Hi just wondering if anyone has had a home pip assessment, as I have one in a week and I'm already worrying about it just after idea what they ask and if they look around your home 😞is have ra and osteo athritis that affects hips knees and feet mainly
Pip home assessment ra and osteo athritis - NRAS
Pip home assessment ra and osteo athritis
got one tuesday too....they do ask what adaptions you may have.....to assist your health problems...Make sure someone with you....thats important ....good luck
Got my home visit next week - FRIDAY 13TH !!!! Not suspicious, but 😲
How did your home visit go .
Hi Billybongos. As far as i know it went ok.
I was having a flare-up when he arrived, so my emotions were all over the place. He was a very nice man, calming voice. He could see what i was like, sitting there all wrapped up with my hot water bottle 😃 It went on for two hrs, & i was emotionally drained by the time he'd finished.
He even offered to make me a cup of tea 😄
Just the waiting game now.
Good luck chuck
I just applied for PIP. They said I would have to go in for an interview but haven't heard yet. No idea about home visits. Do you live alone?
I had a home visit back in March.
She was actually quite pleasant, which surprised me!
Didn't want to look around my home to see what adaptions had been made, wet room, chairlift, steps out front, various grab rails, taps, etc.
Asked me to do certain physical movements (this will depend on what you have reported as limiting you I think) and then Basically she went through the form again afterwards, asking for details on each question from the form that you completed.
It was all pretty straightforward really, with no hidden agenda that I could see. One thing to remind you is, Do have someone there with you, or that will be reported as you being able to manage on your own.
Hi, had mine June, very nice lady to be fair, as IdWilliams experience. They do observe some factors in the home though, my report included the fact that there were no rugs or other such like obstacles in my home to reduce the risk of falling! This was not something we would have thought about to be honest, although that is the reason. She also said she had noticed a pill dispenser & that we have a downstairs toilet, even though it wasn't discussed at the interview, so some assessors do look at the home. Good luck
Hi you can ring them and ask for your assessors report that can be very useful for future reference hope all wheat well
Hi update on pip assessment lovley lady , felt that she was listening to what I was saying , fingers crossed
Fingers crossed for you. Still waiting for response/results from my own PIP Assessment. :/