A bitter blow: So I have been suffering since mid Aug... - NRAS


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A bitter blow

Deniseelk profile image
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So I have been suffering since mid Aug with slowly declining energy levels. This led to bloods ( only low Vit D found and supplements started mid December). Energy levels picked up mid Jan. Now, since early Feb, my already deteriorated right wrist has been very painful, slightly swollen and hot, bruised and feeling very “ unstable”. I now cannot write, painful to drive, very difficult to carry out standard household chores, hard to shower or wash hair, put hair up, etc. Naproxen is just not dealing with the pain. I gave in and spoke to my clinical nurse. They stated that my X-ray taken early Dec showed further deterioration since last xrays ( 3 yrs ago when diagnosed). They feel my medication may need review ( Hydroxychloroquine and Benepali). Such a big blow. I am due to see my Rheumatologist early April but in the meantime I am to increase my Hydroxychloroquine back up to 400mg daily and they are posting a prescription for 3 weeks Prednisolone ( haven’t had to take since early diagnosis days)!!! Initially I was very upset but I have decided to look at it that maybe the further decline took place BEFORE I started Benepali. Unfortunately, an X-ray does not show active disease. I have decided to ask my Rheumatologist if there is a test to detect active disease and also if it can time date when the deterioration occurred. This feels most sensible before changing meds as I have been very happy with Benepali.

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Chris_O profile image


I had an email from healthunlocked about you and naproxen. As I have been prescribed naproxen in the past healthunlocked thought that my experience may be of help.

I've had RA since 2015 (mild symptoms at first) and my meds were :

Hydro chloroquine, naproxen, omeprazole and co-codamol. Over the next year or two quite a few joints hurting, these were mainly fixed with steroid injections, in mid June 2018 the RA got worse. The pain was so bad I started on Zapain, and then the RA consultant changed my meds to hydro chloroquine and MTX.

This started to work and eventually I have stopped taking naproxen and any pain killers. My meds are now: MTX, hydrochloroquinine, prednisone and omeprazole and they seem to be stabilising the RA.

My experience with naproxen was that after a while they didn't seem to provide any relief, but after stopping and starting I realised that their effect is subtle and long term. They will provide some pain relief but not immediate and not completely remove all pain, I was using co-codamol to deal with sharp pain. Prednisone also helps with painful inflammation but your RA consultant will not be keen to keep you on long term use.

I would suggest a long chat with your RA nurse / consultant about pain relief and steroid injections, I hope that my experience has been of use and hope that you are soon feeling better.


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