Hi All
I have been on here a while now but not done any post.
I have been Diagnosed with ReA.
my story is that last April i had a severe bout of Dysentery which lasted around 2 months. a month or 2 later i woke up with stiff and painful fingers in both hands. went to the doctors and did bloods which show my RF was above normal but low in term of causing issues and all the other bloods were fine. Sent for an x-ray in August and showed no signs of deterioration. Doctor said its possible i have RA but then googled it and could see alot of horror stories, so i then decided to go private as my GP had put me on the waiting list but would have to wait 8 months. Private Rhumey checked me over asked about illnesses and he said that i had likely got ReA. he gave me a steroid and it worked a treat, but could still feel the pain in fingers if worked hard enough on them, this lasted from Sept to Jan and then the pain was back. i carried on till April as i had NHS rhuemy appointment. by this time it had spread to me left hip which became very painful and causing me to limp. so she checked me over and requested another blood test and hip xray. she came to the same conclusion as the other Rhumy. She explained that my RF bloods were low and the rest was normal. Xray came back and it showed slight OA in the hip but shouldnt cause issues and put me in for Physio, this was april and still not heard anything. she aid for me to go back and see her in Oct so again a long wait and also she gave me a steroid which has worn off.
only thing i am concerned about is -
RA usually symetrical which is the case with my hands both same. so why was RA ruled out?
ReA usually last a few months, its now coming up to a year since i have had this and doesnt look like its getting any better at the moment.
Is it worth getting another xray on my hands as this would have been done a year ago so i assumed that they would have used the original xray as a marker?
Has anyone on here got ReA and have you completly recovered now?? if so how long have you had it for?
Doctor has given me Naxproxen. shouldnt i have the stomache protector stuff?
are my fingers being damaged as i read that after 6 months you should go on DMARDS
Sorry for alot of questions but it just feels like i am not getting any where and living on hope that its ReA. and Otober is a long way off at the moment.