I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have just had a flu jab the area has swollen up and is now 4 inches in diameter and is hot and hard in the centre. Should I report it to the rheumatologist or am I making too much fuss.
Flu Vaccination : I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have... - NRAS
Flu Vaccination

Is this the first time you have had a flu jab? As you tend to react more the first time.
If you do feel ill, then flag this up with your GP or rheumy team.
My personal rule of thumb for all sorts of things is that if I have a temperature I phone my medical team to check. If I don't I wait until the next day (and the next etc...).
I don't think you are making too big of a fuss. To be on the safe side I would I would report or make a phone call. The reaction sounds quite nasty.
Same ... had mine wednesday and I also have a 4 inch area of red swollen hard hot skin .. hopefully it will settle down soon!
Quite a few here seem to have had an unusual reaction.Would be interesting to know which flu shot you received the over or under 65 one.🤓
It all sounds dodgy to me
All these reactions and the nurse just saying its fine ?
How does she really know?
I wonder what the long term affects are of having alluminium animal bovine and mecury mixed with different toxic concoctions of poision
injected into your system every year
Ever wonder why its free to most unhealthy people
Time will tell
Hi the same happened to me after my jab, it took a while to settle but I have had no real problems only a sore arm. I think it happens when your arm is tense when being given the jab! Hope you feel better soon.
Hi I hadthe same symptom when I had my flu jab but was also itchy it lasted over 1 week but I was away so just left it x
I had mine on Thursday and the practice nurse warned me that this may happen as nearly everyone who has had it at the practice has had a very red quite large are.a surrounding injection site. Didnt get it Friday but came up yesterday. I feel ok tho. Very glad she mentioned it. Hope that helps.
I had a similar reaction but settled down in 4/5 days Like others say only a sore arm no other adverse effects
I’ve have never had a flu jab yet that didn’t make me feel very unwell. My arm has swollen up to 3 times the size before. I’ve found that I have an egg allergy so this is why it makes me poorly but no-one will get egg free one. Anyhow that’s me, if the problem persists for more than 4/5 days go back and see GP or nurse. Hopefully it will settle down after a few days. I think these sorts of reactions are common at the injection sight. Hopefully it goes without it making you feel too unwell.
Did you get the over 65 one? The under 65 does not have the egg problem and besides newest research think it's ok to take the egg one even though you may have allergy. The reaction may have been to the adjuvant, or something that the immunereaction was boosted in the over 65vaccine (?)
No wouldn’t be the over 65. Egg allergy is quite severe it closes my throat. Research or not I’m afraid I have been very poorly after having it every time I do have immuno problems. I know most people would say I’m stupid to take the risk by not having it but had the pneumonia vaccine a couple of years ago under supervision and there was no immune response so I’m not sure my immune system would cover me anyway.
Just what I thought. Once again false information fed to the public. Can imagine that there are pharma funded studies backing up these new guidelines.
I wouldn’t like to advocate that flu jabs are unnecessary it’s just that they don’t like me at all. I suppose it’s up to each person whether to have one or not. I’m just unlucky I suppose the docs still look at me like I’m an idiot even after they’ve had to deal with the aftermath. Just goes to show I’m a sensitive soul. Haha at the end of the day I suppose they could deal with reaction I have after all there are people who die of flu every year so it’s an individual calculated risk.
Because of all my medical issues, I must have a flu shot every year. This year was the first time having this reaction. It went away after a week, nurse said it was normal
It does seem that the reaction to the flu shot this year has been stronger than the years before (?) Would be interesting to know if there was a difference in reaction for those who got the shot for the over 65 compared to the under 65s.
Hi Simba.....Interesting no one has replied to having over/under65 vaccine.
Wonder it they are coy about their age or if no one told them which they were having?
Maybe it's just presumed 65+ will automatically receive Fluad?
Yes really too bad, would have been interesting to see if different reaction.
After some reading up on the effects of the fluad vaccine, evidently it does give a stronger reaction than the under 65. So probably the ones here describing the more aggressive reactions did get the fluad one(?)🤔🤓
I find it rather puzzling,& quite disturbing how difficult it is to get information about influenza vaccinations reacting with other drugs this year.
Naively I thought GP's would know which RA patients they should check before giving them the 65+ vaccine.
I admit in previous years I have just had the jab & like most people thought no more of it.
But when the info on FLUAD mentioned a drug I was on.....as you know I decided to look into it & after a lot of effort, found out if I had the FLUAD vaccine my unit would not give me my infusion.
Of course I don't know if that is just a local decision.....however I wonder what would have happened had I not been wary & had the vaccine & had gone ahead with the infusion without saying I'd had it?
I'd be interested if anyone else has been told that if they have the 65+ vaccine they won't be given their RTX infusion.
Always get it checked out
I dont go near flu jabs
Its a gamble
They dont cover every flu strain and have you read whats in them ?
Aluminum- Mercury-Animal Bovine etc etc
In america kids have died from theflu jab
I would rather take the risk with Vit D
Adding high doses of vit C during flu season has also seen to give additional protection.😊
Washing hands often enough very effective as well. Here some discussion on flu and vaccination effect.
I know a person who died from the flu, or rather I knew them. I'd rather take the risk with the jab.
I Googled this but couldn't find any information at all. What on earth is "animal bovine"? Now I know that bovines are cows but I've never in my life come across a substance called "animal bovine".
I do know that the Fluzone shot (dead flu) contains gelatin derived from pigs (porcine) but looking at the PIS, there is no aluminium or mercury present. Take a look:
Fluad (over 65s) and Fluenx (nasal) don't contain aluminium or mercury either.
Where on earth have you been getting your information from? Spreading falsities like this can be really harmful and I'd suggest that you get into the habit of checking out the claims you read before passing them on. Fake news is EVERYWHERE, we must be vigilant.
There should definitely be a more transparent discussion on vaccines and meds in general. There is always an other side of the coin that should also be taken into the discussion even though we are overwhelmed with onesided information.
P.S This years flu vaccine containes both mercury and aluminium.
Had my flu jab on Monday too, hard and slightly raised but improving slowly.
Last 2 years I had no side effects. In fact last year I went a whole year without a cold.
Had my flu jab Monday, Wednesday started with a bad cold. Got an infection in my lower right lung and sores up my nose. Coincidence or not I don't know.
I did have a small sore lump round the injection site which settles after a couple of days.