Brand New to MTX tablets could use some feedback - NRAS


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Brand New to MTX tablets could use some feedback

TMeyer profile image
13 Replies

Hello, I started the MTX tablets last week on Friday, 12.5mg once a week. I was out of it for 3 days, sleeping over the weekend and exhausted at work on Monday. Tuesday I felt refreshed, Wednesday I felt amazing and here it is Thursday and I feel like I did before the MTX. I also started itching really badly, had to take a Benadryl to get it to stop. I take my next dose tomorrow and I hear that my body needs to get used to the it, but just hearing someone else's experience would be useful, thank you so much!

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TMeyer profile image
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13 Replies
Amy_Lee profile image

When I started mtx, I experience a lot of side effects. However, individually responds differently so it may not apply to you. I was out for about 24 hours, then I would be okay after that. It took me about 3 years before I felt okay to take it. It was to the extend that when I saw mtx, I started vomiting before I put them into my mouth.

I had rashes on my hands and legs for about a year and a half. I also vomited usually before and after I took them. My stomach was upset too on the day of mtx.

All the side effects were subside now. I am okay when I see mtx around, no more issue. I am still on 7.5 mg a week. I used to have 20 mg a week. My rheumy reduced them for me when my condition was under control and liver seemed to be not okay then.

I started to feel the reduce in pain after about 6 months of mtx. Then I started to demand more dosage so that the pain could reduce faster. But then, they made me sick the day on mtx. I am glad that I am okay now with them.

Good luch, my friend.


TMeyer profile image
TMeyer in reply to Amy_Lee

Thank you for your reply, how in the world did you go for so long with those side effects? I am not a very patient person and figure if we can get a man on the moon, we should be able to make people feel better fast! ;-)

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to TMeyer

The pain made it worse for me. I am in remission after about 1 1/2 year treatment so I stayed with the side effects as my rheumy promised me that the problems would go off very soon. I also had my hair thinning. The itchiness on my skin also was killing me. I applied a lot of moisturizer on them and the itch just continued but it helped a bit.

I am in perfect condition now and lead a very normal life since long ago. You can go to my homepage to see more of my story to have an idea of what I had experienced before.


Pinkypie2018 profile image

I've been on mtx now for 9 weeks, the first month I was grand had no side effects at all but I did notice my appetite wasn't that great? Now I'm just having nausea on a Monday when I take them an my appetite is improving again (thankfully). But I honestly haven't noticed any change in my joint pain at all, however they do say it is slow acting an can take up to 3-6 months. I fully understand how frustrating it is just waiting on these drugs to help us, but like they said Rome wasn't built in a day lol.

TMeyer profile image

I have the thinning hair as well, thankfully I have a lot of it and it is very curly which helps hide the thinness. I also have Hashimotos and Sjorgrens, I am praying that I will have a normal life again <3

turtlemom2 profile image

Hey TMeyer! I started on my first dose of MTX last Saturday. I was sooo nervous! However, with all the research I did on the web and the posts I found before I actually took it helped. I like others took it at night on the day I was to take it. I took mine Saturday at night as I laid in bed for the night. This week I have had nausea and fatigue. However, I have noticed for me a few improvements in my feet and ankles and knees. I hope it continues to go up my body to help. I am very nervous to take my second dose as I was told that the second dose is when the allergic reactions can hit you.... how did you do on your second dose? I have found the folic acid which you have to have a perscription for the 1 mg works to help ease some of the side effects but most of it I have to say is really tollerable. I do think however for the first two weeks it should be automatically Short Term disablility until you adjust to the medication lol. (right.....)

TMeyer profile image
TMeyer in reply to turtlemom2

Hey Turtlemom2! I am taking my second dose this evening, I have weekends off so I figured it was best to take it at the beginning of the weekend and rest for a couple of days. I am also nervous about taking the second dose, days 2, 3, and 4 I was a wreck, tired and didn't feel well, on days 5 and 6 I felt amazing (I think it was all the rest) and the day before my next dose, yesterday, I felt awful again. My mouth sores are returning and my body hurts so bad. I am really hoping that the MTX helps with everything, keep me posted on how you are doing!

turtlemom2 profile image
turtlemom2 in reply to TMeyer

Try taking it tonight before you go to bed or Saturday night. I also have the weekends off and I kind of wish I had taken it on that Friday so I had two full days to recover but I do take it at night and make sure I eat before even if it is something small. It helps. I worry about the second dose tomorrow though as that is when it might show allergic reactions but I hope it continues to help. I can walk now! this is positive but my body did ache all week.

TMeyer profile image
TMeyer in reply to turtlemom2

Yes, I will take after supper, about 7 or so. I will just relax the rest of the night as much as possible. I am really optimistic about the MTX and the additional Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and the Folate giving me a boost. I was low on everything before.

Millysmum profile image

Hi, I've been taking 20mg since May last year, always on Friday evening, after food, I call it treat night, so I have a bit of chocolate too! I drink a litre of something like ribena, seems to work. I can be a bit achey on Saturday, rather windy... And a bit of indegestion, then folic acid and it all settles again.. I'm quite chuffed that's pretty much all I have, I keep myself busy the day after, so I don't have time to think about it. Up at 7am, go do the shopping! I also take hydroxy, and there's no side effects with those either. I'm very lucky, I was worried when I started taking it all, but try and believe they will help you. In May I couldn't walk, now I'm great, with a few niggles that a naproxen soon puts in check!!! All the best.

TMeyer profile image

Well, I lasted 2 weeks on MTX and due to the side effects my doctor told me to stop taking it. I guess I will wait to see what is next for me...

turtlemom2 profile image

Sorry TMeyer! I took my third dose last night and I feel aweful today, This is the worst I have felt so far. I woke up already swollen in my ankles and hands and legs. I am very nauseus and exhausted. I feel like I am getting the flu. I am not doing well.

TMeyer profile image
TMeyer in reply to turtlemom2

So sorry turtlemom2 turtlemom2, tongue was swelling and hives getting bad, my eyes are a wreck and I am exhausted. Seems like coming off MTX is just as bad as being on it 😕

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