Has anyone found Turmeric helpful for control of pain? - NRAS


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Has anyone found Turmeric helpful for control of pain?

rosie1928 profile image
19 Replies

Hi EVeryone

Just wondering about Turmeric. My chemist said that she had had some really good feedback about the substance but i found it didn't do a thing for me. Disappointed as it was quite expensive.

Would love to see your comments


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rosie1928 profile image
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19 Replies
Ssmart profile image

Not tried turmeric, but from what I’ve read it’s more of an anti inflammatory than a pain reliever, but obviously reduced inflammation =less pain... although it has something beginning with C in it that is supposed to help with pain, but think it’s highly rated for its anti inflammatory properties- I may be wrong though 😁

how long and in what form did you try it? Like most anti inflammatory things it probably takes time to build up in your system.


helixhelix profile image

Didn't make a difference to me.

oldtimer profile image

I tried it for two months - no effect except an increase in indigestion. On the other hand my husband takes curcumin powder, apparently the active principle (and which makes a terrible yellow sticky mess everywhere) and thinks it helps his aches and pains.

charisma profile image

Turmeric curcumin (root) with piperine (latter is black pepper which aids absorption) helps me greatly along with Boswellia which is frankincense. These two substances taken together have been shown in valid studies to be as effective as a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug.

They work for me, never have stiffness but I do have pain if I trigger a flare of Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis.

There are other threads on here on the same subject, one during the weekend. :-)

dwsurquhart profile image

I found Tumeric did nothing for pain, yet I think it may have helped minutely for inflammation. I was using curcumin capsules. I switched to just using Tumeric in my cooking. Adds a nice flavour and colour.

Tillie20 profile image

Hi I use turmeric in stews and soups but must say I don't think it does anything as when I get a flare the pain is the same X

Jules13 profile image

What type are you using?

I make my own with organic turmeric and black pepper (black pepper helps absorption). Or there is a good one made by Solgar (expensive though). Sometimes you will see it sold as Curcumin which is the compound extracted from turmeric. It also gets absorbed more quickly.

So turmeric is not a pain reliever exactly but it does reduce inflammation. So therefore it can help stiffness and pain because of that.

I take two capsules everyday. I also take glucosamine and chondroitin. If I run out and don’t take them for 3-5 days I really really notice the difference.

Ssmart profile image
Ssmart in reply to Jules13

I’ve thought about trying glucosamine, anyone else find it helpful?

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply to Ssmart

It's really good for OA and RA. I first used it when I had knee arthritis (osteo). It's a natural compound found in healthy cartilage, particularly in the fluid around the joints. Harvested from shells of shellfish or can be made in the laboratory (so you would have to get vegan if you are allergic). The one most used in arthritis is glucosamine sulfate. In laboratory tests, glucosamine showed anti-inflammatory properties and even appeared to help cartilage regeneration.

Ssmart profile image
Ssmart in reply to Jules13

Thank you! X

Nanna71 profile image

Turmeric is touted as an anti-inflammatory by some. It is not a pain killer. Tried it before I knew what my problem was (RA) on the advice of a friend. Drank a mix of it with milk warmed up - just disgusting. Didn't, of course, do a thing. Prednizone is an anti-inflammatory which works, therefore reduces the pain caused by inflammation.

Checked the percentage incidence of RA in countries where the diet is loaded with Turmeric. India, for example, uses it daily and, as a country, has a higher incidence of RA than yours or mine. Well, that's another lesson for me about the strength of this disease. So is ginger, pepper, and some food things suppose to be anti-inflammatory. No evidence is given and I have already said in another post about my opinion on what these actually do for you.

You could be chasing rabbit trails for years, Rosie. It's very discouraging and life-sucking to be using your time up like that. Actually, your life is yours to manage. My problem is getting angry with false claims that suck people in.

Jules13 profile image
Jules13 in reply to Nanna71

I’m not sure where you read that but the latest study by the WHO (world health organisation) and the International Organisation against RA, at the end of 2018, shows that RA in India and Pakistan are scarce.

It’s about 1% of the population in the UK, about 1.2% in the US and only 0.1% in India and Pakistan. They must be doing something right.

Nanna71 profile image
Nanna71 in reply to Jules13

I tried to find my source again on the web but only came up with India Times news (not my source) but interestingly (if telling the truth) they are having an upsurge in younger people being diagnosed with RA.

The stats I also looked at said US - .9%, Canada - .9%, India - 1% .Actually looks almost the same across the board. Forgot - UK 1% too. So I guess that's why they decided put it as a global average of 1%. There's a lot of same incidence of it in really different cultures.

Also, before you think they are doing 'something right', check how they diagnose and what they use for risk factors. By the by, I don't trust the WHO. I probably shouldn't trust India Times either. So much trying to sensationalize news.

Hi Rosie, I started taking Tumeric a week ago so early days! I purchased mine from amazon as they had really good reviews, I’ve included the link below amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N4A5DH6/...

dbestdeb profile image

Terry Naturally extra strength Curamin with boswellia does help me.

Maggsie profile image

Hi, I make golden paste and freeze it in coffee bean moulds and use it every day. I find it really does help me with inflammation and a lttle bit with pain.

TheWalker profile image

I have been taking Turmeric for 14 months, just one tablet a day. I noticed a slight difference after two months. It works well alongside my five-weekly infusion, and I am now in remission! I take 400mg Organic Turmeric capsule, as recommended by my health shop.

MadamJ profile image

After seeing the turmeric trial on tv - about 2 years ago - I invested in turmeric/circumim and it does work for my inflammations. So now my supplements are glucosamine and chondroitin, turmeric, omega 3 fish body oil (not cod liver oil) and multivits... no anti-inflammatory meds due to side effects, and there’s definitely a difference. But my hands and feet/ankles are still a bother.

BUT: it takes time to all work, so be patient!

Mimigirl19 profile image

Hi, I’ve widespread osteoarthritis and tried Turmeric. I’m pleased to say it’s proved really good at relieving pain. I can now manage stairs far easier than before. I have also been able to reduce prescribed medication which doesn’t agree with me. It’s wise to consult your GP or pharmacist to make sure it’s ok to take with any prescribed medication. Good luck and I hope it works for you.

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