Hypothyroidism is common among AI patients, yet not m... - NRAS


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Hypothyroidism is common among AI patients, yet not much talked about.

Agoodlife profile image
12 Replies

Thyroid function deficiencies are rearly explained to to us in a comprehensive way, especially how they are connected to so many vital functions in our metabolism and immune system. Here is a long but very clear article on the subject. I hope you are interested.🤓


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Agoodlife profile image
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12 Replies
Stayloose profile image

I fancy it isn't much picked up by Doctors and that's why it isn't talked about.

Don122 profile image
Don122 in reply to Stayloose

Nonsense. This article is trash from a "Functional Medicine" doctor. Its a scam that makes huge money for the doctors by selling you overpriced supplements.

Agoodlife profile image
Agoodlife in reply to Don122

Pups... Far from it. This is where future medicine is going. To prevent illness and not throw more coal on the fire.I think you will soon be among the minority thinking this way.

stbernhard profile image

I thought you were going to write about hypothyroidism in Artificial Intelligence.

I was on Thyroxin long before RD.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to stbernhard

Same here like 20 years LOl x

Agoodlife profile image
Agoodlife in reply to stbernhard

Thyroxin is far from the answer to hypothyroid problems as you can read from the post.

stbernhard profile image
stbernhard in reply to Agoodlife

With most conditions there appears to be an alternative to medication. I do not want to take the time out of my life to research the best for each condition. Very often what helps in one case is counterproductive in other cases. Every person's metabolism is so very different from another's. I welcome chemical medication.

Agoodlife profile image
Agoodlife in reply to stbernhard

Not really true. Our hormonal metabolism that controlles very fundamental basis for supporting the immune system and metabolism does have different problems but it’s alway an idea to check it before interfering with meds that have nothing to do with supporting action for the immune system.

Agoodlife profile image

It seems like there is a lot of serious research on how central thyroid problems are in the etiology of RA and ways to perhaps stop autoimmune processes. There perhaps is an idea to look into this before starting RA meds.

Pawz4me profile image

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2014, RA in 2018, and now it looks like I'm headed toward a Sjogren's diagnosis. As they say, auto-immune issues tend to run in packs.

medway-lady profile image

A GP can see Hypothyroidism at a glance, dry skin and hair. Forward posture and lump in neck but the real tell tale sign is outer third of eyebrows disappears. Comes back though. I've had Hashimotos Disease for 30 years or more its no problem at all just take 2 little white pills a day and all is normal.

Worse bit is Hashimotos is Auto Immune so once the thyroid is finished they munch on elsewhere. Some people get Diabetes others RA or one or more of a number of conditions.But no post worrying about it as no way to stop the Immune Response yet.

Agoodlife profile image

The thing is, one thing leads to another and RA meds and their side effects do not make the situation better.

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