My hubby had juvenile RA as a kid and it completely into remission when he was about 13 years old. 2 years ago he started developing symptoms again but all the blood work that he's had done in the past 2 years is all within normal limits. CRP, ESR, RF latex, WBC, Alk Phos, all normal. No deficiencies or anything. he recently got x-rays done that show no decrease in joint space no erosion and some minor deformities in his scaphoid and lunate bones of his left hand and some very minor flexion deformities of his MTPs. Because of the scaphoid and lunate involvement I think cppd but nothing else will link us to that either... he's been trying to get disability for the past year-and-a-half because it's in his upper and lower extremities and it makes working very difficult but without having solid evidence based in blood work or x-rays we're not sure if he will get it. Has anyone else experienced R A this way or maybe that it's JRA or could it potentially be differentially diagnosed with something else?
RA with normal blood work and xrays, and no excessive... - NRAS
RA with normal blood work and xrays, and no excessive redness or swelling?

It could still be seronegative RA, what does the rheumatologist think?
My blood work never shows anything and i have RA,i did in the early days,but now nothing and i still get pain in my fingers and other
Hi ChiroMom, I have seronegative RA and nothing much has ever showed in bloods, just pain and erosion in feet joints. Hope your hubby's rheumatologist can help with answers. As for claiming benefit, Citizens advice are usually v good if you need them. Take care, S. xx
It could be, as the others have said, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. I too have never had anything show in my bloods but have RA. Good luck x
Hi I'm the same nothing shows on my bloods as I'm sero negative and have Ra
Thank you everyone. His rheumatologist thought RA prior to these tests and I'm sure will still think RA after. I do know JRA is a a seronegative RA and since he started with that, it's probably the case. The rheumatologist wants him to try humara (he had no change with methotrexate and sulfasalazine made him unable to eat due to stomach problems so we never got a change to see if it help arthriticly). Has anyone on here had good success with seronegative RA and taking humara? He's nervous about the risks of long term use, as he is only 26.
Hi. I too had JRA (Stills Disease) as a child and was discharged at aged 12. Symptoms started to return with pains in my fingers aged 19 and I had many flare ups since over many years eventually causing major joint damage as my Consultant tried everry drug available eventually going back to a combination of Methrotrexate and Remicade as despite causing psoriasis it stabilised my Arthritis. In relation to bloods I am seronegative for rheumatoid factor but if I am flared up immflamation always shows up with high esr (70 plus) and crp, in addition to hot swollen joints. My consultant always refers to me as having JRA even though I am now 49, My understanding is you always have what first diagnosised with but it may be in remission. When applying for Pip it was about how your everyday life is affected rather than diagnosis. So I guess what I am saying in your husbands case the bloods shouldn’t matter but letter from Consultant confirming illness and the fact he is being put on various drugs will help start claim but then comes the various questions on how every aspect of your life is affected! Good luck.