night shads: Potatoe's, tomatoes, pepers, mushrooms do... - NRAS


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night shads

VeronicaF profile image
76 Replies

Potatoe's, tomatoes, pepers, mushrooms

do you guys eat them? I miss potatoes, haven't had them for ages, I tried sweet but get tummy ache

as I do bannans

I have a sensitive stomach

posting my tea tonight as talking about tea-dinner below

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VeronicaF profile image
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76 Replies
Downtime profile image

I certainly do. They don’t seem to make any difference to me...

Mmrr profile image

Yes I eat them all.

I’ve read this about nightshades group somewhere too Veronica; is there any proof/research do you know? Sad to say but I still eat them all 😊

Gnarli profile image

I eat them all plus loads of other veggies. The more colourful the better because I like them.


Rheumagal profile image

I don’t eat anything from the nightshade family. I do notice a difference. Like you I also have a ton of food intolerances. I combine foods from the anti-inflammatory diet and the bulletproof diet and I exclude all gluten, dairy, sugar, grains, processed and pretty much all meat and some fruit and veg. I do occasionally have wild salmon if it is a good source.

Diet has made a big difference in my inflammation.

Diddydriver profile image
Diddydriver in reply to Rheumagal

Where do you live?? what do you survive on. I don't think I could, I am tiny, ( 5ft 1 and 45kilo ) it sounds very ridgid too me. I am too tired and I suppose lazy to be that strict. Well done you if it helps your symptoms.

Sinderella profile image
Sinderella in reply to Rheumagal

How long have you been on such a restrictive diet? Is this your own idea or under medical supervision?

Rheumagal profile image
Rheumagal in reply to Sinderella

I was vegan years ago and in the last couple of years since my RA has progressed I have put restrictions on what I eat. Some of them like dairy, my doctor has encouraged because it does increase inflammation. I actually eat quite well and quite a lot! I make smoothies a lot and include hemp proteins and all kinds of plant based superfoods.

I admit that I do cheat occasionally 😉

I have a background in natural health so I am going it alone.

I am thinking about introducing some bone broths from an organic source. The meat is hard to digest for me but the broth sooo healing.

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Rheumagal

Glad you have found some relief by following such a restrictive diet. Would you mind telling me what the major improvements are and how long it has taken to see any changes? I do understand we are all different and we react differently to everything. Incidently, have you tried to reintroduced some of the "forbidden" food stuffs, one by one, and if so what did you find?

Rheumagal profile image
Rheumagal in reply to JGBH

Along with my RA I suffer inflammation in my digestive tract so I have a really tough time finding food that doesn’t aggravate me. I have noticed a big improvement with inflammation in my gut as well as reduced inflammation overall. The only foods I cheat with is occasionally cheese. I’m sorry I can’t help it 🤤 but it’s usually once or twice and then gone for another 6months.

I do reintroduce some grains like oatmeal, brown rice.

Along with a reduction in inflammation I have less pain, fewer headaches, better sleep.

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Rheumagal

Thank you so much. It’s good you can see and feel the difference it makes. I can’t drink cows’ milk but do eat some cheese and some yogurts. Having reflux problems and reactive gastritis I cannot eat peppers and anything “hot”... or I suffer horribly. Not keen to go gluten free.... (have hypothyroidism etc), I love good bread so much ... it doesn’t always help everyone to be gluten free but suspect it might help me somehow... Perhaps will try eventually. Having RA, Sjogren etc. I have inflammation... like so many people. Don’t feel ready yet to “deprive “ myself more than necessary. However I may have to try it one day.

Good luck with the continuation in recovering your wellbeing.

lucymead profile image
lucymead in reply to Rheumagal

You are doing exactly what my Rhuemy team told me to do. The nightshade family is not good for RD. Peppers are ok as long as they are cooked well, best not to eat raw stuff. I am afraid that Cheese is a big no no for me , I have ulcerated insides due to I bruprofen and Steroid treatment and cheese makes it worse. I have reflux problems due to above treatment too. I always feel better if I leave those foods out.

helixhelix profile image

Have something from that family every day. Never have a problem.

