Does anyone understand?: Does anyone understand... - NRAS


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Does anyone understand?

106 Replies

Does anyone understand Bumbling Boris and the next phase of lockdown????

I haven’t a clue 😶

106 Replies
Summerrain14 profile image

Never have understood Boris. 🤣I’m doing my own thing and staying home and staying safe regardless of what Boris said. I was not surprised that his speech was as clear as mud so had no expectations from it. My heart does go out to everyone though as there are going to be even more incredibly stressed and anxious people right now with his proposals. I think sadly very soon we are going to be back on full lockdown again as many people have already done what they like despite of the stay home message. For me all Boris has done is given these stupid people more reason to continue to be stupid and caused more worry, upset and fear about going out than ever before for the sensible people and putting people in very vulnerable situations and between a rock and a hard place. x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toSummerrain14

Same here just keep doing what I'm doing and totally agree with you in respect of people will end up making up their own rules and we no doubt will be back to square one again. This will only make it harder on us who are doing our best to stay home and away from those who will go onto flaunt the measures.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toPippy25

Sadly, the mutant next door neighbours think the requests and guidelines aren’t for them. That will continue as many insist on going out in groups or having a group of people round in their garden to sit closely with them. As you say it’s people like us staying home and doing the right thing. Patience is indeed the key and it’s so hard. Rioting about it won’t help even if it makes you feel better for a while! 😝 For those alone it must be awful.😢 I’ve read the Government roadmap which is 60 pages long online but it didn’t link me to the vulnerable people page which I would liked to have seen, so will try later. I think BJ wanted to boost morale. They had to say something and there wasn’t too much concrete they could say except for figures and graphs. At least he hasn’t given false hope re a vaccine as no one knows when or if it will happen. The lady scientist in Oxford says she’s very hopeful (80 percent) but it’s only been tested with monkeys so far. Who knows, a vaccine may work and also antibodies may prevent a second occurrence or a lesser occurrence but it’s such early days. We will be unable of return to how we were for a long time and at least we are being told that lockdown/distancing is going to be here some time longer for many people and distancing and isolating will continue to be a way of life for the “foreseeable future“. Things we had already figured. Only when that curve is flattened can we really start to ease up a bit and especially as vulnerable people ... even if I haven’t had a letter and should definitely have had one! 🤨. I agree though his speech was woolly and confusing in parts, so some people could misinterpret but there will be those who will totally disregard .... the usual culprits 😡🤬

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply toSummerrain14

Excellent post!! Can't imagine how it must have felt for people to be told they were meant to be going back to work today with at most, 12 hours notice! As Malcolm Tucker would say (minus the swearing) "An omnishambles!!" 🙄

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toSummerrain14

I'm doing my own thing too Summer, as I have since the beginning of the pandemic.

Power to the people I say! v:-)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply towishbone

Yes .. I keep singing ... Self preservation society to myself! 😁

Lolabridge profile image

What did you expect? A full set of instructions covering all possible situations for all the population. Impossible! Further and more detailed information will be forthcoming in the next few days I feel sure.

I’m not a Boris supporter but I think he did well in trying to give us hope that we will start to have an easing of the draconian lockdown measures but that each individual must now take personal responsibility to be vigilant and continue to take sensible precautions.

For those of us that are shielding it’s no change anyway until the end of June!

in reply toLolabridge

Yes I’m staying put . My 16 year old is desperate to see his friends he’s very good but at that age if his Friends want to meet up he will feel left out or under pressure. Husband worried about distancing at work it’s really not clear and those who have trouble following guidelines will only pick up on the bits they want to hear need more clear straight guidelines

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toLolabridge

I see it completely differently. I see a prioritising of economy over public health and lives. The sifting if responsibility and decision making from government to the people and this way, when the second wave comes and a new detestation hits, it will be more palatable and excusable as it was the individual, the public, that made the choice in how to behave - the government will be blameless!

in reply toEiram50

I agree Eiram. They lay down fuzzy rules that force people to make decisions as best they can. Then, if the virus makes a big comeback, it will be blamed on the public having made the wrong decisions. Boris and co will say their own hands are clean - if you see what I mean.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

I certainly do see what you mean!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toLolabridge

Being deliberately vague shifts responsibility onto individuals, none of whom have enough information or knowledge to plan a lockdown release. I see the role of Government to provide a clear planned strategy which the people then follow.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toLolabridge

The government roadmap was trying hard to do some of the instructions but not enough clarity in places. 60 pages though.

