Tips of coping with the tiredness! Thank you!
I’m at Work & totally exhausted : Tips of coping with... - NRAS
I’m at Work & totally exhausted

Hi there, if you visit the NRAS website, you can dowload the following booklet, or order it free of charge. There are other booklets you might find useful on this website too.

Thank you!

Thank you for posting the link where to find this information. You basically just saved my sanity! I’m from Canada and been using this site a long time, but never knew these publications even existed. We do not have literature like this in Canada, not even from major RA societies. This is the best in depth info I ever read and will be bringing it to my various doctors to educate them! No one cares about chronic fatigue. I am struggling and my RHEUMY doesn’t treat fatigue.
🙏 thank you!
It's the same here in Belgium, and I guess anywhere around the world when I read all the forums. My Rheumy said, fatigue just comes with the desease and there is nothing he can do about it. And that was it. I had expected that once your diagnosed, the Rheumy looks into your way of living, activity, diet...not that any of these things are the cause. But I thought there would be a holisitic approach. That is wishfull thinking, I fear.
Lots of vitamin C for me in tablets and fruits. Also worth getting your iron checked too.
You're probably anaemic. Check with your Dr or pharmacist first but FLORADIX herbal iron tonic is brilliant . It's £10 from Boots. My GP was going to put me on tablets for my anaemia last year but I took Floradix for 10 days, upped my green veg etc and after just 2 weeks I had no anaemia and felt really so much better.
Don't know, but feel for you. I feel pretty cream crackered much of the time. I guess all the the usual stuff of good diet, exercise and high quality sleep. Don't know about you but getting the high quality sleep is an issue.
Are your bloods Ok?

My bloods are “satisfactory “ I’ve got Adenomyosis which makes me bleed heavily monthly so I’m forever anaemic - they’ve just come to see it as expected now. poor thing. No wonder you're exhausted! Anaemia makes you feel wiped out. Are you taking iron tablets? I hate them, but I found spa tone mixed with Oj helpful, and less harsh. It is expensive though. Floridix is useful too. I'm guessing you've tried all that though.

Yes I’m on the spatone & dark green veggies , anything to help myself!
It all depends on the nature of your job and if you’re self employed or working for someone or an organisation. If you’re self employed it can be difficult as it generally boils down to no work no money (we are use to this in our household). If your working for someone or an organisation, I would ask does your employer know about your diagnosis? If yes, talk to them about your fatigue. They should be making reasonable adjustments for you which not only includes adjusting your work area but also regular rest breaks. I am sure you’ve heard of pacing. I’m still working on getting it right, but when I do a full week at work and pace myself I’m not so exhausted by the Friday night. If I don’t I could barely lift my head off the pillow come Saturday mornings.
If you haven’t disclosed that you have a long term condition it may be worth you considering doing so, as your employers can’t help you if they don’t know. Remember it’s the law and they must make provisions for you. Have a read of this
This is only a suggestion as only you know what’s happening in your work life and causing this predicament.
I hope your day improves and you feel a bit better later on today. I’ve been there and know how difficult it can be trying to cope.
Take care.
Nicole x
Thank you, I’m both! I work 3 days at a charity - they know & are super supportive. I had no choice but to say my feet were really swollen & painful at the beginning of this mess.
The rest of the week I work for myself.
I’m trying to be better at pacing, it doesn’t come naturally to me but I’m trying!
Great to hear you have colleagues who are supportive. It certainly makes working a bit easier. Working for yourself is difficult when you’re not on top form but pacing is key.
It didn’t come easily to me either. On my good days I wanted to conquer the moon, then it would take me 3 days or more to recover. I had to learn the hard way and eventually had to be signed off work. I now take each day as it comes. I make sure the family knows when I’m truly under the weather and that they have to pitch in with the work or else starve.
Don’t be hard on yourself, just make sure that you take care of you, both physically and mentally so that you have energy and strength to carry on.
All the best,
Nicole x
It is SO difficult dealing with the fatigue!
People just don't 'get it' - they think that you are being lazy or giving in.
Apart from pacing yourself and being kind to yourself, I don't know what else to advise. Just keep going on going on...and rest in between!
Hello and sorry to hear you’re feeling like that. I don’t know what type of work you do, but in addition to the wonderful suggestions above, I would suggest:
1. having a look at your daily tasks, and if possible, break them up into “active” and “less active/inactive”;
2 then see if you can kind of schedule them to manage your energy resources during the work day.
GL and hang in there
Look up pernicious anemia which is a deficiency in vitamin B12. This can be confirmed by a blood test followed by regular B12 injections if this is contributing to your fatigue.
Thank you all for commenting really helps me not feel so alone. I took today off coz by the end of my shift I was on the verge of tears but still had school run to do & occupying the kids who bless them don’t understand, and dinner. When my other half got in, he sent me off to bed which I was so grateful for.
I have been going through the same thing for a while. Fatigue/Exhaustion/Zero Energy....... List goes on! I have been told it's the Fibromyalgia that is causing this more than the RA which is thankfully well controlled just now. Very frustrating to feel so tired and weak. One step forward two steps back scenario! My bloods are fine. Vitamin levels good. Trying stretching exercises more, drinking lots of water and walking beside water ( preferably a quiet place) it does re energize the mind and body. Pacing is hard when in the middle of routine stuff at work/home. Sometimes you just have to get away on your own. Solitude can be refreshing. Bringing the dogs of course! - They understand
Suzie x