Mistydawn profile image

I was told by a nutritional therapist to only avoid potatoes from the nightshade family. I did for s couple of years but reintroduced them into my diet recently as I too missed them. Have not noticed any difference in inflammation. My RD seems to be well managed with abatacept

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Mistydawn

Why were you told to avoid potatoes ?

Mistydawn profile image
Mistydawn in reply to Mmrr

We were discussing avoiding foods from the nightshade family and she suggested there wasn’t evidence to say that members were the culprit except potatoes perhaps. I believe that what might work for one person may not work for another so I would try and see what works for you. Good luck

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Mistydawn

Thanks Mistydawn, if the potatoes have gone green I know to avoid due to the high level of solanine.

Kelmcg profile image

I don’t eat the nightshades but I have no clue if they reduce inflammation as I have just started a new medication so unsure if it’s the medication working or the diet. I don’t really miss them and there are so many alternatives. I have only been doing this for about 6wks but already I’m scared to reintroduce the just in case it makes me flare, so I’m kind of stuck.

I spoke to a dietician and they have said to visit them once I have the condition under control and then we can do a proper elimination diet. I don’t necessarily want to avoid foods that I don’t have because I love food!!

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Kelmcg

I agree with you regarding not depriving oneself of some many lovely food types if it can be helped.

What treatment are you on, if you don't mind telling me?. Have been on Etanercept for 15 years now, this has worked very well for me but not so well for past year, so Methotrexate injections have been added now to test whether it will help. I may need a new biologic now. I suppose I have had 2 total knee replacement operations within 6 months, so my body has had a great deal to cope with.

Kelmcg profile image
Kelmcg in reply to JGBH

Hi JGBH, I have been on 25mg MTX (weekly) for 9 mths. as it didn’t help I started etanercept 3wks ago. I have heard good things about this drug so I’m hopeful that something will happen soon but I’m still sore everyday .

Hopefully once etancercept has stabilised my condition I can taper off MTX but like you, It May only last for a period of time before the medication needs to be reviewed. Or in your case, I’m pretty sure that those knee ops will have something to do with your increased discomfort. That’s pretty hard core!!

I hope the MTX injections work for you until your knees have settled down.

Good luck 😉

JGBH profile image
JGBH in reply to Kelmcg

Hi Kelmcg,

My rheumatologist added weekly MTX injections (7.5 mg increased to 15 mg) to help my Etanercept work better a fw minth after mt 1st total kne replacement operation as the RA had been flaring up and was nor controlled. Not sure it's working yet because I had to stop using both Etanercept and MTX 2 weeks prior to 2nd total knee replacement operation in July and could not restart injections 2 weeks post operation because I was on antibiotics. However I am now on week 9, restarted boths injections... meanwhile I had to be put on Prednisolone (20 mg, 4/day, decreasing by one tablet every 2 weeks... tapering), so not sure how it's going to work out in the end. The steroids certainy help... but can't stay on these for too long (have don so in past). It may be that I need to find another biologic.

I hope you will find Etanercept most helpful. It di give me my life back for many years. It can take up to 2 months or longer to kick in. So good luck. When I first started Etanercept I had to to take MTX tablets (7.5 mg) once/week. However, after a few months I felt like my body, my whole system was being poisoned and I told rheumatologist I wanted to stop it, which I did. Etanercept still worked very well without it then. MTX is rally a very toxic drug which I am not at all happy to take. The injections seems to create less problems but the toxicity remains the same unfortunately. At the moment I will put up with it and see how my RA stabilises again or not... in the course of next few months, then will consult my rheumatologist in order to stop using mtx and perhaps starting a new biologic.. but I am nervous of stopping Etanercept which has been a tremendous relief to me. However, the RA must have progressed nevertheless... plus the fact I was in so much more pain with the OA in both knees - excruciating pain for 2/3 years on top of RA, so much inflammation throughout the system, so perhaps time is require to "calm things down" before I see some benefit again. Complex health issues.