Mmrr profile image

I'm in Scotland, it's easy for us, we just need to stay at home for a bit longer.

I'm trying not to be inflammatory (lol) But my bet is the guidance coming out to us in the next wee while will be clearer.

I do believe more guidance will be forthcoming today from WM 😉

Dspooky01 profile image
Dspooky01 in reply toMmrr

I’m not in Scotland but it’s Nicola I’m listening to!

Lolabridge profile image

Of course your teenager will be wanting to meet up with his friends but he can’t unless they can guarantee they will observe the social distancing rules. No footie in the park (unless it’s with members of your own household). Peer pressure needs to be resisted!

Employers who are expecting some of their workers to return have had some official guidance already as to what they are expected to do to ensure social distancing at work remains possible. If your husband gets to work and finds adequate provision has not been made he should complain to his union/HR and leave.

We all have to take more responsibility now, as individuals, as parents, as employers and employees.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toLolabridge

Exactly....responsibility & self discipline all round.

This virus is a fact of life & we have to deal with it sensibly & not get carried away by hysteria.

If we all stick to keeping ourselves safe, not worry trying to control what others do.......we will be “doing our bit”.

CV19 may not be beaten as fast as we would like, but beaten it will be.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toAgedCrone

I think we keep doing what we are doing and if others want to put themselves at risk then they have to accept the consequences of their actions. As you so rightly say we can't control other people and what they choose to do but what we can do it control what we do and how we go about our lives. It may mean some tweeks and a few changes to the way I go about things but as you say I am responsible for my own actions and not others. For some a bit of patience, discipline and restraint sadly doesn't appear on their radar but that's life and everyone has their own set of principles they live by. Take care x

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply toPippy25

Well put Pippy25 ☺️

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toHessie5

Thank you Hessie, hope you are keeping as best as can be.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply toPippy25

....despite the wear & tear and yes the odd flare RA brings ☺️ I am blessed.. Hope life is treating you kindly.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toPippy25

Exactly! We can’t change their outlook or values if they have much of those ... and if they want to go out mingling in groups that’s what they will do.

Boxerlady profile image

Sadly I think that Boris was more interested in giving a presidential style address (in your dreams mate!) than giving out any useful information or guidance. They keep talking about more details in the coming days - well wait till then! 😡

in reply toBoxerlady

Why send out a mumbled message without everything in place people will just make it up

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply toBoxerlady

Boris is our PM whether you like it or not!

Of course his address would have to be of the "presidential type", it could not have been anything else. At least we don't have a President like Trump!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toLolabridge

Without any disrespect - we don’t have to like it. Nor do we have to agree with it?

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply toEiram50

Absolutely true.

My point was that his broadcast could not have included the levelsM of detail that some wanted. That detail can now be found on website.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toLolabridge

I’d argue that it could have, given that it was pre recorded. It most definitely should have been clearer.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toLolabridge

I’ve just read it. Very lengthy. Tried hard to be useful/helpful but some things are so uncertain they won’t want to commit themselves.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toBoxerlady

He is an egotist and enjoys performing to an audience that's for sure. As you say, it's best to see what details will be announced later, but I for one am not am not optimistic going by what was said in his rallying speech last night.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply towishbone

I've just listened to Boris, he could not answer any of Starmers questions, then said the good old British public should apply common sense.

My common sense is stay at home, so do we all follow me 😉 sorted then 🤣

in reply toMmrr

😂😂😂 the only choice he honestly can’t communicate in a straight forward manner

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toMmrr

When I was in the military it was classed as extremely poor leadership and one would not last long if one asked someone to do something one was not capable of doing oneself. In Boris case applying common sense! :-)

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply towishbone

I expect people leading to be articulate, informed and experienced in the area they are leading in. They should also take 360 feedback from those they attempt to lead. I have very high expectations of people leading.

Otherwise why bother ?

