Did anyone see Trust me I'm a doctor on BBC2? There has been a trial in Amsterdam on an implant for RA which reduces TNF which should be available in Europe in 4 years time and 5 in America. I am keeping my fingers as crossed as I can.
Trust me I'm a doctor: Did anyone see Trust me I'm a... - NRAS
Trust me I'm a doctor

Which day was it on this week? That sounds v promising.
It was on yesterday about 3.00pm on BBC2. I think it was program 2 of series 5. It is available on catch up.
Not sure but I think this was first shown on BBC1 & the one you saw was a repeat. This related, hope it's helpful bbc.co.uk/programmes/articl...
It's vagus nerve stimulation. It's been discussed here a few times, you could bring them up in the Search NRAS box by typing vagus nerve stimulation.
There's a study started last month in the US, clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show..., unsure about the UK though ARUK commented on it arthritisresearchuk.org/new... & our NRAS nras.org.uk/nerve-stimulati.... No upcoming or ongoing clinical studies showing on ARUK's list, though don't know if there are any elsewhere. If I find any I'll post.
Yes that is the one. It can
Be watched on BBC catch up.
A guy on here posted about a year ago that he was taking part in the trial.
There was an article in the Sunday Times by Camilla Cavendish on 14 December 2014 giving some details. I have it on my computer but don't know how to link it. For info, she used to work in No. 10 for David Cameron on health issues. I find her articles very good and is the main reason I have stayed with the membership.
An electrode is placed under the skin. There was a general consensus that it has copied electro acupuncture which I found briliant on my hands.
Hi can I ask you about the electro acupuncture you mentioned on your hands? I have constant pain and stiffness in my finger joints even though MTX has reduced all the inflammation there. I’m having ‘normal’ acupuncture for my system in general as trying to recover from a year of RA effects and various infections on DMArds which have left me wiped out. Is the electro version actually put into your hands? How does it help you- eg with pain, mobility in fingers etc? Thanksgiving advance for any info as I may look into this if it has specifically helped your hands.
Thanks also to the original poster for the tv program link, will definitely watch it. Thanks 🙏