What Chance of Survival With The Virus.: I am a 68 year... - NRAS


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What Chance of Survival With The Virus.

mole147 profile image
10 Replies

I am a 68 year old male who lives with 6 other members of my family, my Wife, 2 sons, Daughter in Law and 2 Grandchildren (6 and 2 years old). I suffer from RA, Type 2 Diabetes (reasonably controlled), above average blood pressure, I was hospitalised last year for pneumonia and I am overweight. I take Methotrexate, blood pressure medication and Diabetes medication. I have not received a shielding letter. We have all been very sensible and at the moment can get all our groceries and medications delivered so there has been very limited contact with the outside world. They are now talking about the children going back to school but my Son (asthma sufferer) is adamant my Grandchildren are not going back to school at the moment. When I watch the news I get more and more depressed because I think if I was to be infected with the virus that I would stand very little chance of survival. What does the future hold? Will the children be forced back in September? Will there be a vaccine? Sometimes I feel like jumping from a bridge.

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mole147 profile image
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10 Replies
Olderguy profile image

Don’t despair mole147!!

I used to work with an older chap who was in the army during the war. He came up through Italy. I once said to him, “wow! It must have been beautiful, I’d love to go to Italy”. He replied, with a measure of indignation, “I wouldn’t know mate, it’s hard to appreciate with your head between your legs”. I guess we’re all in the same position, metaphorically. Like him, I suspect we’ll get through this if we keep our heads down. As for jumping off a bridge, most of us would just break our ankles and end up in A&E. When I see that light 💡 glowing at the end of the tunnel, I’ll let you know. If you see it first, give us all a shout. 👍

Pippy25 profile image

Sounds like you have a lot of worries going on there mole147, please don't despair. Sounds like you are all pulling together as a family and that's what matters. Easier said than done but try not to think too far ahead as things may change and we can waste a lot of time and energy on over thinking what may or may not happen. That being said keep up to speed with the facts and keep on reassessing your situation, sounds like your family are doing the right things in taking sensible precautions etc. I think we are all feeling our way through this and are wondering things. If it is getting too much is there anyone you can speak with outside of your family to perhaps talk over some of your concerns? Please never think jumping off a bridge is a good idea or solution to anything, I think Olderguy sums it up and in addition to this I don't know about you but there aren't too many bridges where I live and the ones we have I'd probably end up waist high in mud and canal water! Oh and as Olderguy says there is light, we just have to get through this....oh and if you do see it first give us all a shout. We are all there right behind you! Take care, stay strong and sending some warm wishes, Pip

oldtimer profile image

I have periods like this too. I'm aware that no-one is going to give me intensive care treatment on a ventilator despite my relatively good quality of life currently. I'm just not likely enough to survive. It's good that you can express these feelings on here and get some support from people here in the same boat.

I think that you have to face the fact that we live very precariously in this world and you are more likely to die in a road traffic accident than anything else (though less now with less traffic!). We have to carry on assuming that our life should not be ended prematurely or other people will suffer.

People feel a great deal of guilt when other people end their lives in that way. Just think how bad your grandchildren and children would feel if you did jump of the bridge, and it's not a very certain way of doing it. You're more likely to end up with broken bones and be in hospital for that!

I do wish sometimes that I lived in New Zealand and not in the UK - they do seem to be making a mess of it all.

alexask profile image

Sheesh. So far 0.08% of the population have died from this. Many in a care home. I believe the rate of infection is way higher than reported. Many people are asymptomatic - you may already have had it. To reduce your chances of suffering from this make sure you get enough vitamin D - get some sunshine. Eat low carb ( and avoid alcohol). Fast when you can - see if you can skip breakfast. Exercise - especially before eating - walk as far as you can. Possibly think about getting some melatonin to help you sleep.

allanah profile image

Hiya, I'm in the same thinking as you at the moment, it feels bleak.

I've stopped listening to news so much, or reading fake articles. I'm trying to distract myself with movies etc .

But two good points the virus seems to be easing down in some areas, they now have a test to see if you had it and reports are vaccines are being developed.

As they say patience is a virtue and I know sods law if I got it the vaccine would be announced the next day lol.

Talk to your family , try distraction , try a little exercise or moving about the house , but be kind to yourself. Just stay at home and stay safe and I trust our scientists .....

Morigan profile image

News were stressing me out a lot too so I decided not to watch them everyday. I check what's new about once a week now and I feel much better for it. My thinking is no matter what happens I can't change anything by following it all and just make myself unwell by being so anxious over it.