They are often paid very large salaries, with very large salaries come very large expectations. That's the deal.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toMmrr

I've managed others almost all of my working life, I've always managed within the areas I've walked the boards on ...for many years in each I knew the jobs.

I've been paid more, so the expectations of those I've managed should have been high, if it wasn't it is highly suggestive their standards were low.

Managers are paid to take it on the chin that's their role 😜😛😝

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toMmrr

Yes, we should take it on the chin. *@!?##*** 🙃🙃

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply towishbone

His rallying pre recorded speech!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toEiram50

I never new it was pre-recorded. Too much chance of him making a few blunders if it was live I suppose.

in reply towishbone

If it was scripted it still made no sense

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply towishbone

Recorded on Thursday, I believe, whilst hundreds more continued to lose their lives over the weekend. No consistent lowering of deaths. I just don’t get it, not right now.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toEiram50

Neither do I, though I do have my suspicions but am keeping them close to my chest or it could mean MI5 tracking me here and tapping my phone line, and I have enough on my plate as it is. :-O

If it wasn't so serious it would be farcical wouldn't it.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply towishbone


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toEiram50

On a more serious note than my paranoid post above, unless I've missed something, I've heard little if anything said about testing and tracing, which according to many scientists and the WHO will be necessary when easing lockdown otherwise infections hence deaths will start to increase again, which makes sense to me. Or they would at least have that smartphone app thing they've been shouting about in place, which is currently being trialed on the Isle of Wight but is experiencing problems apparently. Though unlikely, I suppose it is possible that the government are good to go with the testing and tracing but there is still a lack of clarity and a fiddling of the figures that I just don't know what to think or believe. :-O

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply towishbone

From what I can gather, it is not fully in place yet? But, I might be wrong because nothing is clear.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toEiram50

Thanks Eiram, rather than ask the government about test and trace, the media seem more concerned that someone can now meet up with a person outside their family providing they are outdoors and keep 2 metres apart, which is about the only thing that is clear to me. Journalism for the most part is another thing that leaves much to be desired during this crisis.

in reply towishbone

So this 2 meter apart thing how does that work when you work in a school????

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

Listening to teachers, I can't see it working...simple as! In my humble opinion of course. :-)

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

I suspect that when Year 1 and whatever other year was also mentioned go back to school the number of children going back will be split between the available classrooms.

That would keep the class numbers low. It is also why children may have a different teacher.

It will mean a few children rattling around in a school meant for a much larger number of children.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toFruitandnutcase

That's probably along the lines they are thinking of, but according to some teachers on the radio, that will be much easier said than done. I heard concerns about the small size of modern classrooms as a limiting factor to the number of pupils that can be taught at one time and reduced school hours per pupil, but more importantly the problems of maintaining social distancing outside the classroom, especially with younger children. That and the risk to the teachers themselves even if approprite PPE is available, which they reckoned would make teaching difficult. It will be interesting to see how they intend to get around these sorts of problems if and when the time arrives.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply towishbone

Absolutely agree.

I am grateful to be in Scotland where things at least, are much clearer.

in reply towishbone

My son lives on the Isle of Wight. He has been taking part in the Zoe (King's College) symptom-tracking. On 4th May he was feeling light-headed and reported it. This was passed to the NHS and he got a message telling him to get tested. It was the first day of the contact tracing on the IoW, at that point only involving health workers, which he is not. It coincided with the opening of a testing station on the island for both pedestrians and car passengers/drivers.

There were no home testing kits available, so he was advised to book at a testing station. He doesn't have a car and where did they say he should go? Belfast!! You're not allowed to travel by public transport or taxi to get a test, quite rightly. I don't know how they thought that would work.

The rest of the week went like this:

5th tried again - London was suggested,

6th tried at 6 a.m., thinking he might get a home testing kit at that hour, no luck - Portsmouth suggested. At least that's possible in one day. However, ferry services have been cut back, he would have had to ask his sister-in-law (same household) to take a day off from wfh to drive him there and it would have cost about £80 in fares. Why send people all that way when there's a testing station on the island?

7th the day the IoW tracing app was extended to the general public. No home tests to be had, Portsmouth again suggested. Not much use having a testing station on the island, apparently.

