Hi all. It’s been a while since I posted but could do with some advice. I’ve had RA since the birth of my daughter almost 2 years ago. I’ve tried sulfazalazine which made me ill then methotrexate which made me feel unwell but manageable until I got severely anaemic on it and throughout both drugs my RA would flare badly at least once a month. Anyway I met criteria for biologics and we also hope to try for another baby this year so came off methotrexate cold turkey in March and was flaring quite badly at the time so they gave me a high dose of steroids to see me through until the new meds were delivered and I got trained to inject etc. Fast forward to now and i’ve only just had my meds delivered and training on how to use the injection. Anyway i’ve had other issues going on (period type bleeding for 10 weeks so gp has referred for an ultrasound and prescribed some hormonal meds) so my gp advised not to commence the new meds until they figure out what’s going on with me. In the meantime i’ve been really well for months with the RA on no meds except the steroid which I had beginning of March. Steroids don’t usually last me this long and the methotrexate should be out of my system now so i’m Thinking maybe this is it for the RA? Has anyone had a similar experiences? I really want to avoid all meds if we are trying for a baby so i’m desperate for this to be ok?
Am I cured of RA?!!: Hi all. It’s been a while since I... - NRAS
Am I cured of RA?!!

I don't want to burst your bubble but RA doesn't get cured....although it can go into long term remisssion and stay quiet.
There is some relationship with female hormones, especially pregnancy, that doctors don't understand yet so it may well be related to your hormones for you. Steroids are also in the same family of chemicals. So who knows, but maybe that has all worked together for you to put it I to remission?
If you're trying to get pregnant and feel ok, perhaps discuss with your doctor about delaying starting for the moment? And in parallel really, really pay attention to living well as there's some research now that suggests this can help stop the RA being triggered again. So no smoking, stress, or highly processed foods and daily exercise and proper sleep. It could help you getting pregnant too!
Thanks for this. I feel like i’m Doing all of the above so maybe that’s helping! Fingers crossed the remission stays for a while. I’m still getting tinges in my fingers but nothing that even warrants paracetamol which is such a vast improvement and i’m feeling ‘well’ for the first time after stopping all the meds!
My understanding of it is that once the Devils unleashed, it doesn't go away. Saying that, lots of people don't have symptoms at all. A friend of mine hasn't had any symptoms for nearly 20 years now which is fantastic. Everyone is different. Stop worrying whether or not it will flare again and enjoy your life 😀🌻
Unfortunately, there is no cure but that massive dose of steroids could have damped things down a lot. I'm hoping like crazy that it is remission for you and that it lasts a good long time. Long enough for you to have and raise at least one more baby. Wishing you all the very best
I had a remission of 13 years! No pain, no meds, no damage. It was wonderful! I eat very healthily on the whole, do yoga and during that time I walked about 6 miles a day to and from work as I don't drive. During these 13 years I had lots of stress ( my daughter was v I'll and I was caring for her little boy and my mum with dementia). I kept expecting it to come back but it was exhaustion with a loft conversion and those domestic problems which triggered its return. So make rest your priority . Good luck with everything!
Wonderful to hear that you are feeling better! What steroid are you on and what dosage? I felt better with 20 mg of Prednisone but was told I needed to stop taking it as quickly as possible. I am now at 5 mg but getting a lot of weird side effects including weekly nausea when I taper 1 mg. Please be very careful when relying on steroids. I wish you good health! Be good, Penny
Hi there .If you are still on steroids they do a very good job at keeping pain and stiffness at bay.If not hope the remission lasts a long time.