so heres vote stay at my docs who have treated for around 3/4yrs of being sick every day all meals now mushing food to get it down still in same situation as then OR 2 MOVE DOCKS and get 3 months of doctors nurse physio carers etc etc yes thats whats on offer iwill go majority
help what to do go or stay decisions decisions i will... - NRAS
help what to do go or stay decisions decisions i will go with your vote

I vote move doctors seems to make sense.
ta uga not much response but i thinks thats whats going to happen if results arnt giving anything up
I am with Uga on this. If you feel unhappy with your current doc, then ditch them......There are many other good docs out there, and with technology as good as it is these days, your new doc will be up to speed on your particular condition in no time. And if you feel a bit dodgy on your new doc, ditch them too and move on...It's your health they are messing with, so you must find one who gives you 100% confidence in their ability to help and be prepared to listen to you.
Good luck.
ta chongo hope to make decision soon
No problemo. An example of a bad doc--One day my normal doc was on holidays so l had to see another at the same place. As l was talking to him, he was just sitting there tapping away at his keyboard so I said "Are you listening to me"? He looked up and said "What"?...So l looked at what he was doing on his computer screen and it was another persons file he was working on!......So i said "Get ******" and walked out.
Most docs are good but some don't seem to care, like this clown I saw that day. They are only flesh and blood like us, so if they treat you with respect and compassion, you give it in return because they are keen to help and are genuine good people......But the same goes if they treat you with disrespect....If they do that, you tell 'em where to go. Cheers.
that's trouble at wife's theirs about 6 docs so its pot luck its like you get a feeling for those who care about you and really want to help i will phone tomos and b A MAN AND MAKE A DECISION SQUEAK
Good decision, pauluk, be decisive and assertive in life. Once you are assertive other people see you as having a strong sense of self and will treat you with the respect you deserve. I have been like that all of my life, l am also very empathetic and caring but sometimes certain types of people mistake my kindness for weakness.......That is when they learn a quick lesson in manners.
You just have to balance it out and not become overly assertive or arrogant though....So just basically have self confidence without being an A-hole.
So assert yourself, get on that phone and change your life...You will not regret it.
Go get 'em mate!
Dear Paul,
I CAN'T make, this decision, for you but can tell you that I moved Doctors, about seven months ago, and it's 'One OF The Best' decisions I have ever made. However I, really don't, know enough about you, or your position, to advise you further. If you asking, for 'Permission', then you have it BUT that is not, to say, that Everything will be better. If, two years down the line, 'things' are Far Worse then, please don't, blame us! Only YOU can make this, VERY difficult yet Monumental, Decision....All we can do is offer you, our Full Support, whatever you decide. I AM aware that Others, on here, have advised you, to change your Doctor- I'm NOT saying Don't, just be careful. It CAN work, very well indeed, as I have proved but, it is, a Vey Big Step. Think Carefully, I know that I did.
I hope that, whatever you decide, it all Works out for you.