8th last attempt, result as 7th

You are supposed to get tested within 5 days of reporting symptoms. Fortunately, from mid-week he was improving and as he'd had no other symptoms he concluded he'd most likely been suffering from a touch of heatstroke from being out in blazing sun in the garden at the weekend!

I understand that as a non-key worker working from home and not in a vulnerable category, he was not top priority for testing, but I wonder why they wanted him to get tested at all considering they obviously didn't have much capacity in the IoW and most people with mild symptoms are just told to stay at home and self-isolate (which he did). It feels like just another part of the at times bewildering way the pandemic is being handled.

Afterthought: is being told to go from Cowes to Belfast a record?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

Bewildering is to put it mildly. Expecting someone to travel those sort of distances to be tested is plain crazy, especially with a local testing station. Could it be simply down to buereaucracy that they would not test him, I don't know, but it would not surprise me. Presume he was unable to ask why at the testing station?

I heard on the radio the other day about people having to travel from Durham or Newcastle for testing at Edinburgh I think it was, which I thought was a long way until I read your post. I'd be shocked if anyone can beat the distance from Cowes to Belfast for testing!...then again!......................

Glad to hear your son was ok after, but you both must have been worried for a while there.

in reply towishbone

Hello again Wishbone. Did you conquer the cystitis?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

It was a suspected UTI that thankfully did not come to anything, which may have been due to the strong antibiotics my GP prescribed and catching it early, or perhaps more likely it was just a false alarm.

Thanks for asking. :-)

in reply towishbone

Pleased to hear it's cleared up. Take care.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply towishbone

Yes, the first thing I have noticed that he always does when he first appears is look for the cameras. 😝😝

in reply tospringcross

My brother in-law works in the media in London. Every time Boris is doing a press conference he ruffles his hair to look scruffy and says I’m ready.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Yes, I've heard of that before. He is a complete narcissist. 😖

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toBoxerlady

Hear hear.

allanah profile image

No. Hes putting SO many people at risk. The numbers are what they were 2 weeks before the peak , its idiotic. You ever been in a factory or building site , it's impossible to social distance. I hope the unions actively fight this one. I feel for those being told to do this .

I am shielding but even so definitely wouldn't visit parks now.

Sorry to be political ........ and you all stay safe, and for me , I'm going with " wee nippy" the scottish first minister and stay home !!

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply toallanah

Yes the Scots have been told to stay at home by Nicole Sturgeon because, as I heard on the radio yesterday, the infection rate is high in parts of Scotland, particularly in Edinburgh and Glasgow. This is due to the high concentration of people in those cities as there are many tenement apartments. (The infection rate is also high in NW England too apparently.) I'm sure the rate is generally much lower though in the less populated areas.

We also have to find a way to restart the economy whilst trying to keep people as safe as possible. It is interesting that people in certain European countries are generally more keen to get back to work than people in the UK. This was discussed on that same radio programme yesterday. It is thought that UK people are more nervous covid-19 because we saw how ill Boris was when he caught it.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toLolabridge

Or because in other countries there has been more preparation for people to go back to work? Masks on public transport obligatory here, factories reorganised into individual work areas, offices only having half staff in at once, school classes max 10 kids at a time (one week on/one week off) canteens rearranged etc etc etc. The preparations have been underway for weeks now.

And we have been locked down much more tightly and for longer...

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply tohelixhelix

I expect what you say plays a big part , it has been chaos here with high death rates. What right minded person would want to go back to say driving a bus or teaching a class of 5 year olds with the guidance and preparation we have now ?

I expect NI, Wales and Scotland will be better considered and planned before opening up.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toLolabridge

There is also the fact that Scotland is a week or two behind England. We had our first cases later.

Restarting the economy and easing lockdown is crucial - but cannot be the priory over public health and as and when it happens, it needs to be done in a safe, measured way taking account not only of covid secure workplaces but the way the virus spreads, who it affects deficient sexed and age groups etc. This all has to be considered and importantly, put in place before any changes are made.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply toLolabridge

I got the impression a couple of weeks ago when Boris was trying to keep everyone under lockdown that Nicola was hinting at one of her press conferences that she was about to start relaxing things in Scotland - I think to make life difficult for Boris - then something happened and her R number went up so now she is making his life difficult by not starting to relax her lockdown.

