I've just been told that because I am on MTX, I will need the pneumonia jab every five years. There appeared to be some uncertainty though. Anybody out there in the same boat?
Pneumovac: I've just been told that because I am on MTX... - NRAS
I went for my flu vaccine and asked for the pneumonia one too but they declined as I had one in 2004 so didn’t need it as one for life.
I explained I’m taking mxt and about to start benepali soon. They just said I wasn’t in the criteria to have it.
Hope you don’t get the same as me. I thought working in an environment exposed to infection I would meet their criteria but they said no although prone to chest infections.
They also mentioned thee is a national shortage and they had 6 in stock.
As it is my sickness record is bad so will be having a meeting regarding my sickness level soon.
Let’s hope I don’t pick up anything to cause more sickness.
Hope you don’t have the same experience as me
Hi. Blimey we really could do with some clarity on this issue! It seems to depend on your Gp/Rheumy/Nurse. Someone asked on here a while ago and some were told 5 years, some 10 years and some once for life. I was the latter and I asked again when I had my Flu jab recently. Again I was told the Pneumo jab was a one off so I have no choice but to accept this.
We have enough on our plates dealing with everything RD throws at us without worrying about whether or not we're properly protected against another serious illness.
Perhaps someone from Nras could give us an answer?
Kind regards
When I had my first, I was told jut one for life, but I had a second one about 2 years ago. Had Pneumonia 3 times over the last 10 years.
I recently asked my GP if I needed a booster as it's been 10 years since I had the pneumonia jab. For some reason he didn't give me a straight answer so I'm still no wiser?
Its a bit late for me as i have had pneumonia and was ill for a month and it will be weeks before i am fully recovered from it.xx
It's still not a 100% protection, but I suppose it's just as well to have the jab. I hope you recover quickly. Don't over do it!
Hi, me too Sylvi, had my jab in January on the advice of my respiratory doc as pneumonia is somthing I keep picking up and again I'm still recovering from it, altho over the worst now. Maybe I would have ended up in hospital without it, who knows. I was told it's a one off X
I wonder if i had been down the hospital i would have been admitted as i have been so ill this time.xxx
You maybe should have been in hospital, they thought I had either a clot in my lungs or pneumonia, it was only after ct scan they told me I had pneumonia. They hooked me up to antibiotics for a few days then sent me home at 8.30 at night on a cold rainy February night as they needed the bed, I still felt awful, I shivered all the way home, so maybe your own bed and antibiotics were the better option x
I would change your outlook from weeks to months. I was in hospital with pneumonia last December (and January, and February, 4 separate visits in total). I am still suffering with the aftermath..... especially the cough and the fatigue. It is a lot better now but it can be a slow process. I had the pneumonia jab 3 years ago.
I was asked to have the Pneuovax jab before I started leflunomide this time last year. I wasn't advised to have the booster though the NHS Choices site advises if your spleen does not work properly or if you have a chronic kidney condition, you may need booster doses of PPV every five years. This is because your levels of antibodies against the infection will decrease over time. Oddly though unlike you I was never asked to have it because I'm on MTX, have been 8 years, odd. I do have the flu jab each year, automatically called by my GP.
I went to my gp last year for a different reason and whilst I was there he said right let’s give you your flu jab and your pneumonia jab. I didn’t have to ask for it. This gp was new to me as I had only recently moved into the area. My previous GP never mentioned the pneumonia jab.The same happened this year with my flu jab. Looking on line it seems we only need it once, unless your spleen doesn’t work properly or you have a chronic kidney condition. nhs.uk/Conditions/vaccinati...
Hi stbernhard
Are you in the USA? I had the pneumococcal shot there and it has to be repeated in five years.
But in the UK, different kind of vaccine is given. As far as I know it is a one time thing. Recommended by my RA specialist in the UK this year but I had it in 2015 before I left the USA as I had read as much as I could about RA and knew I’d need the protection.
I was told every ten years!!!
Mine is every 5 years. When you think about it it makes sense to have it boosted bcz we have low immunity.
I never has this thing comes into my mind, good to read up a bit for knowledge. May be Malaysia is a tropical country hence we are okay normally. I just recovered from flu and it took a little more days for me to recover as compare to before.
I'm in the USA. I had my pneumonia shot back when diagnosed with RA in 2008 and was told to have another in five years. In 2013 I had a second and became extremely ill, landing in the hospital for a week. When they found out I had a second shot they said that was what made me ill and you only get one for life. Yet at my primary care office they keep telling me I'm almost due for my next shot! Later on a friend of mine who is an ICU nurse told me yes, that is also what they are told, one for life. Someone needs to get this straightened out because it's ridiculous to have so many different directions.
Hi Stbernhard. I live in the UK and when I went last year for my annual flu jab I was told that I'd require a pneumococcal vaccine also despite having had it 5 or 6 years ago. The practice nurse advised me that due to having RA I will need to have it every 5 years. Hope this helps.