I am going on a Caribbean cruise in January and I think I need some vaccinations, but Having RA and being on Leflunamide I am nervous that they won't be as effective. Think we have to have Hep B and Hep A and Typhoid, tetanus not sure on the Yellow fever. Any thoughts on this please.
Vaccinations for Caribbean cruise?: I am going on a... - NRAS
Vaccinations for Caribbean cruise?

Hi, think you should contact your rheum team and/or GP for advice.
Have a good trip.... you may only need boosters for some if you’ve had them before but JFlay’s advice is spot to make sure of what is what for you.
Enjoy the hol.
You could try ringing the NRAS helpline. By telephone (free from landlines):
0800 298 7650 (Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm) They should know which innoculations you can/can't have, deprnding on which treatment you are having.
That's an idea too, thank you
Hi. In regards to vacations you can check with your GP. I was on a similar cruise earlier this year and was advised that I only needed tetanus as I was not planning on doing any ‘adventures ‘ activities and would mostly be eating on the ship. Have a great cruise and just take normal precautions For any overseas trip. Remember to take sunscreen and insect repellent, and an umbrella for the short but heavy showers you may experience.
Normally on RA meds we aren't allowed live vaccines. I've had hep A, typhoid injection,as tablet form is live. Yellow fever is a live vaccine so a no. I can't say on tetanus as I'm allergic to it. Check on foreign office website as it advises which countries require which vaccines. Then phone your rheumy nurse as they are best to advise. I've been to Tunisia and Morocco hence why I've had these vaccines. Enjoy your cruise.
We're thinking of going on a Caribbean Cruise so I've done some research into vaccinations, I'm on enbrel and live vaccines are a definite no no.
We went on one in 2001 (pre RA) and I've looked at my record card. I had Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Tetanus and Polio. From what I've read vaccinations are not compulsory but we are advised to have them. The only live vaccine, from what I've read could be typhoid, if it's given injection form it isn't, but it is if given orally it is. The recommend injections may now if changed since 2001 so I'm going to check with my specialist nurse.
Enjoy your Cruise.
I did a Caribbean cruise a few years ago and could no live vaccines doctors were great just let them know all the places you will visit and they sorted out what i needed and what i could take and as long you are not going into jungle areas i only needed a few sorry cant recall which ones.Have a great time we loved it.
IF you have RA and under immunosuppression drugs, the vaccine becomes more effective and may turn in to active infection. to avoid that situation the live virus vaccines are contraindicated. as far as effectiveness is concerned it becomes more potent.
In in the dominican-republic at the moment I had no vaccines prior as on Imraldi My consultant said it was fine as I dont intend to go into the jungle or stay within local villages. Take lots of mosquito repellant the braclets are very good. Have a lovely cruise
I’ve been to the Caribbean a couple of times on cruises since diagnosis and never needed any vaccinations.
Thank you, for all the advice, feeling less worried about it now.
I’ve been on a Caribbean cruise in the last few years and I didn’t need any vaccinations to go as long as you’re sensible and stay out of the areas where you could be at risk you may not need any either. As an extra I use just travel cover .com for my travel insurance and they’re a lot cheaper than some of the travel agents and I have quite a few health conditions I’m usually covered for all of them and they specialise for people with on going health problems. Worth a try I don’t usually go with the basic cover though but that’s just me.
I am not going on a vaca to the islands but I am afraid of getting even the flu vaccine this year as I am now on the wonder drug Leflunamide (it really has been for me. I have been on it for a month now and I feel like my old self after two years of several failed medications). Anyone else worried about vaccines?
I've been on leflunamide for 8 years now and have flu vaccine every year and have been fine so far, and it too has been brilliant for me too.
Please let me know when you get to the ten year mark on the medication. I have heard they have a 10 yr life span before it stop working. I hope that is not true but I will take each day as it comes and am thankful. Do you have any of the sharp shooting nerve pain that came sometimes come and go when you take this medication? I ask because I have noticed it myself.
Where do you get the sharp nerve pain? I used to get it in the side of my head, but haven't had that for a while now.
I haven't heard about 10yr life span on the medication, hope that's not true. I was on methotrexate along side it but the rheumatologist suggested I see how I go without it as I have been in remission for a couple of years now, first had the methotrexate reduced now off it. So fingers crossed.
I get my pains in my head also and then on the bottom of my feet and occasionally on the side of the hands. I have heard that the body starts to reject some of these medications around the 10 yr mark. I hope that does not happen. MTX made me very ill and the others I have tried have put me in the urgent care center for edema. For me this new medicine is a wonder drug.
Me too. Thank you! I feel like my old self again!
I did North Africa had every vacine the nurse could think of, no problem except sore arms as hep b went in one, tyhoid (I think t was) in another. Yellow fever as well, all great except I got Pnumonia from the Hot Tub. Wild horses would not get me into the germ ridden tub on a cruise ship. We went Celebrity Eclipse, that 20 minute soak has led to all sorts of chest issues so please be careful its not just the obvious things. But I was sneezed all over too. I was on LEF for years loved it too. It put the RA into remission and changed my life for so long. Enjoy your cruise and dieting does'nt work when all the yummy stuff is out. I think cruising is a great way to relax and see the world.