On Sunday evening I enjoyed 2 beers whilst out for the evening. At 2am I was so ill I seriously thought I was dying. Since then I've a had pain in my upper right abdomen stabbing sometimes, mostly gnawing but constant and so sore that I'm unable to lie on my right side. Has anyone else experienced this after having such a small amount to drink? I'm on 15mg Methotrexate injections.
2 Beers on methotrexate!!! : On Sunday evening I... - NRAS
2 Beers on methotrexate!!!

I know I can’t drink alcohol with methotrexate as it makes me really unwell.
I don’t drink alcohol that often but I was on holiday in France so had a half glass of wine each evening and as the week went by I began to feel really unwell and I think it affected my liver function in blood test. Now my bloods are very good.
Go to your GP we are not medically qualified and you might have any number of other conditions. Please don't assume everything is a side effect it might not be and only a doctor can really tell you. I'd even say with pain like that its A&E.
I'm at the hospital in the morning and intend to mention it then providing it doesn't get any worse in the meantime. Thank you x
As I understand it the only issue regarding Mtx with alcohol is that of the effect on your liver. Mtx is toxic and makes your liver work harder in its efforts to get rid of it. If you have high LFTs like me then its wise not to drink as alcohol puts the liver under more stress and raises liver scores even higher. This can lead to Mtx being suspended.
All that said Im not aware of any gastro issues as a result of drinking whilst on Mtx.
Hope you feel better soon
I can't drink alcohol at all. Always get banging headaches. Just ain't worth it. I don't miss it actually.
I enjoy a double dark rum & black once a week at Wednesday whist, followed by a glass of water either at the social club or on my return home. Methotrexate day is Friday: now 20 mg by mouth with other meds taken with cereal in half a pint of milk. This has been my routine since diagnosis 2 years ago and happily I’ve never suffered nausea. Monday early morning is Risedronate day: the only time I take a tablet with a glass of water one hour before breakfast. This is the regime that suits me: the milk tip came from my daughter due to the foul taste of steroids that I had difficulty swallowing. Since weaning myself off those a year ago I’ve had no need for painkillers, so I consider myself very fortunate to be classed in clinical remission.
Never had that happen with the MTX. I usually allowed myself a couple of drinks on weekends, but never got sick from the two. I guess I would recommend that you not do that again.. =)
Get checked to make sure it's not your gallbladder I used to get pain there under right ribcage and had to have gallbladder removed no more pain.
Hope you get it sorted xx