Hi everyone, as you know i am having Carpel tunnel surgery on wednesday and forgot to ask if i need to stop any meds, does anyone who has had this know please ?
Surgery and Meds: Hi everyone, as you know i am having... - NRAS
Surgery and Meds

I would try and contact your rheumy nurse as opinions vary.
Hi thank you for your reply, i have servere pins and needles in my left hand and if i touch anything warm it feels like it is burning and the cold feels like it is freezing...... I had nerve tests and they came back with Carpel tunnel hence my op on wednesday .... hope you get sorted soon.
Hi Nellysgran, best to contact your Rhuemy helpline, and get advice from them.
I recently had nose surgery, and was advised by Pre-Assessment Nurse to continue my meds, but after double checking with Rhuemy Nurse, was advised to stop Methotrexate week before surgery & week afterwards!
I should add, I had a general anaesthetic, but advice might be different for surgery using local anaesthetics.
Best to get advice from your Rhuemy team.
Hope your surgery goes well. Steph x
I didn't Wendy but best to double check with your GP or Rheumy nurse I'd think, just so they can go through all your meds with you, for example anticoagulants (warfarin, rivaroxaban etc) will need to be. Although mine was done in theatre it was under local injections, in Spain if that's where you're having yours done, it may be different in the UK if not.
I had immediate relief from the carpal tunnel symptoms but you'll probably be told to take or be given pain relief for when the locals wears off. I hope you find quick relief too.
Thank you, yes i'm having it done in Spain under local anaesthetic,
Well I can't complain with the treatment I received so hope yours is the same. That is except they pushed the bed backwards when I returned to the room to recover, I don't do well going backwards so felt really ill. Oh & the lift stopped short of the floor so was stuck there for a while! It all added to the experience.
I've just remembered, I had appointments with both the Neurologist & then closer to the op the Anaesthetist. Did he not discuss your meds with you, mine did & I could continue on all. He also asked what if anything I had allergic reactions to if that helps ring any bells? It was him who distinguished it was specifically all red seafood I was allergic to not shellfish.
Thank you .
You may need to check with hospital as they have different protocols.
The surgeon tells you not the Rhumy and in my case the Riveroxaban was stopped but the LEF not. I had to go to GP for a heperin injection day before. You must contact surgeon and ask them asap
Best to get advice from rheumatologist. I stopped beds night before and that morning and ended up collapsing and was admitted to hospital
I had surgery on broken wrist, plate put in, but it was only a local anaesthetic and I had no problems. Am on methotrexate and hydroxchloriquine sulphate.
Good luck.
For any surgery you should stop biologicals , methotrexate, and steroids weeks in advance. The rheumatologist and the surgeon should have told you this I think! Your immune system is impaired Steroids can dramatically slow the healing rate as well! Hope that this helps?
Good luck.