I have RA and Crohns and have now been diagnosed with a type of rare non Hodgkin so lymphoma called MALT Lymphoma, they say it’s a rare side affect of RA has anyone else ever been diagnosed with this
Malt Lymphoma caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis - NRAS
Malt Lymphoma caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis

I'm so sorry you've had this diagnosis on top of everything else. I haven't come across this so have no thoughts to share. I just wanted to offer my sincere sympathy for your situation and wish you all the best for the future
Thank you, it’s just a lot to take I. Have to wait until next week to see a Heamatologist who will decide on the treatment.
Sending my support over to you too. RA can cause all sorts of additional problems and this is one that must have come as a shock. But it sounds like you are in very good hands and they will be doing all the necessary investigations. Wishing you all the best. I've just had some enlarged lymph nodes scanned in my salivary glands which also may be RA related. We have to dig really deep sometimes for our courage, but it is always there to be found.
Goodness Lesley what a shock for you. It's bad enough having to deal with RD and Crohns and now having this diagnosed. I haven't heard of it before, I did look it up and from what I read it does seem to be something they can treat. Just wishing you all the very best and the best possible outcome. Hugs X
Hi Lesley
I haven’t got any info regarding this side effect but just want to wish you well and send you hugs xxx Sarah
Sorry that you have this on top of RA. I know that those with Sjögren’s are at a significantly higher risk of getting Malt Lymphoma but it’s supposed to have a very good prognosis for many. So hopefully it will for you too.

Thank you
Hi Lesley, Haven't heard of this condition but would like to wish you the best of luck with your treatment plan, hope all goes well. Suzie x
I have heard of it, so sorry you've been diagnosed. I understand dependent on what the primary is is where it's found. Having two autoimmune conditions in some cases increases the risk, though still low, it is treatable. I'm sure you know this & sorry I can't help more.
I hope your appointment with the Haematologist goes well. Keep us updated? x
I am not familiar with this side effect but wish you well on the treatment.
Stay strong Lesley - we are all here for you. Wishing you all the best x
So sorry you have all this to contend with i am sure you will receive the best treatment and you get the best outcome.Stay strong and let us know how things are going x