The Diet: Hi, What does everyone eat daily? Has anyone... - NRAS


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The Diet

Shalf profile image
15 Replies

Hi, What does everyone eat daily? Has anyone changed their diet dramatically, slightly or not at all?

I've always enjoyed food, never an over the top health conscious person but also never a TV dinner or fast food eater either.

I cut out all dairy about 2 months after diagnosis following a nutritionists advice.

Don't eat any meat ( except fish) but been like that for a long time. Eat green veg and fruit every day. I love cheese, dark chocolate and red wine! I have to confess, if the urge gets the better of me and I give in to the craven, I do suffer for it. ( Not hangover) don't drink enough for that but my joints scream at me. Just wondered if anyone has experienced the influence of certain foods in how RA reacts to it.


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Shalf profile image
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15 Replies

Did you find cutting dairy made a difference? I might try it if so. I'm off meat, makes me feel bit sick tbh and eat fruit, veg salad etc daily. Not a big drinker now (misspent youth!) but occasional wine, lager in garden. Trying to cut the coffee down to one a day: total addict. I home cook a lot since not working, we re all keen cooks - my latest fad is all the veggy soups from covent garden cook book my son bought. I have no idea which foods are bad for RD just try n eat healthily x

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to

Yes, I did find a difference cutting out dairy or rather if I eat or drink dairy I always suffer a bad flare up. A lot of RD ( prefer that to 'arthritis' - good one!) As I was saying, a lot of RD is apparently related to the gut. Look up Clint Paddison. He swears to have cured RD by way of food. I also eat gluten free foods and lots of veg and fruit. Of course stress and this crazy world doesn't help any condition. We can only try our best I guess. x

in reply to Shalf

Thanks will give it a go, seen Paddison diet before - you're right about stress too, making a real effort to cut that down & stay positive 😄

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Shalf

I don't want to start yet another " I eat this/don't eat that" marathon.

But don't you think if the Paddison man had really cured RA/RD some Pharmaceutival company would have signed him up & made a fortune?

I am 20 years diagnosed & I eat & drink sensibly.i haven't cut out any food group....I would if I found it appeared to cause a flare.....& I have very little joint damage & lead a life comparable to friends of my age.

I do agree however that stress is a major problem for RD sufferers & I decided a long time ago que será,será I no longer try to put the world to rights & don't fret stuff over which I have no took a while, but now it works for me!

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to AgedCrone

Hi, Couldn't agree more re stress. My gut feeling is that what either caused or contributed to RD.

I am also currently working on the que sera', sera' technique as it's proven futile trying to do otherwise!

I'm fairly newly diagnosed ( 18 months) and it's perfectly natural for people to research for their own personal reasons and I did just that too. I don't follow the Paddison diet but did watch and listen. I think the bottom line is.... Something's work for some people , some don't. Bit like DMARDS and biologics and so forth.

Good to read things are going well for you x


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Shalf

Absolutely go along with your theory.....I tried cider vinegar, & echinacea.....then put my brain in gear, stopped grasping at straws & listened to my rheumatologist who I thought kinda knew more than I did.

I have always asked why I was prescribed a certain drug,& strongly resisted piling one drug on top of another .....have never taken more than one Dmard at a time. Thankfully Prednisolone had really, really bad side effects for me I only took it for a week or two....never again. But then for some it's a lifesaver.

I had maybe a too controlling attitude to my treatment, but over the years I have found if you listen to your rheumy nurse & consultant, write down any questions before consultations & are as calm as you can be, you are more likely to be taken seriously & not fobbed off with the latest drug they have to play with.

Reading between the lines from my rheumy nurse going in demanding XYZ drug & telling you rheumy it's just what you need, is the best way not to get it!

Hope you soon get settled on a regime that works for you. I had 7 blissful years on Methotrexate...eventually I had to stop, but I'm so glad I bit the bullet & had those 7 years. Same with RTX.....I was very wary, but it has turned out good for far.

