I’ve been on mtx now for only 3 wks and was wondering how long does it take to work , is everyone different,I feel tired and in pain , will it ease up I feel like it’s not working or is it to soon for me to think this
Methotrexate : I’ve been on mtx now for only 3 wks and... - NRAS

Sorry to break this to you but it can take a few months for Mtx to start working but for some people its longer and some it starts to work a bit earlier, we are all different. Don't lose heart and think its not working after 3 weeks as its very early days. Are you newly diagnosed and were you given anything else to help you in the meantime whilst you wait for it to start working? Keep talking to us here for support in the meantime and I hope its not too long before you start to feel some relief.
MTX can take 12/16 weeks to work, so early days yet. If you type methotrexate into search at the top of the page you will see lots of posts/advice.
Also the NRAS website has a lot of advice.
If you are struggling, you should perhaps ask your GP to give you something until MTX clicks in ?
Not sure why you are prescribed MTX? You had Humira started four years ago, so is the MTX alongside that? Good luck with it anyway.
Hi it took 3 months for it to take effect on me . But now I am feeling great bit stiff and achy in the mornings but all good ,
Stick with it I am sure you will find the benefit soon . It’s amazing you literally wake up and the pain has gone x I do gratitude meditation every day as I am so grateful to have my life back 🙏🙏
Yes it took 3/4 months to work with me. I agree completely with Radoones comment.
Take meds with food it prevents you with feeling nauseous.
Hi. It took 22 weeks for it to work for me. It really kicked in then and I was good for over 2 years. Patience paid off. Good luck.
I think that the consultants usually say 10 to 12 weeks that’s what I was informed for my injections. Hope that you soon get the pain relief as I have done well worth the weight.
You need to be patient it will start to work. I was switched from tablets to injection because of tummy problems and it was much better because it bypasses the digestive system.
They often put people on steroids in the interim until the MTX starts working. It took at least 3 months for me. The steroids help a lot so long as you re not on them too long.
For me, I was put on methotrexate and Humira and I was 90% improved within 2- 3 weeks. The swelling had gone but so had my marked anemia The second of those made the biggest difference day-to-day! I came off them both for a short while when I needed surgery about four years later.
I hope it works for you...