Hi all, had my firs injection last Tuesday and I noticed the following day my joints were less painful although still swollen but then today the pain returned and I’m in agony, can anybody tell me if this is normal, can’t wait for Tuesday to do the next injection to see if it eases the pain, would be really grateful for any advice, thanks Diane 😢
Benepali: Hi all, had my firs injection last Tuesday... - NRAS

I had my first benepali last Thursday. No changes yet but then wasn't expecting it to work so fast. My hands and fingers have been very swollen for a long time.
I went from Enbrel to Benepali last week and I’ve been in more pain and stiffer since the week before. Early days yet.
Hi Diane, it’s good that you have already noticed a difference so soon as some people have to wait a few months to see changes.
I started Benepali 6 months ago and had a positive reaction by the 2nd dose. Pain is not controlled by the drug, nor is the fatigue but I found as the swelling subsided my pain lessened. I reduced my pain relief from naproxen daily to over the counter paracetamol now and again.
I have also taken CBD oil in a spray since December and seen positive results, it has helped with pain and fatigue.
Keep going with it as it sounds as if it could be the right treatment for you but needs a couple more jabs to get going...ouch! Good luck
Hi I’ve been on Benepali for about a year
I think it took about four weeks to get in my system but it works.
At my last consultation I was told I’m clinically in remission
Hope it works for you
Hi - this is normal for me been on the injection for 3 months now. In fact I find when I take the injection I often get a dull ache after. Although I was told meant to take with mtx I can’t tolerate both. It’s really up and down, some days better with the achey days too. My pain was so bad in my foot I was told to take a paracetamol but do check. Are you on the sole Injection?
I’ve now been on Benepali for 11 weeks. I had come off MTX back in Nov due to a foot op and liver playing up. I was crippled in pain. Within 2 weeks of starting the swelling started to subside and along with it the pain. I have since started back on MTX (until I am in full remission) but it seems to spike my liver enzymes. I am feeling amazing. I feel better now that when I did 5 years ago when diagnosed.
Stick with it - I think we all react differently and as I’ve heard a number of times over the years you need to give anything a good 12 weeks to get into your system.
Good luck with it.
I feel a lot better on benapali but still take oxy breakthrough pain relief and co codamol but I've not had fatigue just quite a lot of pain on waking up .