Just being sensible and following your instincts is the way to go.

A lot changed in last few weeks and much more can change by the time it's September. Just try to live day at the time and don't look that far ahead.

Your family sounds very sensible and supportive. Hold onto each other. Best wishes!

Lolabridge profile image

These are such difficult times for us all and who knows what the may future hold for any of us? I can feel a bit down at times too, especially as I live alone and can feel lonely. Although you have a houseful of people around you, that brings its own worries for you.

I am surprised you have not been told to shield because of your other health issues and I would suggest you contact your GP to check whether you should have been.

Trying to stay fit and healthy is hard for everyone staying at home, especially those with diabetes like you. I should think that fasting is out of the question but modifying your diet to reduce your carbohydrates intake is possible. I have non-diabetic reactive hypoglycemia so I understand the problem; it means I have to eat regularly like you and eat some protein at every meal. I've tried to reduce the amount I'm eating too as my life has become more sedentary. But fasting or doing the 5:2 diet is out for me as it is for you.

If you have a garden or terrace, try to get out in the sunshine for your daily free dose of Vitamin D. Enjoy your grandchildren and play some energetic games with them if you can. Having them around you must lift your spirits.

I spend a few minutes before bedtime each evening thinking of all the good things that have happened to me each day and what I can feel thankful for. I find that helps me relax and I sleep better as a consequence. perhaps it would help you too.

Courage mon brave!

helixhelix profile image

I can understand it is getting you down as it seems to lurch from depressing news to even more depressing news.

But first off, your chances of surviving the virus are far, far greater than your chances of dying from it. Within your age bracket the data to date shows about 97.5% survival, and adding in your comorbidities still keeps it about 85%. Combined with that the general expectation is that as they learn more about how to treat this, then even more people will survive. For example they now seem to say that early oxygen is critical, rather than waiting till people need ventilators. If the doctors can keep people off ventilators then survival rates are much better.

None of us have much control over the virus, bit there are things we can control so perhaps try to focus on them? That’s what I’m doing, and am starting to find ways to live more normally (I start back at my pilates class next week 😀!)

So for example, with your family you could think about ways to keep the house virus free - always coming into the house through the same door, removing outdoor clothes and shoes, washing hands straight away. The children do need to go back to school, as interrupting their education can do them long term harm in other ways. So start working out how to make it safe for you and your son - regular temperature checks for example? Having an oxypulsometer in the house?

And then you say you are overweight. Well loosing it would be the absolute best thing you could do to say safe! And as a family are you doing exercise like Joe Wicks or Mr Motivator? Getting some cardiac exercise by wiggling your way round your sitting room could help your blood pressure and diabetes too. So please put your energy into taking positive action as every little thing you do will make it even more likely you would resist the disease.

springcross profile image

Oh no no no no, don't say things like that, what on earth would your dear wife and the rest of the family do without you? So many people feel very worried and depressed about this damned virus but we all have to do the best we can under the circumstances. You have some good advice from the lovely people on here mole - give some of it a go and try not to worry so much, I know it's easy to say but don't fret - the people on this forum are here for you. All the best. xx

HappykindaGal profile image

Try and avoid watching the news if you can. In fact, lots of TV as so many programmes are about Covid and they’re enough to make anyone jump off a bridge.

It’s hard dwelling on things as it all seems to be depressing and it’s easy to think this will never end.

No one knows how any of us would be affected. People that are very elderly have survived, some younger haven’t. Neither has anyone broken down whether it’s type 1 or type 2 diabetes that is a higher risk. Lots of anomalies.

I do understand how hard it is. I live alone and if I dwell on stuff and stare at the four walls, it leaves me feeling very anxious and fearful. But there’s no point. All I think is how do I get rid of this weight then head for the biscuit tin as I’m even more anxious and have zero will power.

There’s no point in anyone saying (well meaningly) lose weight, fast etc.,,,as that’s not what you or I want to hear. That purely makes you feel more anxious if you’re anything like me. I have started a yoga class. NRAS gave us a link about a month ago to a taster and I thought why not and it was ok. I don’t do all of it, but what I can. I’d need a paramedic if I got on the floor to get me back up 😂They do other stuff too that might float your boat.

But for now, no jumping off bridges! If you’re feeling really bad, Google CBT therapy and see if you can speak to someone over Zoom. Your family would miss you too much. I’m fortunate I have some fabulous friends and they were worried about me one day last week. They text or called me every hour. Apparently they had a rota 😂.

It’s normal to feel the way you are sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up for it

Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️🌸

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