It is sensible not to relax things - I’m not altering my self isolating / social distancing / mask wearing - but I’m not sure she wouldn’t do anything and everything she could do just to spite Boris and I say that as a Scot.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toallanah

Unless all four countries of the United Kingdom pull together, & get back to work - Education & the NHS will be out the window....... Cause there will be no money coming in to pay for it!

As the much lamented Mrs May said....there is no money tree....just a big debt piling up.

Harsh but GP appointments available & no school for children cannot be the way to go.

I’m sure now the suggestion has been made that England gets back to work employers will do everything possible to make the conditions safe..... and the workforce will get going.

Those who want to remain shielding can of course do so......but we can’t remain in our houses 24/7 forever.

Lolabridge profile image

This is the BBC4 Radio programme to which I was referring. It had news and excellent analysis of the news. The World at One, at 1pm yesterday.

Here's a link to it if you're interested.

dawkin_S profile image

If we get clear, science-based and, most importantly, *legally enforceable* guidelines for employers about how to keep people safe at work, I'll feel more comfortable about easing lockdown. To suggest that, for example, construction workers should go straight back to work (especially given the ONS stats today showing high death rates amongst male construction workers) without the companies they work for having been already given clear guidelines on safety and time to implement them is irresponsible. Yes, they've now rowed back and said they meant go back to work on Weds, but the pictures of busy commuter routes this morning show that message was unclear.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply todawkin_S

Manufacturing workers are a concern too, perhaps even more so as the majority work in enclosed places such as factories.

in reply towishbone

Yes my hubby works in two separate buildings one is an office and lab the other a factory so moves between the 2

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

I hope his employer has proper precautions in place before he returns to work.

in reply towishbone

He only had 2 weeks off then they furloughed 50% of the company he’s been doing the job 95% of the men he’s in charge of . They got furloughed on full pay 🙄

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

Some guys have all the luck! :-(

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply towishbone

That sounds like a song

embroy profile image

I am staying at home whatever he says, he wants a second wave of this horrible disease, I don't agree with him and so doesn't my son.( What was he thinking)



Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toembroy

Not a lot me thinks !

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toembroy

I agree with you, I think he does too. He thinks no-one notices!!

Yep bumble along in the way you see fit and its all OUR fault if we get it wrong.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to


Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to

That's right I'm only responsible for my actions and not that of others and I too will be bumbling along in the way I see fit for me.

However our work place are looking at how they can open how many people can come to the centre and how they need to book in so say 50 people for a 3 hr slot in the morning and 50 for afternoon. Then only 4 staff can be on site. All based on space and strict guidelines. Only 2 people allowed back in if they do it which will be 2 of my staff to run meet and greet behind a barrier and no money exchanges and no cafe etc.

Lots and ots of rules till at least 1st July by our company I think is going to be in place but trying to come out of lockdown slowly and cautiously to protect staff and visitors.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

And thas it isn't it, you are planning....people told last night to go back to work had no time to do so. Unbelievable ( well it is actually)

in reply toMmrr

yes they want to do it right we will know the official timelines later when our COO sends us all an email to say what they want to do. It is crippling the charity but they know staff and visitors have to be priority,

Eiram50 profile image

Nope but what I do feel clear about, is it’s a risky undertaking. We have reached 32,000 deaths in the U.K. now with nearly 300 deaths in the last 24 hours!

We are nowhere near out of the woods as yet to be easing so much with so much room for interpretation!

Personally, I’m more worried now than I was at the beginning!!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toEiram50

I'm so pleased the 3 Nations have stood firm about lockdown.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toMmrr

Thank god!

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply toMmrr

I could have sworn I heard the PM of Wales saying last week that people could go it for more than one daily exercise session - then last night my son said that wasn’t true. Yet I definitely saw the Welsh PM on a stage reading from a sheet of paper and telling people they could go out more than once a day.

