Does anyone with RA get the flu vaccine?
Flu vaccine?: Does anyone with RA get the flu vaccine... - NRAS
Flu vaccine?

I’m a nurse and it’s strongly recommended by my employer to get the flu vaccine and my Rheumy also recommended it. I did get it in the fall. My rheumy also recommended i get the pneumonia vaccine.
I did last year. No one said anything about the pneumonia one to me but did strongly say to get flu vaccine. I had no side affects from it.
Yes anyone with RA should get the Flu vaccine, but you should check with your rheumy nurse ....depending on the drugs you are on you may have to leave a period of time between taking the drug & having the vaccination.
Yes x I feel it’s a must x
Yes, every year. The rheumatologist told me to, and I had the one-off pneumococcal vaccine too when first diagnosed.
Yes and had the pneumonia one in 2016 - GP does the flu one each year, I just go in and sign up to an appointment as an at risk patient each September. They arranged the pneumonia one and they will do the renewal one in 3-5 years (I think it lasts about 5 years).
Yes, it was recommended, as was the pneumonia vac which I am still waiting for as they ran out of supplies and were having trouble getting more.
Yes both flu and pneumonia strongly recommended by rheumatology; i had no adverse effects from either.
I also was ask to get flu jab and pneumonia jab by my rheumy nurse.I was told by my Gp nurse that it was recommended to have I did 🙂
Yes every year I get mine xxx
YesI certainly do. We're very vulnerable to infections so need all the help we can get. No side-effects at all.
TY All! I do see the importance of the flu and pneumonia vaccine with this condition and the medications involved.
Depends which drugs you take, it was offered, but I declined. Never had flu.
Yes I had my flu jab glad I did last year I got the flu was very ill x
Yes. I have been having it every year for well, a long time. Before my RA manifested I had two very bad flu bouts. I often wonder if that was my trigger.
Yes, even though I'm sent a reminder & I book in each year if they've received the first batch my nurse usually gives it me prior to the flu clinic when I have my monthly bloods. Prior to starting leflunomide I also had the Pneumovax jab too. As long as you're informed & appreciate it doesn't necessarily mean we won't still get the flu (or pneumonia) as it only protects you against what have been considered to be the most virulent strains that season then you can decide from there. If we are unfortunate & do contract either one it is likely to be less severe though, it may save you from being very ill & possibly a stay in hospital. I think it's important not only for our benefit but so that we lessen the risk of passing on nasties to those who's immune systems are even more badly affected, those who have breathing issues, cancer sufferers & others who are really poorly. Without getting on my soapbox I think we have a duty to have consideration & be protected for them too. 🙂
You should definitely get the flu jab also pneumonia, you will or should be asked to have it. Admittedly was late last year didn't have till early January. I did go down with the flu for 3 weeks needing antibiotics and penicillin to clear infection.
Possibly had I not had it at all things could had been a lot worse.
Pamela x
Yes every year flue jab a one of for pneumonia
Prior to RA arriving at my door I never had the flu vaccine. Now I have it every year along with the pneumococcal jab once every 5 years.
I am really glad I had it back in Oct 17 as over the Xmas break quite a few folk I know ended up in bed with the flu. I had a rubbish cold over new year but did not get the flu.