I need a hair cut, a pedicure, eyebrows threaded and ... - NRAS


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I need a hair cut, a pedicure, eyebrows threaded and tinted and a manicure! and a small filling too.

medway-lady profile image
49 Replies

It occurs to me that I need all these things, well to be honest not need but want. Like most of the rest of us in lockdown we don't have a hairdresser or chiropodist or dentist in the house. So how come the BBC newscasters and other TV personalities have lovely skin with great hair, and no covid fringe, nobody has chipped nail polish and I'd bet they are still getting the make up done before going live. So just how ?. It reminds me of about 2 years ago when my GP asked me to be a pretend patient in her film about the role of the GP in a Macmillan setting. So ok I said she then said no dressing up just be a bit depressed looking. So I turned up after reading the script and she called me through. Dressed to go to an event, hair and make up done. She who normally looked normal had eclipsed into a fashionester. So are they reporting on Lockdown breakers but doing the same thing ?

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medway-lady profile image
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49 Replies
Mmrr profile image

I did wonder about this too ML, some of the hair styles look newly cut, certainly not nearly a couple of months growth.

I am intending doing my roots tomorrow and have a pair of hairdressers thinning scissors, so will chop a few bits off here and there. My hair just can't be much worse than it is now. I just hope I don't regret saying that !

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Mmrr

You're brave I'm not so hoping that my kitchen scissors will lop a bit of the fringe. i'Ve been grey for years so at least don't need a cloud. lol xx

Creakywrists profile image
Creakywrists in reply to Mmrr

Years ago (when I used to cut my own hair in between times - a long story) my hairdresser told me to twist my hair before cutting with thinning scissors and to shorten my fringe with a razor. Both techniques stop you cutting in straight squint lines and it’s easier for a hairdresser to sort it out.

Pippy25 profile image

Yes not a root in sight on these women and the men don't appear to have mullets or ponytails either! I do smile as our local new weather forecaster Owain Wyn Evans, (check him out on You Tube for playing drums to the News theme tune) has a quiff in his hair and they did joke that he could end up looking like Jedwood if this lock down goes on for longer!

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to Pippy25

We all love Owain in the Northwest. I can't imagine his hair being other than immaculate.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Stayloose

He admitted himself how odd it feels broadcasting from home and as he said feeling like he's getting 'dressed to go to a wedding and then standing in his garden or in his house' to give us the weather forecast. He also admitted he plasters his hair with plenty of spray to keep it in order....a lovely chap and he would have got on well with Dianne Oxberry I'm sure.

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to Pippy25

I think he was a really good choice to follow Diane. They aren't comparable in many ways but I'm sure would have got on well. I passed Diane in the park when she was filming one day. She waved and said hello as if I was her neighbour or friend. Well loved by us all as she came into our living rooms every day.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Stayloose

A lovely lady gone too soon x

Dobcross1 profile image
Dobcross1 in reply to Pippy25

Owain is fab!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Dobcross1

He's a love and so clever on the drums. Self taught he said.

JFlay profile image

I thought Sophie Raworth's hair was looking a bit scruffier than normal 😂 but I expect as journalists they would have to do their own hair/make up when they go off to report on location, so maybe they're doing that now too?

in reply to JFlay

Sophie Raworth, scruffy? Never.

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to


AgedCrone profile image

Have you watched any of the programmes where they have people contributing from home?

Boy what a difference.....as you say- in the studio elegantly coiffured & made up.....those at home - just like the rest of us dodgy fringes & dubious roots!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to AgedCrone

I saw one lady who does the 'Back in Time' series speaking from her home and she had a head scarf on as she didn't want to show her hair. No bouffant hair do there just honesty.

sylvi profile image

Hyprocripte (excuse spelling you get what i am saying) is what comes to mind.xx

helixhelix profile image

Perhaps they all have partners who are haircutters? Or if broadcasting news is essential work (which I agree with as getting news is very important) then perhaps there is a hair and make up person who has already has the disease and is locked down in the studios?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to helixhelix


medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to helixhelix

Or held hostage maybe ? xx

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to medway-lady


Sheila_G profile image

Good point!!!

