Has anyone else got a letter from these people .letter to hubby says we need to c u to clarify information on ur claim to benefit .we will not be asking u anything to do with ur health conditions. He was medically retired in 2014 due to a stroke we both get ESA income related support group and pip .any advice amy
Community compliance officer calling to house this week - NRAS
Community compliance officer calling to house this week

It seems quite common that people have a check on what benefits they are entitled to. It could even be in your favour! Have you financial records prepared, and it's always helpful to have someone else there as a witness!
There is a thread on this forum that you might find helpful:
I’ve noted there are quite a number of people who receiving these letters. In addition to the forum Oldtimer suggested, I would recommend Money Saving Expert. There are some very knowledgable people on there. If you’re concerned, you could also seek some advice from your local Citizens Advice.
Make sure you see a proper id badge with photo on and make them wait if from a Council to ring that authority and get number from phone book or an old bill not from their paperwork because whilst it might sound ok it could be a scam and as ex local authority I've never heard of this. If your a tenant same thing be sure whoever you let in is actually representing a proper authority and not just a scammer looking for info. Under no circumstances give them your bank account details if in any doubt say you'll drop them by their office in a couple of days. BE CAREFUL is top priority for your own safety and no one will object if they are really their in your interest.
Hi Medway lady it's a customer compliance officer .envelope has return address on it but I'll make sure I check who they are before I let them in .they have only asked to c proof of oh I'd.driving licence or passport .not a very nice letter to receive thankyou amy
If they've asked you for id but already written to you it begs the question why? I'm suspicous so please be careful. Customer Compliance Officer for who ? does the letter come from say local authoirity, Inland Revenue, Social Services, Pension Service. Don't reply to this just look carefully and its easy to mock up a letter from anyone. If any doubt say you'll visit their office just to be sure its not a scam. My old mum was scammed and it was hard to sort out.