Maintaining Vitamin D levels whilst self-isolating/sh... - NRAS


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Maintaining Vitamin D levels whilst self-isolating/shielding

Monkeysmum profile image
34 Replies

Hope all are doing as well as possible during these strange times.

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for maintaining Vitamin D levels during this lockdown period. I have been having trouble with my Vitamin D levels for nearly a year now, taking 25ug per day for about 6 months increased it marginally, but still only just over the minimum level for normal. My GP mentioned to me that there is a strong link between inflammatory arthritis and Vit D levels, but when I asked my Rheum Nurse to explain this, she either didn’t know why or couldn’t be bothered to go into detail as she just moved on without answering my question. Has anyone else had this link explained to them by their Rheumy team?

I am trying to spend sometime outside each day but bad foot pain means my ability to go on daily walks is somewhat limited. How are other people trying to maintain their vitamin D levels whilst staying at home? Are there any really good supplements that you would recommend, and at what kind of doses have supplements been effective for you?

Grateful for any advice you can give. Stay safe.

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Monkeysmum profile image
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34 Replies

Hi, I take a general 99p for 60 Vitamin D3 1000iu one a day same dose as you usually from October to March but have continued taking them due to not being able to get out. I did read also that they are good for inflammation thats the reason I started them. Cant do no harm to keep on them, Stay safe 🤗X

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to

Thanks AngelMar - that's interesting about the link with inflammation. I wonder if the inflammation in our bodies somehow 'consumes ' Vitamin D and that could be why I can't maintain normal levels despite supplementation?

Thanks for your reply.

Pippy25 profile image

Thanks for raising this Monkeysmum as I too have problems with my Vitamin D levels and it's a double whammy for me because I'm isolating but also have two health conditions which means I can't be in the sun which is a pain. I am on prescribed Vitamin D and was due to have my levels checked again shortly as the readings were not good, but that's not going to happen for the moment. I would ask again about this as I understand it is also about your bones as well as immunity. Take care x

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Pippy25

Hi Pippy25, I'm the same as I develop an allergy rash with too much sun exposure, so supplements are definitely the way to go - just wish I could find a way to increase their absorption!

I've seen a postal Vit d test being offered by BetterYou - not sure if any good or not but might be worth looking into if you can't get your levels tested in current circumstances?

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Monkeysmum

Thanks for sharing this, I have lupus and Occipital Nerve Neuralgia which my face and scalp is particularly reactive to the sun, the lupus on my cheeks and now forehead goes a deep red and hurts and my scalp and back of neck feel like it's burning so I have to either sit in well and truly in the shade or look out of window at it. I can't wear anything on my head such as a hat or scarf as that is equally as bad for the occipital nerve neuralgia. It really is a pain. So will look into a the postal vit d test and see if it's appropriate. Hope you too find a solution to your Vit D levels, thanks again x

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Pippy25

Gosh that does sound tricky Pippy25, and very painful. Do you have issues with absorbing Vit D tablets too?

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Monkeysmum

I'm not sure as this is what the tests were trying to establish. I've been on prescribed Vit D for a little while and things were bobbong along nicely and then suddenly things have changed, it's the same with my Vit B12 which went from low to now off the scale. So I was waiting to have this checked and some other levels which have suddenly gone out of kilter also checked out.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Pippy25

Were we separated at birth Pippy25 ?! I have problems with Vit B12 also!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Monkeysmum

Wow, it's that a co incidence. Hope they can fathom out for us why our vitamin levels are out of sorts so to speak.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Monkeysmum

Be very careful with postal tests...most are a con...if you are worried ask your rheumy nurse to prescribe a blood test.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks for the note of caution AgedCrone. I would definitely agree with you in general on postal tests, but this one caught my attention because it is offered in conjunction with one of the NHS Trusts - although who knows if they could process samples currently!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks AC for that will check it out before embarking on anything. Always best to err on the side of caution. Take care x

in reply to Pippy25

While it is sunny, you are allowed to sit in your own garden for half an hour to soak up the sun. If no garden, open a sun facing window and let the sun into your house. I was told 15 mins of sunshine on your upper arms is as good as anything.

RosieA profile image

Vitamin D was brought up on the latest NRAS Facebook video on Coronavirus. The consultant mentioned it. Maybe worth a look at. Keep safe.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to RosieA

Thanks for the tip RosieA, I'll definitely look into that.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to RosieA

Me too, thanks for sharing this.

helixhelix profile image

There are quite a few studies linking vit D and inflammation, so it is recommended to try to keep yours within normal levels. But about 75% of the UK population have low Vitamin D - it’s pretty normal in northern countries. And even more difficult to maintain levels if you have dark skin. So don’ worry too much you are not alone in this.