Please let me know how you are getting on with Etanercept.

All the best.

Mmrr profile image

The only way to know if any food effects you is by undertaking a proper elimination diet.

The are no quick answers.

Excluding whole groups of foods without knowing whether they impact on you negatively , or not is not helpful in identifying the problem food, or identifying if there is indeed a problem.

Here is a link explaining nightshades:

lilyak profile image

I have tried every dietary intervention possible, down to being on an elemental diet (supervised by my immunologist and gastroenterologist due to food allergies). None of it had any effect on my inflammation or pain levels. Its highly individual. It seems diet doesn't affect most people, but some find it helps to exclude certain foods. The only way to know is try. Just exclude them for a month, if you feel a lot better, challenge a food. If it causes a flare, eliminate again, and challange AGAIN. To be sure. Everyone is different, you can only find out by trying. But you have to be specific and challenge at least twice to be sure you have the actual cause.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to lilyak

Wise words

Sinderella profile image
Sinderella in reply to lilyak

I also did the elimination diet and found no evidence that any foods affected my inflamation or pain levels. In some ways I was disappointed that I had not found a "reason" for my problem but in other ways I was so happy that I could continue to enjoy all my favourite foods 😀

lilyak profile image
lilyak in reply to Sinderella

I can totally understand that! Unfortunately a restrictive diet is forever for me, due food allergies and eosinophilic esophagitis. I truly hoped that the diet would help my arthritis, but it just didnt. It gets frustrating when friends keep suggesting dietary changes. Ive done it all, but they persist...while offering me foods they KNOW im allergic to i the next breath! You have to laugh...

Cheronia profile image

I was intolerant to mushrooms but I never liked them anyway. The only way is to get tested privately and then you might be surprised at what you can have! I love chips and all kinds of potatoes, sweet are nice as well.

tristin profile image

I avoid tomato and tomato sauce, seems to bring back or increase the pain. Fried chips also bring back or increase the pain for me. Steamed potato is Ok for me but not 100% sure. Quality diluted apple cider vinegar seems to help a little. So many other factors like physical work that makes it hard to determine what does or does not affect the RA. One factor is number of days from taking Methotroxorate but this corresponds with the number of working days. I still try and do physical work for a living.

Simba1992 profile image

You can really eat potatoes once a week or so if you cook them really well and without peel. Funny with sweet potatoes I really do not like them whereas I miss potatoes.

VeronicaF profile image

Thank everyone," Some" people come across as having a go at me for trying to help myself through diet.

I will say again- I was over weight I was 10st 13

I am now 9st1 and BMI 23.5 ideal weight

I eat breakfast

I might have a roast-that which will be chicken or turkey, sweed, cabbiage, carrots, peas, no gravy or poto

than a salad greens and will be almond nuts melons, grated carrots, reddish, olives, sweetcorn.salmon

or sometimes sardines or tuna but mainly salmon,apples sometimes,and strewberries

I do sometimes have wholemeal bread but going to try gluten free

than I might have a chicken curry that being brown rice gluten free sause, cauliflower

so you can see I do eat a lot

I do have milk in my cups of tea and drink a lot of tea

I know everyone means well!!!, it just comes across as your getting at me, I am 54 years old I am not a child and I don't need it.

and you all should know that you will do anything to help yourself

please excuse spelling its not my strong point

Downtime profile image
Downtime in reply to VeronicaF

You diet sounds good, well done with the weight loss. Its worth trying eliminating things to see if it helps. I tried gluten free and felt great and lost weight but it made no difference to my inflammation so I gave it up. I’m thinking about going back on it as it did improve my overall wellbeing ....