I think RD is like waiting for the second shoe to just never know when it is going to fall .........hence que será.........será!

ATBr profile image
ATBr in reply to AgedCrone

I recently have started the 4 pillar plan having seen Dr Ranjan Chaterjee talk at our local Literary Festival. Eat,sleep,move relax. Very sensible approach to health for everyone and sure it will benefit RA sufferers. I was diagnosed 3+ years ago. On humira and mtx . Since trying to follow 4 pillar 2 months ago have had more energy have lost weight and generally feeling much better. Obviously not a cure but has had positive outcomes for me , would recommend trying.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to ATBr

I think everyone is a bit sceptical re the do's and dont's of this disease. The 4 pillar plan is something I do too although sleep was really a problem for me until GP gave me meds to help sleep and I feel better. Having Fibromyalgia too I suffer chronic fatigue so wanted to sleep but the RD pain wouldn't permit that. As for the Paddison plan, the guy swears by the affects of food on the gut. He apparently couldn't move before with RD and now runs every day and is off all suppressant drugs. Interesting and always open minded.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to ATBr

It sounds as if it really suits you which is great & as long as you aren't expected to banish certain food groups from your diet long may it continue.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to AgedCrone

I'm personally not on the Paddison plan but was happy to share this information with everyone as somebody may like the idea of it and indeed wish to try. It's a personal choice in how each of us live our lives with this condition. The Rheumatologist I had initially put me on methotrexate ( no effect) then added in sulphasalazine then when I was about to scream! he added in lefludomide PLUS Hydroxy! I listened to the Rheumy....for a while but he didn't listen to me. As to how sick I was feeling and how my joints ached and swelled up. I saw my GP and soon after got referred to a new Rheumy. On biologics now and better - not brilliant - but better.

ATBr profile image
ATBr in reply to AgedCrone

No banishing ! I like it because it doesn’t expect perfection in following the plan . You do what you can do !

keeta profile image
keeta in reply to AgedCrone

Totally agree x

dbestdeb profile image

I truly believe that everyone’s experience with RD is different and what may work wonders for one person with diet changes may have no effect with another. Personally, I can get away with eating bread/wheat products once in a while but if I do it daily, I’m in trouble. Cheese and yogurt are the only dairy I use and they seem to have no effect on my pain.

HappykindaGal profile image

Ive just read this as I'm lying in bed having had zero sleep with pain in my knees, shoulder and wrist.

I've been following a diet that's dairy, gluten free, just fish, vegetables and fruit for the past 7 weeks. Has it made any difference? None whatsoever. In fact, the last couple of days have been up there with my worst.

I'm on 3 DMARDS, stopped taking pred 2 weeks ago and now totally reliant on my lovely team to run my business (well, I hope they are!).

I'm sure changing diet works for some, but it isn't the magic bullet that people say it is (the my friend cured their RA with diet/turmeric/flax seeds/Forever Living/Juice Plus/organic sulphur (that was someone yesterday) blah blah brigade).

Yes, I'm quite Pollyanna-ish as is one of my team that has Crohns and has had several bowel resections. She's amazing and just gets on with it.

I do think there might be something in stress levels though. My doc thought that stress actually subdued my RA at the start as I was producing so much cortisol. Interesting.

kkminton profile image

Not following a plan but listening to my body- three things I cannot tolerate are to follow

1. Dairy- this happened to me before I knew I had RA. It causes horrible inflammation in my digestive system- gut wrenching cramps, swelling and bloat

2. Red meats are a no go- boo hoo

But Not worth it- if I eat it I am guaranteed a flare

3. Alcohol is a flare trigger for me as well

I feel better when I avoid gluten, but still occasionally eat it.

Currently I have been juicing with fruits, veggies (no tomatos) and adding ginger and/ or turmeric to fight off a rough patch I have been in. Humidity is really tough on my hands, feet and knees, it seems to be helping.

Best of health to you, I enjoyed reading this thread

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