Saw my consultant rheaumtoglist today 're secukinumab150mg injections making me violently sick .this is my 7th biologic .was told today there is no more biologics left to try .was kind of a relief as I have been onbiologics for 14years without much relief .he has put me on morphine patches. And took me of arcoxia due to renal failure .has anyone else been on morphine patches .x amy
're biologics : Saw my consultant rheaumtoglist today... - NRAS
're biologics
Oh dear...poor you! What a shame all meds have failed for you. Really sorry to hear that. I hope the pain patches help. Never been on patches, but have taken oromorph. Just made me spaced out.
Oh my goodness Amy, so sorry to read this. I know nothing of the morphine patches. Is this RA you have? Poor you! Can you get a second , third.... opinion from other Rheumatologists? Feel for you! Xx
I have RA and anklossing spondlittis and have vision loss due to uvittis part of the as .i have had a good 14 years on biologics just they were off or get used to my body .my consultant rheaumtoglist is very good .have a review in 3mths maybe by then there will be more biologics on the market thankyou x amy
So sorry you have had to go through all these wretched drugs without success. You must be a very patient person indeed.i presume you have also tried the fairly new Jak inhibitors ('nibs). i understand it could be a relief to stop trying them and I hope the patches give you what you need. All the very best...
Thankyou I think my body has maybe had enough now .how are u keeping amy
Mine had enough with the dmards never struggle to work part time time but flared between Nov a d march almost constantly had max steroid injections allowed and steroid tablets and Oramorph
Hi, sorry that your treatments have been unsuccessful for you and you’ve had lots of issues. I’m on Fentanyl patches have been for about 3 years now. I had lots of problems getting them prescribed at first because they’re a controlled drug. (Fentanyl is morphine patches). I have problems with oramorph upsetting my system but no issues with patches. I probably need a higher dose now but hey that’s my problem. You might find at first they can make you feel a bit funny but that’s because they can lower your BP but soon passes as you get used to them. They take the edge off the pain but I’m still able to think straight got to admit I would REALLY struggle without them. They have no side effects on my stomach at all would use patches instead of liquid or tablets any day of the week. Hope you find them useful.
I ran out of DMRD options till hospital said they would fund Baricitinib, one of the new tablet meds. Only been on it 2 weeks but I have noticed less swelling in my knees. (Still on prednisolone) I do get a little of bit of nausea some of the day but that could be the Oxycodone. I can’t use the morph patches as I have severe hyperhydrosis (could sweat for England) so the patches don’t stick and the drug can’t be absorbed.
Thankyou amy