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Sheila_G

It is indeed but then how did they get tested ? 'cos the tests were stopped back in March unless in hospital. No methinks they are not practicing what is preached because its same Grant Shapps and the other Ministers look tidy and are de shinned.

Paula-C profile image

My hairs not too bad at the moment, it's growing into a nice layered bob. When it's a bit longer and more fuller on the sides I will be able to tuck it behind my ears. I've cut my fringe twice, just took the plunge and did it. The only visible grey at the moment is on my crown and parting. I'm using Loreal magic retouch for that and I'm really impressed with it. A few seconds of spraying and all the greys gone, it last till I wash my hair. I can really recommend it!

I've not had my nails done for weeks, I've got gel on, I've just been painting over the nail, but last Friday I sat and took the gel off, horrendous job, don't want to have to do that again. I'm using Rimmel 60 second drying nail polish on them, one coat of clear, two coloured polish and then another coat of clear, they normally last about a week. I've tried several quick drying polishes in the past and have found Rimmel the best.

As for the dentist, below is what a dentist posted on another forum I belong to.

Dentists can only do non aerosol generating procedures ie nothing involving a drill , in extremis in Wales and Northern Ireland ie taking teeth out as a last resort , advice, antibiotics and painkillers nothing else.

In England and Scotland, in extremis, if the dental problem has not responded to antibiotics, advice and painkillers and is very very serious you may be referred to a special centre where very limited treatment may be carried out to get rid of pain. Dentists here cannot see anyone , under any circumstances in their practice unless they are an urgent care centre.

Dentistry is very high risk for patients , their contacts, dentists , their contacts and not only do high levels of PPE have to be worn but at least an hour needs to be left in between patients in order to get rid of the virus .

There are no check ups, no routine treatment and only treatment available when all else has failed and very limited.

This is likely to continue for quite some time. I cannot say if restrictions will be lifted by September but it is true to say there will be a massive backlog of urgent treatment which is likely to take a lot longer with more enhanced cross infection precautions. I would not count on having treatment like crowns and bridges for a good while yet

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Paula-C

I had an email from a dental chain called “My Dentist“ that was offering dental help.....it mentioned temporary replacement fillings are possible....they have branches all over.

I mentioned it to a friend & apparently she has used a branch of that co & says they are excellent.Might be handy if anyone is unfortunate enough to lose a filling!

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Paula-C

I know that, thats my point. My dentist is open for an hour a day but no fillings. Can't wait till the hairdresser is open but I fear in my case thats not going to be possible to visit for a few more months.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to medway-lady

I mentioned the temporary fillings because there was an item on TV describing the lengths people are going to....what they were inserting in the cavity if they lost a filling.

At least a qualified dentist could squirt in something sterile to hold the fort so to speak?

Not trying any sticky toffee ‘til all back to normal!

Botcher profile image
Botcher in reply to Paula-C

You have me downcast now. My eye tooth supporting a Maryland crown snapped off a week into lockdown, big front gap, sounds as if I shall have to choose isolation for a long time or use a mask!! Then there’s the hearing Aid which vanished in the shrubbery due to too much hair plus glasses preventing it tucking in well, oh and I’m wondering how many years instead of months till they can remove my cataract, or if I can get my hybrid car battery sorted (The battery objects to non-use during lockdown).

Just hope my hairdresser can fit me in beginning of July, and that I can afford the urgent house repairs that were due in April, the prices of materials have since soared. The virus has brought many other inconveniences apart from loneliness. Still, at least we have our gadgets to communicate, it must have been really grim in 1918 with a War still on too, so mustn’t grumble. The garden’s looking fantastic and I can still cut my own toenails! AND we older ones are so lucky to have our pensions even if this is the disease of the over 75s (statistitions definition).