What happened - did I imagine I had seen and heard him or did he change his mind?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toFruitandnutcase

I listen to both Nicola Sturgeon and WM each day. Scotland has a very clear policy, no ambiguity.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply toMmrr

Could have sworn theWelsh PM said last week he was allowing people to exercise more than once a day. Actually I’ve just found it I knew I hadn’t imagined it.

Agreed, Nicola is quite clear at the moment. She will always do the opposite to Boris because she can - and I say that as a fellow Scot.

At the moment I agree with her the deaths / new infections are still not low enough.

Although saying that I also agree with Aged-Crone - the country can’t afford to carry on like this indefinitely, those who need to shelter must do that and others must be sensible because so many people have been doing their own thing all along anyway.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toFruitandnutcase

Yes, the tree Nations will ease off lockdown in the next few weeks, we did enter into the worst of the pandemic a few weeks later than England, particularly London, so we are all working to broadly the same timelines. The media is not good at educating the public in this fact.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toEiram50

I heard today that the reality is it's over 55,000 now - a week ago the FT were saying that it was more like 50,200 instead of 32,000.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply tospringcross

God almighty. It’s horrific

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toEiram50

It really is!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply tospringcross

Yes I heard that too, from the BBC statician

Morigan profile image

Unlimited exercise... Wait until next warm and sunny day and 90% of uk will be out and about meeting friends and playing sports. Oh dear.

I am staying in and watching what's gonna happen next from safe distance. Fingers crossed they are right and I am wrong there were enough of unnecessary deaths as it is.

Mmrr profile image

Yes, I know, but buses are on a much reduced timetable and rarely have more than a few people on them. It is not anything like a normal service.

Schools are completely locked down except for providing a service to key staff.

I used to lecture and value my health, there us no way I would enter a classroom with the lack of guidance and planning offered now. It just won't happen until there is clarity.

It is unlikely that schools will open in Scotland before the summer break in any meaningful way. We close at the end of June for the summer, several weeks before the rest of the UK.

Eiram50 profile image

Devastation - damn these sausage fingers!!

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toEiram50


Eiram50 profile image

Different sexes -lol

wishbone profile image

Thanks Ajay, not sure what stages you are talking about, but it's not important. If the government reckons another 10 days then that could mean more lives lost, which might not happen if test and trace was in place. On top of that with the governments track record so far I wouldn't bet on it being ready in 10 days time that's for sure.

Troygirl profile image

People that were staying home due to vulnerability can STILL remain home! However, Gotta open up at some point. Cannot stay shut down like this forever!

Even though many others not even vulnerable are getting used to getting paid and staying home. I know for a fact this is happening in NY State. All types of Government workers are getting paid to sit on their butts and go out to Walmart, market and all the other places operating. They are not sheltering, that is a fact. Of course they will want this to drag out forever. Getting paid and not working is a dream come true for many. While others not getting paid are begging to go back to work to feed their families!

Economy over health? More people will die if they are starving to death! Even more people will die if they cannot go to hospital to receive important medical procedures! Cannot stay locked down forever!!

Plus it was all about "flattening the curve" for hospital admissions and having enough ventilators. Most hospitals are now empty or have very few COVID patients and so many extra ventilators now sitting around doing nothing and are actually going to other countries that may need them.

Cannot stay locked down forever! If someone feels the need or has a note from the doctor to stay home & be sheltered... STAY HOME! The rest of the nations need to get back opened up real soon!

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply toTroygirl

Deaths on the increase everywhere where they have relaxed and been re-opening. They need a vaccine and to test those that may have had it. They need to know if they have immunity once it’s been had... too much conjecture out there to know what the best thing to do is.

I wish they would all stop arguing and doing these unnecessary daily briefings and just get on with what needs to be done. The media are not helping at all. Misinformation and twisting of everything. They should be fined if they misreport please 🙂

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply tobubblyalex

It is a bit worrying, China, Germany and Seoul all have increased cases / outbreaks.

So.....we need to go slowly, slowly.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply toTroygirl

It's too soon. Devolved Nations will begin opening up in a few weeks. Remember England, particularly London entered into the pandemic before the resk of the UK, so will obviously begin to come out of it sooner.

cathie profile image

We’re not meant to. He’s not responsible- that’s the message. I’m glad I’m in Scotland xx

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