Hi I'm new to this forum I stumbled across this app and I'm so glad I did I'm struggling with my RA at the moment fatigue is another problem somedays I could sleep 23 hours a day then my joints kill cos laid in one position too long .....does anyone else suffer from enthesopothy inflammation of tensions and ligaments from shoulders downwards .....I'm on morphine due to the pain it's horrific when it starts sometimes I end up in A&E to settle the inflammation and pain ......does anyone else find that hot water bottles help with leg/foot pain ? Sometimes the pain really effects my mental health and I've got bipolar too so mood goes up n down a lot more pain I'm in more depressed I get ....well thanks for reading my posts sorry to be a rambler !!!
Newbie with lots of health problems!!!: Hi I'm new to... - NRAS
Newbie with lots of health problems!!!

Mines my feet that really play me up it's so horrible I hope u are feeling better soon
hi lise welcome i was diagnosed in nov , and have had they same problems my shoulders and my neck at the spine my knees and feet and hands, pain is awful, i have had three medications and none have worked so far, i went to a A&E on sat the pain was so bad in my knee and leg, they couldnt do anything for me as they didnt have a specialised nurse on duty that could give me a steriod injection so same home with the same pain i went with and now because its bank holiday weekend i cant get to the docs or the r .a. ward either like you i am at my wits end with pain and fatigue i just keep hoping the next medication i get works cause it really is dragging me down also xx
Hi astrajewel it's awful being in a huge amount of pain going up and down your body everywhere hurts you can't get comfortable on a bed or sofa your at your wits-end literally pull my hair out most days due to the fact I didn't go to physio because I was ill with chickenpox I got thrown out off the RA list so now my GP pleaded with them to see me again so I'm waiting to see the RA doctor in august I haven't got a RA nurse have you ? Are you on morphine type pain killers ??? Thanks for your support Xxx
hi, no just taking tramadol to relief the pain but its not doing that great takes the edge slightly have been in bed with the pain since satuarday, i am at the stage i dont know where to turn to be quite honest with you i have had sulfasalazine ,methotrexate and hydroxachloraquine and the side affects from them where nearly as bad as the pain and fatigue i contacted r.a clinic last thursday and no one has got back to me like you i am tearing my hair out as what to do next i keep living in hope the next meds will work but with so many side affects from the last three i am a bit scared to get the next ones
I have tried nearly everything in the uk sulfasalazine had no effect on my inflammation markers they were 19 and methotrexate tablets made me sick and tired I was in bed for 2 days after taking them and the injections made me sick too I don't remember having hydroxachloraquine mybe I'll go on that next lol I just want a drug that gets inflammation down but keeps me from feeling lethargic and ZzZ all day n night and I don't want sickness either is that possible??? Get back on the phone to your RA NURSE and ask for an appointment with your consultant because your pain is getting worse and it's impacting on your daily life !!! Keep your chin up babe Xxx
i am trying lol but it does drag you down to such a low, but this weekend all is closed because of the bank hol,i will start tomorrow with gp and get her to phone clinic if i get an appointed, lol then a phone call to r.a ward for a steriod injection, fingers crossed tomorrow i get some help, just back at work 4 months and now i have had to phone in sick so got the work to face again god lives no easy is it lol you take care to, im sure i will be writing soon for another moan lol xx
Astrajewel your not moaning believe me I can moan for England lol I've got GP tomorrow I've had surgery in 2008 in the pancreas and since Friday I've had son in same spot and it's excruciating so I'll see what she suggests lol if I end up in hospital I won't be happy lol hope tomorrow goes well for you let me know how you get on and I'll tell you if I escaped hospital hahahaha take care lise78
Hi Lise,
I am so sorry to hear about your health issues, but I am also happy to tell you that there is alot of information out there that you can use to try and reduce the pain and discomfort that you are feeling.
Please look into the work of Chris Kresser, Justin Sonnenburg, Rhonda Patrick, Amy Myers, Terry Wahls, Dave Asprey, William Davis and many, many more like them.
The solution to your health problems are out there, you just need to find them.