Apart from your 15 mins a day of sunlight, you can also get some Vit D from oily fish and egg yolks. Oh, and liver (yuck!)

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to helixhelix

Thanks helixhelix. My Gran used to try to get me to eat liver but I was never convinced - definitely an acquired taste! Think I'll stick to the fish and eggs!! 😂

Monkeysmum profile image

Thanks Ajay575. I’m hanging my head in shame right now as I have to admit I have never tried haggis! As you say, may not be that easy to get hold of right now but I’ll certainly keep my eye out.

Monkeysmum profile image

Sounds amazing - think I could do with all of that!

oldtimer profile image

You were asking for an explanation of why Vit D is important in Rheumatoid Disease - there an article here:

The older you get, the less efficient your body is at converting sunshine into Vit D. And in Britain we don't get a lot of sun anyway, so many of us need some supplements in addition to a diet containing Vit D. But too much Vit D can be dangerous too, so if you haven't had a blood test to establish how much you need, then only take a small extra dose.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to oldtimer

Thanks so much for the link oldtimer, that’s a really interesting article and definitely explains the link a lot better than my Rheumy nurse did! Challenge is getting the dosage right as my body doesn’t seem to be able to absorb / retain much from the supplements, even at many times RDA. Thanks for taking the time to reply, much appreciated.

medway-lady profile image

I don't know about RA and Fit D but do take Ad Cal which is Vit D3 for Cronic Kidney Disease to protect the bones. My blood is tested for the CKD as with RA and I believe that Old-timer is right too much isn't good. I'd suggest wait and talk to RA consultant or GP before buying anything.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to medway-lady

Thanks Medway-lady. Hope you are keeping well in these difficult times.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Monkeysmum

Yup and can only protect ourselves still being under house arrest by order of the Government. I got some yeast today and made Chelsea buns so that made me happy. And also my husband and 2 elderly friends. Have to keep busy.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to medway-lady

Mmm, Chelsea buns sound lovely. You have made me jealous....and also hungry! I feel a bedtime snack coming on! 😉

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Monkeysmum

I'm Celiac so make but can't eat. I'm eating by sight as my husband ate 2, and then delivered to elderly friends by foot. Recipe was easy in book that came with the ovens. First time I've used the bread rising setting, it did work well. Been watching Last Kingdom tonight with a glass of wine. These days simple pleasures make such a difference. Still tomorrow is another day and I'm thinking what will we have for tea? x

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to medway-lady

Well you deserve a medal then, if you couldn't even eat one yourself!

Ah, the age-old question of what shall I make for tea? It's one I struggle with greatly - I have an 8 year old who doesn't enjoy vegetables or anything even remotely healthy, a 12 year old who is considering becoming a vegetarian, and a 43 year old fitness freak (hubby) who won't consider anything with too many carbs! Feels like it would be easier to achieve world peace sometimes than coming up with something that they'll all be happy with.....😂😂

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Monkeysmum

Tell the 8 year old it tastes vile you really would not like this vegetable at all and they might want to eat it just to be awkward, the 12 year old vegetarian is ok just leave the meat off the plate and hope they don't realise that leather shoes are made of cows. The hubby is easy eat or go without ? You can't make 3 meals a day as these days food is getting a supermarket delivery with limited item numbers. I feel for you, RA is tiring and all that cooking is no fun. You could try going on strike ? lol xx

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to medway-lady

Hahaha yes, going on strike sounds good! Xx

Olderguy profile image

Morning Monkeysmum

You are so spot on with VitD. There is now solid, confirmed evidence that VitD is really important, especially at the moment. I urge everyone to watch Dr Campbell’s daily videos on YouTube. He’s an advocate for VitD. His presentations are detailed & precise, backed up with concise evidence. Lots of Covid19 information too.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Olderguy

This chap IS NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, just Google him please. I hate the expression but Fake News and self publicist springs to mind. Beware please and its his opinion not necessary fact. He is entitled to say whatever he likes but we don't know his concise evidence is really fact based..

Olderguy profile image

Hi, He’s a retired nurse teacher and A&E nurse, who has published books on physiology. If you watch you’ll see that he does not prescribe and his analysis is always backed up by only reputable published papers. He alway provides the links and encourages viewers to read them insisting that you consult your GP before acting. I have no affiliation to him, but am impressed by his frank analysis & simplified explanation of many subjects. As with all things, education is always a preferable option to ignorance.

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Olderguy

Thanks for sharing Olderguy, I’ll check him out. As others have said I will run any changes past my GP first anyway to be on the safe side too. Take care x

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