I’ve mostly been relaxing the last couple weeks. Just relaxing and doing things I like to do such as draw, paint, and read. Also eat. Lol. I have been in pain the last couple days but managed to stand to stand up long enough to take a shower and wash my hair as well for the first time in forever. I had a little freak out because my hair was falling out but it might’ve just been because I always have my hair in a pony tail... I hope that’s all it was at least. How is everybody here doing though. I want to know how you all feel and how treatment is going.
Again a long time. : I’ve mostly been relaxing the last... - NRAS
Again a long time.

hey im not doing too bad still in pain everyday but you get used to it do you have rhematiod arhritis? were r u from? im on a treatment called enbrel its quite good what treatment are you on?
I do have RA. I’m in USA currently in Ohio but I move every few months or so. I’m currently only on pain meds. For a year I was told that I’m too young to be on any meds that slow the progression of the arthritis but found out I should be on one anyways so I’ve been trying to get in.
ah cool your from usa im from ireland what age are you? ive been on ra drugs from i was 16 and i was never told i was too young to be on them its better to be on treatment so your joints will get less damage
I’m already as damaged as someone who’s had it for fifty years while on medications lol. I’m sixteen years old currently. I was diagnosed when I was fifteen but have been in pain since 13. So I’ve had it for several years and possibly my whole life with no symptoms until more recently.
Annie122 & Ccrowlu, don't know if Katy's experience might interest you? 🤔
Katy's had disease from 10 months old up to current age of 26: m.youtube.com/watch?v=s3GAU...
thank you
No rheumatologist yet? I was hoping to hear you had been to get some meds!
I am in a systemic uproar still, my esr was 96 at my last appointment just before Thanksgiving. My methotrexate and sulfasalazine dosage has been doubled but my numbers haven't changed! Humira or Embrel getting added next month!
Pleased to hear you have an appointment date. Bet it can't come too soon. Keep yourself occupied as you are now & it'll soon pass. Let us know how it goes? Take care. x
Of course I’ll finally know my levels and hopefully get new meds