What would you do in this scenario? I have been extremely ill since 8th March with suspected Covid 19. I only actually had a test last Tuesday as I had suffered a clot on the lung and was tested as a precaution. I am now under treatment and am told I will be fine. I had had 2 previous visits to A & E on 20th and 26th March but was not tested then when the disease was likely to have been active. As I was not admitted, they only put me on a drip and gave me oxygen to get me into a better state, I was not tested. The test taken last week came back negative but all the Drs said that that was to be expected. I have been placed in the shielded group due to severe asthma rather than RA, my drugs don’t qualify as I am only on Sulfasazine and hydroxychloroquine. Interestingly one of the A&E Drs said that potentially the hydroxychloroquine had made my lungs less sticky so they believe and therefore even though I still have signs of pneumonia I may have been lucky. Anyway, I want to make myself feel better. My hair is looking awful as I was due to have my hair cut at the moment when I became ill. One of the Drs has said that as they are sure that I have had Covid 19 I should now be immune for approximately 3 months. Would you risk having a hair cut shortly after lockdown ends if I ask the lady who comes to my home to only come if she is sure she is well and we both wear a mask? If not I can see that I may not be able to get my hair cut until some time next year which will be very depressing. Advice please.
A dilema : What would you do in this scenario? I have... - NRAS
A dilema

So sorry to hear that you’ve been so unwell. I hope you turn a corner soon and begin to feel better.
I am surprised to hear that if one has covid, you are immune for the three months after. I was under the impression that scientists and doctors were (a) not clear that having had coronavirus offered any immunity and (b) no idea of the length of time one might be immune , so that’s something I’ve learned today.
For me, I think that if you’re in the shrilled group, you’re clearly there for very good reason and it may be a risk having anyone coming to the house - for you, and for them.
Equally, whilst your hairdresser May present as ‘well’ we know that people can present as asymptomatic but still carry and transmit the virus.
Just my thoughts but maybe others will offer a different view. At the end of the day, it will be a decision you will need to make.
I wish you well in your recovery x
It’s horrible when you are desperate for a haircut and can’t get one, especially after all you have been through. Having said that I wouldn’t chance it xx
50/50...If you can manage it & your hairdresser agrees......wash your hair yourself before your hairdresser comes .....then just have her cut it wearing a mask and say bye-bye ......you can then dry it yourself and she’s only been in the house about 15 minutes...if you can’t dry it...she can stay longer.
I think we are going to have to improvise with a lot of things soon.
I actually always go to my hairdresser with damp hair to get it cut, because I can’t sit at a backwash.
Good Luck!
Can you have a dry cut? I always do and it's really quick. She occasionally uses a water spritzer but it rarely gets wet enough to need blow drying.
I wouldn't worry about your hair just now, if you can tie it up or back or hide it if short with a hat then great. Better safe than sorry.
We will all be looking like planet of the apes so you won't feel out of place. x
My usually nice well kept hair is a mess, I cancelled a appointment a few days before lockdown as I didn't think it wise to go.
I've been chopping bits off my hair, and found a pair of thinning scissors in the house (?) that I've been using too. I also got some hair dye off the web and touched up my roots, so all in all I'm getting by.
I won't be risking the hairdressers for a while.
The hairdresser will come to pippin’s house..she doesn’t have to go out mm
I know, I still would not risk the hairdresser doing my hair for the forseeable future, no matter where, shop or home.
Depends what your hair is like....mine is not presentable without a decent trim! Don’t want to frighten the neighbours!
Me neither .. I’m quite keen about having my hair done and I do go to the hairdresser every six weeks for a cut & blow and then every other time fine spatula highlights (which have lasted so well but now growing out. ) I would not let anyone in my house unless it was for emergency plumbing/repairs. Hairdressing is not an emergency. x
Personally pippin, I wouldn't risk it. You've come this far and it would be a shame if you took the risk and became ill, but at the end of the day, the decision is yours.
My initial thoughts are hair can wait, health can't.
There is no lifting the lockdown anytime soon.
I know exactly what you mean about how having your hair done can make you feel better but so really would cross that bridge another time.
Is there anyway you could "schoosch" it up your self a bit? I've started experimenting with headscarfs and clips and alsorts. I'm also not washing it as much and it's less dry and seems thicker.
I personally wouldn’t risk it. I know a good cut is morale- boosting, but with delayed gratification, think how fantastic it will be when you eventually have it done.
For me, it’s a good opportunity to nourish my hair ( and face) with hydrating masks.
Stay safe
I wouldn't risk it......having someone coming to your house is against the rules, and could end badly. If we all just bend the rules a bit individually, as a whole the lockdown won't work
I certainly was not suggesting that I would do this during lockdown, only when lockdown ends for the majority of people on the basis that I am supposed to have immunity for a while but am in the shielded group and therefore may not be able to have a hair cut until a vaccine is found.