Does anyone know if you still get pip when you receive the stare pension .?
State pension : Does anyone know if you still get pip... - NRAS
State pension

Yes. I have been on DLA since the early 90s, and two years ago I was assessed for PIP and awarded it (High Rate plus Mobility) with a review in 10 years. I am 70 years old.
Hi there,
I was already receiving my State Pension when I applied for and was awarded pip. I have PD.
hi Laceygreen, I asked the same question last year lol, and yes my pip payments continue
With no problems xx enjoy your pension days xx
Yes, you do get both. I feel I was cheated out of the high rate of mobility though. When I had my assessment for it I was coming up to pension age (which for me was nearly 66). When I got it through I had high rate for care and standard rate for mobility. The mobility rate being standard was a joke as even then I was in a wheelchair and only able to walk a few yards. When I was on DLA I had the high rate of mobility and yet I was better when I was assessed for that than when I was assessed for PIP.
After a couple of months of thinking about it, I decided to take it to appeal. I was then told that once you are over pension age (which by then I was) the rate that you were awarded could not be changed to a higher one. That seems very unfair to me and I wasn't told that at the assessment and I wonder if anyone coming up to pension age is awarded a lower rate as they will not be able to get it raised once on a pension. I can only walk a few steps and yet am only on the standard rate for mobility, yet I know lots of people who are on the high rate and can walk far better than I can.
Anyway, that's enough of me and I hope things go well for you.
If your in receipt of PIP before you get your pension you will still get PIP
You can’t apply for PIP after you get your pension you then can apply for Attendance Allowance xx
If you are already receiving it before pension age you will still get it hope this answers your question