTX is not working. It kicks in slowly. It can take 2 or 3 months for it to get going. In the meantime, a lot of people are put on a short course of steroids (which works wonders). I was given a steroid injection right at the start, but did not notice any improvement with that. However, the tablets worked very well.
Your consultant should be aware of the rising inflammation markers and will decide what to do. Do you have an appointment fairly soon?

Hi dont see the rhumatologist for another 5 months but getting my bloods done tomorrow so will find out on fri what my levels are, I had to fight to get naproxen and most days i can do what i need to but still in pain all the time
Ask about a short course of steroids. If no joy, contact the GP and ask him/her for some. Your life will almost certainly be much better if you have them. They ought to be prepared to give you a couple of weeks on them to see if your pain improves. They worked like magic for me when I was crippled with pain and hardly able to move (all before the MTX got working).
How are you doing with the methotrexate now? Any side effects?
Hi i now take mtx injections as the tablets werent getting my imflamation down and we have now added sulfasalazine to the mix and just tapering off predisone , was amazing on the steroids could move, pain free but not much energy but unfortunately now that i am tapering off i have all my pain and stiffness back but i am only week 7 on sulfasalazine so know to be patient and thank you for asking hope you are well 😀
😔😔 I know how that feels, Im sorry. My disease activity just randomly escalated quickly and I too just got off steroids. Man do those help! Im currently on hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate now and I didnt have any reaction at all to the first dose of methotrexate. Kind of shocked. That's crazy how you havent reacted either. Gives me hope. Just don't want to lose all my hair 😬 Wish steroids didn't create such an issue so I could be on them forever 🤣 thank you for responding!