The comment I wanted to say today: As I am coming off... - NRAS


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The comment I wanted to say today

27 Replies

As I am coming off prednislone to see rheumy consultant for first time everything IS rolling back in like a tidal wave of pain and stiffness. So back to using the lift as the thought of running up and down the stairs (ok hobbling I still think I am a gazelle) and I got in and one of the visitors looked at me as lift busy and said you should be taking the stairs.

At that point I was the Queen of Graciousness and smiled and said tough day.

I am so so so glad off tomorrow I need to chill.

27 Replies
PinkLamb profile image

Hi Deeb,

Bless you!!

Some people don't have a clue do they?? Makes me feel so so cross, and that's an understatement!!!!

You be kind to yourself tomorrow, have a couch day and watch movies, drink tea and eat biscuits

Ps:Love the poster, I'll remember that one

Hugs to you love


in reply to PinkLamb

thank you x

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to

Hi Deeb

Have you chilled out today and been kind to yourself??


in reply to PinkLamb

I had lunch with hubby and my Mum and Step Dad which was lovely but I do feel shattered now so trying to just melt into the sofa for rest of the day x

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to

Aw that's nice!!

Yes it does take it out of you, I do agree, yes you have a good rest now and chill out on your sofa,


OneLove2019 profile image

You are a better person than I, my friend...

in reply to OneLove2019

I have the patience of a saint apparently but my head said quite a lot of words internally.........

OneLove2019 profile image
OneLove2019 in reply to

And I sincerely do not blame you!

Dobcross1 profile image

Love, love this poster! Thank you.

AgedCrone profile image

Next time your answer should be “so should you”!!!

ruth_p profile image
ruth_p in reply to AgedCrone

That’s what I was thinking!

in reply to ruth_p

She looked about 80 so think she does the thing my Mum does and assumes she can say what is in her head out loud when its not appropriate x

ruth_p profile image
ruth_p in reply to

My grandparents are like that too lol

Soreknees2016 profile image
Soreknees2016 in reply to AgedCrone

My thoughts exactly!

Ninaseven profile image

People never cease to amaze me. Their rolling of the eyes and general response when I can’t do something is something that really gets under my skin. I just have to walk away. I was slicing bread yesterday and I couldn’t finish when I asked a so called friend to do he looked at me like I was from Mars. So your post hit home this morning. I think living alone is easier with RA. That way I wouldn’t have to continually make excuses. 🙈🙈🙈

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Ninaseven

My 83 year old uncle has just gone into long term care. Very sad. He has had a good life, and retired at 60 with a good pension. He and his wife have had excellent health until very recent times and have enjoyed over 20 years of very a comfortable retirement.

My mum is upset and concerned as you would expect about her brother. Tonight on the 'phone she voiced to me on many occassions how awful his situation is, and how he is only 83, not that old these days is it, was her mantra.

I was medically retired from my job at 58, I am very unwell on a regular basis, I haven't found a medication that works. My life is very restricted. She couldn't understand why I was getting upset as she went on and on and on about her brother. Yet she has said to me to push on through, make the most if it ( I do).

Am I selfish ?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

No Mmrr you are not selfish but a lot of elderly people are. They think their date of birth entitles them to special treatment....even when they are hale & hearty.

I am old.....but like the majority of my generation ..... (get the violins out now) I do what my grandmother told me to do when she was 97 .....”think of those worse off than you”. When I’m having a really bad day, I can usually think of plenty !

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks AC, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself last night when my mum went on and on. I've recovered again now. I've been to the spa and met a friend for coffee, home now for a quiet rest of day.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Good for you ...a good chill really helps.

But just hang on in there took me a long time to feel I was getting somewhere with this rotten disease,,,,but the wait was worth it!

in reply to Mmrr

not selfish, I think I wen thro that a few weeks ago as my Mum explained all their illnesses and mine is just srthritis which she has. After 30mins of her speaking then basically say good night I felt like she had not heard a word about her daughter's welfare. So when she next called I said Mum I am not trying to stress you out but you need to understand my illness too. She listened and a bit shocked but a bit more conscious of what she says.

Iluvgardening profile image

Love the poster! Yes I agree some people don't have a clue! I have had "friends" ask how are you today, I say" well I really not having a good day, pain all over ..." They say but you look great😜🤔😳 frustrated me so much! But I just smile and say thank you😁 if they only knew how much it takes to just get through one day with the pain we endure! I thank God that He gives me strength to get through. And the patient to Love people who have No clue😁

BonnieT profile image

Understanding thoughts heading your way. Enjoy your day off.

OMG!!! I hate these rude people who judge a book by its cover, I’ve had exactly the same done to me. Rude rude rude 🤗X

Fruitandnutcase profile image

What a nerve. Elderly or not it was very rude of her. Well done to you for being Queen of Graciousness to the Queen of Rudeness.💐

Recorder500L profile image

I know how you are feeling trying to reduce your prednisolone, I am trying to reduce mine from 5mg to 4mg than 3mg in the next three months before I see my Rheumatologist Consultant in December. I started on Monday by reducing to 4mg and went to stay in a caravan on a park not far from home with hubby. By Tuesday evening I had real pain in my right shoulder which went across my chest. Perhaps not a good idea to reduce meds and go on holiday. Back to 5mg on the Tuesday. Now that we have returned home I am going to try 5mg one day and 4mg the next. I have been on this drug for years and know it will be hard going. Take care and take no notice of the people who make remarks without a clue as to what they are talking about.

in reply to Recorder500L

feel like I am crumbling today my hands are raw with skin splitting counting down to 10th x

Recorder500L profile image
Recorder500L in reply to

Soft Hug, Take Care.

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