Hobbledehoy profile image
Hobbledehoy in reply to VeronicaF

Atta-girl, don't let anything put you down. You're only trying to help yourself, and kindly sharing in case it helps anyone else. Good 🍀 luck.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Hobbledehoy

Absolutely! - Go girl xx

Lulu66 profile image

I did 6 months plus without these, only difference I thought was potatoes which I got stomach ache, so have sweet potatoes instead and limit normal potatoes, the biggest thing diet wise for me is cutting out sugar

helixhelix profile image

Diet is a very emotional topic! It has caused all sorts of upsets on this forum, which is a shame as it's good to share experiences. But we each have to recognise that it's a personal choice....and as we know with this disease there isn't a single answer.

Eat what suits you, and above all enjoy eating it! Amd if you are now a good BMI then that's brillaint - well done.

medway-lady profile image

Is this a FODMAP diet to relieve IBS?

VeronicaF profile image

No its not medway-lady, its in relation to RA, its food that can make you have inflammation on top of what your body has already too much of with RA.

nothing I write is a cure but if it helps reduce pain even a little to me its worth it.

I should have sat on my hands before typing me thinks :O)

I think that CBD oil is working already but I can feel myself a touch more ratty :O)

I have just had my gluten free toast with sardines on top

that was after my breakfast, and I think I am off to have some melon

all before my big salad salmon tea tonight :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

before I had RA I would eat chocs for breakfast, bics for lunch or cheese on toast, or bacon in lots of butter and bread, tea I would have fry up with fried chips, or steak or packet something all with fried chips

sunday roast, lamb, or beef hardly any veg lots of roast potos

and fast food restrants

and lots of chocs and sweets

I would have never looked at a salad let alone eat it,that was all 3 months ago

I was 10stone 13

I am now 9st 1 and have substained that weight for last 3 weeks

I also had

loads of cakes and puddings, my diet is loads more healthy now and I smoked, I loved my diet but my body didn't

janny55 profile image
janny55 in reply to VeronicaF


Sounds like your describing my diet 😱😁 I’m better than I was but need to eat more healthy, where do I start 🤷‍♀️🤗x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to VeronicaF

Well done Veronica! Amazing achievement! Xx

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to VeronicaF

It does sound similar and FODMAP does discuss inflammtion reducing effects of the diet. I suspect that diet is important but I've not eaten gluten for years although I saw a programme the other evening about ancient grain breads which might be interesting. I think that more people should be tested for Celioc as it might just be more common that at present known about. I think smoking is also a bad thing not just for RA of course but if you've never done it then its easy to sit on a highfence and critize so I admire your giving up and also loosing weight. Both are hard to do even without RA. I can only eat gluten free bread with something sweet like jam as its vile with anything savory having an underlying sweet tang. I find Juvela the best but watch my other half scoff fried bread and think we're both lucky as at least no cholestrol problems. So I eat too much chocolate and fruit gums as life has to have some pleasure and today bought an M&S fruit cake (GF) which looks nice.

Candy profile image
Candy in reply to VeronicaF

Well done, you’ve really turned it around and can’t have been easy! I’ve just started to address sugar in mine, love sweet things, but not finding it easy!😬 Your post has given the encouragement I need to stay on track. Thank you and well done again!😊

Shalf profile image

It's a sensitive subject as most people enjoy food and eating in general. It's tough enough being diagnosed with à disease then on top of that having to be mindful of what we can or cannot enjoy eating. I am very open minded regarding diets. I think it's a fact that regardless of our disease, every human will feel less sluggish, fitter, slimmer and healthier eating a balanced diet. I am curious of intolerances but I have ate the things we are allegedly not supposed to and have been fine. I don't eat meat ( except fish) because I don't like it. Making a veggie Bolognese ( no Quorn) just Mediterranean veg , tinned tomatoes and as many mushrooms I can fit in the pot today! Haha. My body will no doubt let me know how it feels.....

