How would I get rid of Baker's cyst for good?
Most time, I find it difficult time walk. My whole knee is swollen and painful after longs walks and climbs
How would I get rid of Baker's cyst for good?
Most time, I find it difficult time walk. My whole knee is swollen and painful after longs walks and climbs
Hello Opianeg, I had one of thee and it suddenly disappeared when I was kneeling down. It was like the pressure of kneeling made it burst or disperse very suddenly. Why not ask your GP, because I think that a steroid injection into the bursa should make it shrink and disappear.
Good luck.
Mine burst rather spectacularly leaving me with massive bruises up both legs. They still niggle a bit, but were better after bursting.
WOW! I suspected that mine may have burst, or at least leaked, back in 2014, as I was admitted to hospital with excruciating pain in that leg with what was first suspected to be a DVT. Apparently, it was an infection, but the medics couldn’t find a source, despite trying to draw fluid from my knee with what looked like a knitting needle - mega ouch! - and I often wondered if it was the synovial fluid leaking into my leg that caused it all. I never really got any explanation for it at the time, but maybe the rheumy nurse can shed some light.
Same happened to me! Rushed to casualty with suspected DVT. Then moved to orthopaedic hospital with suspected infection.
Darned excruciating isn't it. I couldn't bend or straighten legs.
It certainly is - I could barely move my leg at all without crying out in pain. It was even worse than PsA pain, and that's saying something!
Agree. I was in so much pain I was put on a drip of pain meds
I have one too and would be interested if you get an answer! I have a rheumy nurse appointment later this month and was planning to ask the question, so will also report back if I get any useful info.
I get a recurring Baker Cyst behind my knee which makes it very immobile at times. A hydrocortisone injection usually makes it shrink down and gives great relief for about six months for me. Hope you can get one.
Hi. Do you have RA? mine used to be bad when I wasn't controlled good enough
I did ask about it at hosp and my (lovely) rheumy nurse said that if your disease is well controlled they should not be a problem, ie active RA = possible bakers cysts etc..
Hope yours improve soon. X
Hi jojo, my RA is very well controlled with ESR 5-10 and CRP 0-5 so there's no inflammation systemically raging around as such, but the knee which has the Baker Cyst behind us has moderate OA damage so gives a lot of pain behind the knee. Due to that damage the Baket Cyst occurs and has been playing up for about four years on and off. This was also the time of my late Mum's demise and a horrible time with probate and an in-law who drove me mad with bullying on a daily basis for 2 & 1/2 years so I didn't pursue a replacement as I was so busy. My rheumy department won't scan it unless I say I will have a replacement .. Not really fair .. so I have been making it more mobile and all the muscles much stronger surrounding it. Mid December I went for a Physio appointment re my lumbar muscles as I'd strained them and wanted specific exercises. The Physio asked how my knee was and I mentioned the Baker Cyst starting to return and he said it was likely affecting the popliteal nerve which runs down the back of the fossa then out to the outer side. Without warning, he dug his fingers deep into that nerve area and did some hard, circular, pressing massage. I stopped him but too late as it's been awful since then. Both nerve and cyst areas. My next follow up rheumatology appointment is in February so if it is still playing up then I'm going to ask for a scan. I have had RA since 1995 and my hospital have a no joint scan policy unless you have emergency symptoms or about to have an op! They will Dexa scan you and X-ray but that's all in general. I would like to know what is happening.
Bless you, the physio doesn't sound very good, he / they should have been much more careful with you.
You've also been through really tough horrible time, maybe things will settle a little now.. Hopefully.. ❤️
If your knees are really bad, would you not consider surgery? I'm recovering from my second replacement, and the first, albeit still a little sore, is now safe and sound to walk on, ie no more giving way.
I'm only late 40s.. But still happy to replace, as quality of life had gone downhill too much.
Take care Jj xx
Hi jojo thank you for your kind post. 😘. I will consider the TKR but I've had such a strange and unpleasant time the past few years that my rheumy said I should try have a couple of years doing what I wanted and get my life back on track as it was on hold for ages with my Mum and all that happened. She said my mind needed to do all the things I'd shelved and also have some hols with my husband who had been so very patient with everything being focussed on her house and sale of it. For over two years we spent our weekends maintaining it and cleaning. For the last year we've been trying to have some good times ourselves as his family had a meltdown member who was causing havoc at the same time. We were always on edge waiting for the next incident. Bless my gorgeous Mum as she was amazing and I had no hesitation in always putting her first as she was the most fabulous lady, Mum and friend, but my rheumy said as a result of all I had to do, my RA had suffered. Then hospital let me down with my infusions and couldn't get me in so I took two years to come round from a slide down the slippery RA slope to out of control RA. Disgusting they let a person whose RA was in remission get so low and I became totally as they did not have a space for 7 weeks for me to have my infusion. Anyhow what I am saying is due to some strange times and the need to get back on track, I'm trying to get fitter and stronger and do house things/organise others to do them (our decorating!) for us. I will know when the knee needs this op! I'm glad you are doing so well and that gives me great encouragement. Where did you have yours done if you don't mind me asking? The reason is that I thought a Jo on this message board was in my area. Always good to know who has had a brilliant surgeon! Physio is the head Physio and usually excellent and I've known and seen him for 24 years but he was wrong to press hard as he did. 😤 Hope you're zipping around soon and the knee is getting stronger day by day. Hugs xx
I had one after my 2nd TKR in February last year. I was told that it should disperse on it's own. Following a 2nd ultra sound in December for a inflamed ligament behind the same knee, it had disappeared. Hope yours will do the same.
Hi, yes me too, my Baker’s cyst behind knee was better for a while but has returned with knee swelling after walking, a real pain literally. I have been told rest helps but not always easy. Last week could hardly walk, but this week bit better. So the answer is don’t really know how to get rid of them, they just seem to recur.