Let’s just hope Boris hasn’t wrecked it with another load of waffle

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Botcher

I love your post, so true, and still alive as well. I can cut my own toe nails but its the treat side I like, the dentist is important but my crowns are in place as a ban on toffee operates in this house !lol. I have just chipped a little bit from a filling that doesn't hurt so can wait. I'm sorry about your crown and hearing aid it sounds that like me some are falling to bits during Lockdown. And your right 1918 must have been dreadful. Whole families wiped out in days. My dad's uncle aunt and 4 children died over the course of a few days. I so agree we have our pensions too and so financially are ok and we support a Foodbank initiative locally by helping some families who are really in difficult circumstances. My friend is a vicar and collects and does the delivering. Thats what community means really. It's also our generation who do still cook, not all , but a lot, and it's heartening to read that people are once again making meals rather than ordering takeaway. xx

Botcher profile image
Botcher in reply to medway-lady

Thanks for sharing that. Yes, my friend was helping meals for the homeless till lockdown so my support goes towards costs of meal boxes for some 60 people put into hotels by the Council. Had a lovely letter from the charity making the meals, they are hoping the habits of being “housed” will stick.

Another friend is busy making scrubs and patients’ gowns, so we’re still some use in our 80s. Take care, Bye.

Mmrr profile image

I might have a look for L' Oreal magic retouch, I have not heard of it before. Thanks.

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to Mmrr

It's on offer at Asda at the moment, two cans for £12, normally £9 a can.

sunnyweek profile image

On the morning programmes GMB and this morning, I have heard the presenters occasionally talking about doing their own make-up, pointing out bits on each other they've missed.

Good idea the L'Oreal I'd not heard of it, I'm going to check it out.

The first thing I'll be keen to visit will be the chiropodist, I'm hoping a corn doesn't develop on the callous on the ball of my foot and makes it painful to walk on, I'm being optimistic it won't.

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to sunnyweek

It's on offer at Asda at the moment, two cans for £12, it's normally £9 a can.

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to Paula-C

Thanks, I've got a delivery booked from Asda this week, I'll see if they have some.

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to sunnyweek

I'm hoping it's still on offer next Thursday when our next delivery is due. 🤞🤞

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to Paula-C

Yes I hope you get some. They have none at mine, so I've looked online and ordered some from Beauty Expert.

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to sunnyweek

Let me know how you get on with it, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. It's got really good reviews.

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to Paula-C

Yes I will, looking forward to it, I might mention it to my cleaner who doesn't come now, but I think she'd be interested, I'll text her.

JFlay profile image

I've done my own eyebrows using tweezers and a magnifying mirror 😱 then I dyed them with eyebrow dye, I like them better than when the salon does them!

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to JFlay

Where do you get eyebrow dye from please?

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to HJC321

Boots and Superdrug sell it but I ordered it from Amazon to save going out. I got Eyelure Dyebrow but there are other brands.

helixhelix profile image

Hairdressers opened in Switzerland a couple of weeks ago, and we are close to the border. Only problem is that border is still closed!

Paula-C profile image

Still don't think I'd go then, too close contact for me. My husband got some electric hair clippers and I've done his hair, not too bad really to say I've never done it before. He's said he's not going to the barbers anymore, I can do it, he must be happy with my newly found hairdressing skills, 😁😁

Morigan profile image

I always do my own nails and eyebrows. There is eyebrow tint kit called 'eyelure', which is very good, very easy to use and lasts about 6 weeks.

I'v cut my frinde 3 times during lock down and I am quite happy with it. I look just as I always do lock down or not.

Fingers crossed I won't need dentist anytime soon...

Ladybird25 profile image
Ladybird25 in reply to Morigan

Luckily I’d just completed a course of dental treatment. Unfortunately my hair appointment was due just as all the hair salons closed. I had a go at cutting my fringe yesterday and it looks OK.

Angjoplin profile image

I know what you mean but I colour and shape my own eyebrows and I gel my own nails. Not been doing it as much coz theirs no one to see it, but they might be doing their own stuff?

Ladybird25 profile image

My brother works on The One Show on BBC one and he said that the presenters and one studio guest all do their own hair and makeup. I’m presuming it would be the same for other television presenters.

medway-lady profile image

Thats good but and I admit to being cynical but doesn't their hair grow ? I do not believe that some of the newscasters with perfect make up are doing it themselves, no one has roots for a start, and all just look a bit too well groomed. Mens hair grows as well and all the Boris gang have had hair cuts. Its been 7 week now and they all still look the same.

14penny profile image

Me too!

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