VeronicaF profile image

Thank you shalf xx

Shalf profile image

Oooh the aroma of onions in olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, courgettes, celery, peppers and Italian seasoning is way too much to worry about 😂 - a little red wine to add, garlic gf free bread and gf free spaghetti and that's my Saturday evening sorted! I will care about Sunday when it comes 😂 X

janny55 profile image
janny55 in reply to Shalf

Mmmmmmm Shalf sounds amazing when shall I come round 🤣🤣x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to janny55

Everyone welcome 😄 - It's lovely!

janny55 profile image
janny55 in reply to Shalf

🤣🤣 x

janmary profile image

Some of my favourite meals revolve around Aubergine, toms and spuds. I 've always had a fruit and veg rich diet from choice (well, chocolate has been a constant companion too - but that comes from beans doesn't it?) I'm lucky that I've always preferred 'healthy' foods and never liked processed/preprepared stuff.

Have never tried excluding night shades - I know I'm too weak willed to be thorough about diets of any sort, but really don't believe diet 's made any difference to me

Paulajolo profile image

I know to avoid these except I can eat potatoes in small quantities. Ie 3 small baby ones daily. Tom's peppers etc bring on pain and IBS for me but we are all different. Took me years to work out what I can tolerate though.

Shalf profile image

Well, the sauce was superb! All fresh vegetables ( tinned tomatoes), but Tesco's 'free from' garlic bread and spaghetti was rotten! Tasteless.

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Shalf

oh so sorry to hear that shalf, but at lest the rest was lovely, I will post what I had for tea, it was yummy, funny because my dog cassie sat with me for mine, where s my hubby had gammon steaks and noddles but cassie wanted mine, so a dog can tell which one is more healthy

I will post a pic in a min up the top of my tea

in reply to VeronicaF

A true inspiration!

VeronicaF profile image

done it shalf, photo of my tea tonight

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to VeronicaF

Looks yummy and healthy! X

GranAmie profile image

used to avoid them but discovered tomatoes are ok 4me if de-seeded [as italians do]. I do the same for cucumbers/ courgettes too. Rarely use potatoes now, except for sweet potatoes [they are anti- inflammatory]. Chestnut mushrooms have loads of vitamins!.I only use rapeseed oil 2cook, and olive oil as a dressing. Doing this and taking oats, keffir w/blueberries or raspberries, avoiding white rice, yeast bread and most beans seem to have brought down my inflammation levels. tho have 2say it cd be the biosimilar too LOL

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to GranAmie

Thanks for that GranAmie, I am the same with oils, I don't do well on veg and sunflower oil and everything seems to have these blinking oils in them, everything if you read packets, why?

I love porrage but I don't do well with oats

I use to love tomatoes so might give that a go with seeds thank you, and never knew to do that with cucumber, I was temp to have a roast poto but I didn't want to risk it

do you have milk?

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to VeronicaF

I use very little milk, make porage with oats and just hot water. when ready [1 min in micro] I add handful blueberries or raspberries and top with keffir which is fermented milk [ tesco, abt £1].only Rapeseed oil is safe to cook with [did a course on this stuff at my uni] . olive oil for salads [or walnut]. have scrapped all plastic and only cook inpyrex or ceramic, as tin foil , trays etc change chemically when heated. x

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

Even better if you peel the tomatoes too.

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Simba1992

take the skin off, take the seeds out, there be nothing left tee hee :O)))))

only joking!! :O) thank you both

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

Lot of work though peeling the tomatoes. I peel the sweet peppers too and eat them sometimes since really love them grilled with garlic and olive oil.

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Simba1992

you know if you eat something you know might cause you trouble? do you get away with it if you have some cider vingar afterwards?

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

Actually just by avoiding certain foods most of the time is ok for me.Gluten and vegetable oils as well as red meat and eggplants are those that I really avoid eating. Don't think apple cider vinegar will stop the inflammatory reaction if a food has that effect. At least I cannot see how this would be possible. Apple cider vinegar good to take anyways:)

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Simba1992

thank you, the things your are doing I do too and now gluten,but my dog was sick today on my gluten free bisc :O0( that didn't give me much confidence.

I use to love lamb, and wondered if I got organic would I get away with it? as I am sick of chicken

and never really liked chicken but its all I see now and fish

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

You know the strange thing is that gluten free bread is not recommended for dogs, don't really know why. And i would really not eat chicken if it doesn't come from a farm near by like here. Heard horrible things about chicken production chain! The lamb we get here is also from the farmers, so I am lucky!

