Making bread by hand is a no no from now on. The pain is unreal and the hands and wrists don’t like me
Those days are gone: Making bread by hand is a no no... - NRAS
Those days are gone

That is so sad darling. You will now have to invest in a bread maker darling.xxxx
I feel your pain . I was waiting to go in for a thumb op but this has obviously been postponed . I’ve been gardening and plodding with to much vigour and to say pain and swelling is a understatement I can’t even get it in the splint . Rest them precious hands up swallow some more anti inflammatory medication and hopefully they’ll calm down . Wish you well 🌷
Ouch 😣
🥺🥺maybe for now ... who knows the right cocktail things maybe different. A good soak in warm Epsom salts may reduce the swelling and then ice cold Water has been known to help me . Not always but sometimes
Never say never Dee, maybe not today or tomorrow...but maybe another day. Rest your hands today and take care x
Ooowoucha. I feel your pain. Tried knitting and hands shouting at me. Not as loud as yours tho. Hot / cold treatment and rest. Hope breads nice. 🍞 🌈
Looks so painful. I am sorry. I do have a spelt flour / oat bread recipe that needs no kneading. Quite a 'heavy' bread but very tasty. Let me know if you would like the recipe. I put poppy seeds in mine but you could use sunflower etc for added bite. Lovely toasted - especially with marmalade - but there again who needs the bread when it comes to marmalade. x
Gosh Deeb they must be painful and I'm sorry you're suffering so much. Mine have never been that bad but perhaps it's the Prednisolone I take that's helping. Perhaps you need some different medication so do take photos to send to your consultant.
As for making bread at the moment, yeast is very hard to find so I doubt you could be making it anyway.
I had some dried yeast in but my boss left me some fresh yeast out for me so I could make my own. No knead dough recipes I need x
There are some lovely recipes for no knead bread Last week I made oat and honey no knead bread 😋😋😋just Googled it. Will definitely make again
I was baking bread yesterday, some crackers, ginger cake and pizza dough. Mine dough was no knead as my daughter has Celiac disease and it's not needed in the gluten free recipe. I was just thinking how grateful I was to have this recipe as my elbow pain won't not allow too much effort. The 1 minute hack bread recipe is a good one, mix then leave over night and bake in the morning. I'm sure the gluten free bread recipe could be adjusted for gluten flour. Happy to share recipes if anyone wants them. Hope your hands improve soon and you have some tasty bread for your effort.
That struck a chord Dee; I’ve done exactly the same with bread over the last 2 weeks. That’s the trouble with this blasted disease even when you think it’s well controlled, over-do it on any joints especially hands & they flare. I did the same with mild pruning too a few months ago: my elbow took months to go down 🙄. Oh well, bread making machine, no dig allotments? Take care hope it eases soon x
I know you've had this a lot longer than me but that's how my RA started, they were so badly swollen that you couldn't see any bones (knuckles, wrists etc) sticking up anywhere and they were so hot - they really looked like they didn't belong to me. I don't know which pain was worse, from breaking my back in between my shoulder blades or that. I pray I never get it anywhere near as bad as that again. I really feel for you. Take care and rest (not that you have a choice now). Thinking of you. x
thanks all been avery quiet day today even one of my cats has been trying to sniggle on the bad hand and wrist as if he senses it is not good today¬
Oh gosh Dee, it hurts just looking at your hands. Now I can totally appreciate why my swelling is described as subtle swelling.
A bread maker may be the way ahead for the bread but really hope you can get your meds sorted to get your RD back in it’s box! x
In the past I hav had varying degrees of success with bread makers.
When I had to stop making bread 2 years ago,Ithought ai would ty a stand mixer with a dough hook.
So far it’s beenr really successful,make good cakes as well.
It’s allowed me to start baking with my eldest grand daughter,which is good. Stay safe.
That's very sad. I use an electric hand mixer with the dough hooks for about 5 minutes, remove the dough from the bowl and then just hold one end and bang it on the work surface until I have a long sausage. Then roll it up and reapeat. This has the same result as thoroug kneading. As yeast has disappeared from this world, I have to start a sourdough culture. Wish me luck.
Hi Deeb,
This is a massive reminder to me of how my hands looked and felt at the beginning!
I couldn't manage to do much at all so I guess it's not only bread making that you're struggling with at the moment. It's horrid to be so restricted by this disease.
You have my thoughts with you and lets hope this phase doesn't last too long for you.
Hands are so important! (not just for shaking).
Best wishes.
Your hands must be sore. You have obviously not given up lightly. One of my first warning signs that I didn’t pick up on. No strength to knead in my hands and wrists and I would stop and hold them. I miss doing things like that and gadgets do help somewhat but it’s just not the same.🙂