Would appreciate anyone who is on Baricitinib to advise me on their experience with it. I have tried Methotrexate, Hydroxychloroquine and Leflunomide but none have stopped RA flare ups and have caused side effects such as nausea and elevated BP hence my consultant thinking of putting me on Baricitinib. Thank you.
Baricitinib : Would appreciate anyone who is on... - NRAS

I hope to be going on this drug when i have finished the antibiotics for latent TB.xx
Hi sylvi, has your TB only recently been diagnosed if you're only just on antibiotics? I was diagnosed with latent TB 25 years ago and treated.
Hi, I started with Baricitinib 3 weeks ago. I had stopped taking anything about 2-3 months before that, so I actually noticed an improvement after just 2 days. The pain is slowly coming back now but it‘s definitely less than before. It‘s probably still a little bit early for me to say if it really works or not, since apparently it can take 1-2 months to fully work. But one thing that‘s really important to me as well is that I haven‘t had any side effects yet. Or at least not any obvious ones like sickness, I don‘t know about what my blood levels look like yet. Hope this can help you!
I've been taking it for 6 months or so with some success. I know we can have differing responses to meds, but the general vibe I've been getting off fellow baracitinib users is that it is a good med, but perhaps not quite as effective as some other biologics. My RA has been getting worse over the past few weeks, probably because I stopped taking hydroxy a few months ago. At least I'm hoping that's the reason rather than baricitinib losing effect! Should add that I only take 2mg instead of the 4 that most people seem to take.
I have been taking 4 mg Baricitnib since September 2018 and can honestly say it is the best drug I have taken in all the 30 years I have had RA. I still get pain from my damaged joints but I'm happy in taking it.
IF you put the name of the medication you want to know about in the search box, you will get previous posts about it. I know that there have been previous discussions.
This sophisticated drug is having a high success rate. I responded to it very quickly, am largely pain free and joints very good. NRAS can provide details. Best wishes x

I've been on Bari since end November and it seems to be working for me. I'm sero neg and anti-ccp neg and went on to it in an attempt to get control of my eyes (uveitis) and joints and touch wood it seems to be doing both. I've been through 6 biologics previously over 18 years and am hoping this will continue to work ...
Good luck with it.
Hi, I’ve been taking Baricitinib since early Jan and it has got me out of a flare. I wouldn’t say I’m out of the woods and I feel fantastic as I still ache and flare but I feel better than I did.
I got quite a few headaches in the beginning but they seem to have passed now. I also take before bed and sleep the best I have for years. I usually only manage 4 hours so the 6 hours I’m getting makes a massive difference.
Hope it works for you.
Sarah x