VeronicaF profile image

I think the final nail in the coffin for me getting RA was life style,weight being over, stress , my hubby been told he had lung problems, friend dying from cancer and mum dying all at same time. and a life of stress all my life really

and started having steak every week, and it was that that was the final strew I think? red meat every week,I noticed pain but ignore it and then it got stronger and longer until there was no going back, oh and having grandchildren it was easier to take them to bugar king and cheaper, I would have never eaten a burgar before that, and mac donalds

please excuse spelling, they need a spell check on here, it would make me look educated :O)

Shalf profile image

You should be so proud of yourself Veronica! Xxx

VeronicaF profile image

Thanks shalf, no I am not, I should be, if I get rid of the blinking condition then might be :O)

I hate my diet

Thank you

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to VeronicaF

It's amazing how we adapt though! I used to take a little sugar in tea years ago, the taste of sugar even from a teaspoon makes me feel sick now 🤢

VeronicaF profile image

just been listerning to something that said these are good to take?

I am not following or doing the pattison diet or whatever its called

but was interested to watch this video

and was interested about what she took for her stomach that stopped the stiffness in the mornings and pain in her hands and how she made the bread?

Iam a lame person so can something one tell me how she made the bread and with what ?taking in mind that I don't and haven't even heard half of these products,

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to VeronicaF

Hi Veronica, Wonder if she has tried CBD oil. I'm going to give it a try, sounds amazing that it's working for you. I think it takes too long and too much energy to work out what foods are good for the gut and RA. Can't go wrong with Fruit & Greens every day and oily fish once or twice a week! I think you have cracked it re your present diet as you have lost weight. Fantastic! In addition to that, you have found the oil works for your symptoms too! Best to keep bread to a minimum for weight purposes. Xx

VeronicaF profile image

looking at videos and came across this for breakfast, it makes sense,she makes sense

I might try this for breakfast, think I will leave bannas out though as they give me tummy ache love them but can't have them

VeronicaF profile image

one good thing of my diet my nails are growing so fast, never had nails before

VeronicaF profile image

looks like a yummy soup so thought Id share with you guys,

Autumn Soup

This is a tasty soup, with the rich orange colour of autumn leaves. It makes a quick, tasty lunch served with a hunk of No-Knead Bread.

Recipe: Autumn Soup


a slosh of olive oil

1 clove of garlic

1 medium onion, chopped

12oz / 340g butternut squash, diced

3 carrots, diced

1 large sweet potato, diced

a pinch of mixed herbs

2 pints / 1 litre hot water or chicken stock if you have your own

2 stock cubes (Kallo organic are good) if you have no stock


Heat the olive oil in your pressure cooker over a medium heat.

Soften the onion for about 10 minutes while you chop the other veg. Stir regularly to avoid burning them.

When the onion is golden and soft, add the garlic and herbs and fry off for a minute or two.

Toss in the rest of the veg and give it all a good stir about to coat it all with the oil, herbs and garlic.

Add the stock (or the stock cubes and hot water).

Close up your pressure cooker and turn up the heat to get it up to pressure.

Cook for 10 minutes at high pressure, then relase the pressure in accordance with the instructions for your particular pressure cooker.

When it has cooled just a fraction, whizz it with a hand-held blender, taste it and adjust the seasoning.

VeronicaF profile image

guess what guys, I had my first roast poto yesterday in coconut oil yesterday, only tiny ones, oh my god have I missed them, its been since july I haven't had them for.

I feel sore today, no more no less

I am not going to do it every day.

oh my was I in heaven yesterday

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to VeronicaF

I'm quite ok with potatoes if I don't eat them often and always well cocked without peel.

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Simba1992

yeah I am not going to take the pea with them, I think now and then

I think of my imun system as an army, and that I am slipping through the net before it notices :O) if I am quiet I might get away with it :O)

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