I have fairly recently been diagnosed with RA after its sudden onset on Christmas Eve 20I am 67 years old but even so never expected I'd ever have something like RA. As far as I know, no one else in my family has ever had it. I am finding it very difficult to accept, especially as I've already had several flare ups despite being started on hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine. Therefore I've also had to take prednisolone but its really only the 20mg dose that reduces the inflammation and pain. I am suffering really severe depression as a consequence of finding my life turned upside down! I am receiving support for this but I feel very sorry (and therefore irritated with) for myself. The future seems rather bleak at the moment.
Newby: I have fairly recently been diagnosed with RA... - NRAS
It is a horrible disease to come to terms with, I've had it 3 years now I'm 52 , medically retired and stable for now but took 2 years to get to this stage and in August I nearly died of sepsis after getting my gallbladder out but I'm still here and only now ready to resume my daily fitness regime which helps a lot, you will get there but it will take time , and getting the right mix of meds, I went through the dmards and am now on methetrexate and a Bisomar Benepali which is working for now so keep chin up and don't let this disease beat you
I'm so thrilled that you are OK after the sepsis. Peace & love to you popsmith1874.
Yes I have felt like you.I had to medically retire from work at 54 and was so lonely.well I still am but don't feel so angry now.I am alot better than I was then .I take the same drugs as you plus Pregabalin. I have tried methotrexate but it was effecting my liver.They might try you on a biologic.I have tried 3 but they didn't work for me but others it does.
I now have 4 auto immune diseases since 2011.I have to joke now when get another else I will cry.done too much of that .
I come on these forums every morning and read them or try and add few words of help.It's company for me too.
Love your attitude! You will do well in your new world! We all need to talk about our problems, what better place than here! I feel for everyone who posts here! At least we have something in common! I am kind of a newbie here, I am so technically illiterate, but here we are bonded in a way we cannot be any where else!
It takes the stuffing out of you whatever age you get it. Diagnosed at 19 and now 50. Unfortunately it can take time to find the right combination of medicine to suit you and get the disease under control - it may not be the first ones you try - remember you must honest with your consultant as they cannot tell how you are feeling. Try NRAS or arthritis research websites for information and NRAS have a helpline you can ring. Farm
Hi tatcraig and welcome. I suspect most here will be or have been going through a similar experience as yourself. I think of it as a grieving process for the life you thought you were going to have before RA hit. You are not alone in this and there is help out there for you. I always decried the 'talking therapies' as new age, hippy dippy rubbish however, I have had CBT in the past for an unrelated issue which taught me to look at things differently and which I found useful. It may be worth your trying it. At least it gets you out of the house and talking to another, non judgemental, human being. There are always people on the forum here happy to share experiences and helpful tips. Wishing you better
I too thought of "talking therapies" as hippy dippy rubbish....When I was active & healthy...Flash foreward and Now I Can't Shut up....Guess what?... talking to people about your issuses is very healthy, both emotionally & physically.
Please keep reaching out tatcraig. RA is scary, and we are all here to help you. Your life has value & I welcome you with open arms.
You can not control your disease, but you can control how you see yourself! People will never understand other people's problems! Do not let this define you as a person, it is a disease! If people deserve to be in your life, they will listen to you. Tell them to google it! That might open their eyes and thei heart!
Depression is the pits! In your case it could be situational and should be treated seriously! Please just keep telling yourself, life in any form is better for all the ones that love you! Keep track of your feelings and seek mental, medical, and personal assistance! You have many friends here and we are ready to talk to you any time! Please find a good friend, wether it is in the family or not! I have a friend with bipolar, her mood swings are drastic but she can call me 24/7 and we will go back to our times when we were roommates and all the crazy times! We sometimes talk till the phone goes dead, but be get through it! Never give up, tomorrow we be better! Good luck!
Just keep working with your doctors, don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help! Good news, with the grace of the good Lord, and the brains he gave to the medical field there will be a treatment for you! Just try to stay strong! You have many friends here that understand you and your feelings! I think anyone who has severe medical problems understand that this is not something you ask for! Believe, when I say that the people who love you, may never understand, but they still love you and you are the only person in their world who is as important to them! We all have to realize that we are not alone in this world! Depression, is a disease within itself! There is treatment, you just have to keep fighting for it!
Gosh I talk too much!