Hi has anybody come across Borine and it's advantages. Some website seem to see it as a miracle cure, whereas more conservative estimates are that it does very little as a supplement. I think that the research seems to suggest that it's pure Borax (banned in this country I think) that's more effective. I'd be interested if anybody has any ideas about this. Thanks
Borine: Hi has anybody come across Borine and it's... - NRAS

You probably mean boron? Yes boron is said to be very good for the bones. Many have had great benefits, especially those living in areas where boron scarce in soil. You can by boron on line, no restrictions or mix your own from borax.
Sorry, yes I did mean boron. I've read various ways of taking boron - from tablets through to oil and borax itself. Can you buy borax in this country. The reason I ask is because the studies I've seen seem to say that the only positive results have been from taking borax itself, and not boron.
Thanks. Yes, I've just seen it for sale on e-bay. Amazon don't do it. I don't know about how much to take either, although I've heard it can be diluted and drunk, but in what measurements I'll have to find out. Thanks for your reply.
I think here is all the information you need.
I did use Boron for about 6m. Felt no positive results, stopped when learned that Boron highly estrogenic and estrogen is highly inflammatory if the balance estrogen- progesterone is estrogen dominant. People with RA often have estrogen dominance so didn't want to risk it.
I think this says it all Glynis, as you know ARUK is a reliable site arthritisresearchuk.org/art...
Maybe not ingested & best used along with Epsom salts in the bath
Not a very scientific standpoint😉Here is one that does state more controlled facts, but still the sex hormone impact is not clear enough🤔
Someone was telling me about this the other day. Apparently there is a butchers shop up North that will sell it you under the counter! A lot of the stuff about Borax has been removed. It's a dangerous substance and like most alternative cures has not been trialled. This all came from one retired scientist who decided the reason he felt unwell when he moved house was his soil lacked it.
Thanks that's fascinating.