Hi, I'm in my fifties and had pain and swollen small finger in March. Finger swells then goes down (bit weird). Now I am getting pain in shoulders, elbows and wrists. Bloods showed increase in inflammation markers. I visit the consultant next week and I am so nervous. Everything I read seems negative; drugs seem so toxic and I feel irritable (anyone else had this?). All advice welcome x
New to this journey: Hi, I'm in my fifties and had pain... - NRAS
New to this journey

The drugs do have side-effects but much better than the uncontrolled disease. Nothing to be nervous about really, RA is well-controlled nowadays and you can live a full life.
Hope this helps?
I was installing the air condition in the room when all of a sudden I got this stabbing pain in my middle finger I don't know where it came from it feels like needles stabbing me in the middle finger is weird never had this before I tried squeezing my finger looking for it magnifying glass couldn't find anything this is weird try rubbing it I feel the pain stabbing sticking pain feels like needles this is weird I don't see no glass I don't see no nothing I thought maybe a piece of metals got in my finger from installing the air condition but I could not find no bits of metal no glass no nothing it's annoying is aggravating I use my living room guitar in church in a playful choir I think the devil is attacking my hands he don't want me to use my music ability for church a color Muncie for this my left hand Pinky was attacked with shot pain Footlights this pain here on the right hand but it was in my pinky this is affecting my god-given gift of Music my flexibility is important Satan is now called the devil don't want me to use my God giving gift to play music in any church
No need to be nervous the worst thing is not knowing whats wrong. All drugs are toxic , Asprin killed 8 people last year and Paracetamol is leathal in the wrong amounts. So don't be put off in tales of side effects as bad news always sells. In truth if 10% of people get an effect then 90% don't !!
I feel the same , haven't started mine yet but due to any day now , but sometimes I think it's better to look at the bigger picture, I think if I take the meds and feel better I will be in a better place to deal with the down side . 👍
I've had no side effects from dmards.
Please don't be nervous, there really is no need to be. We've all been where you are just now & whilst it is a bit like walking into the unknown the aim is to help you. We'll help ease any concerns you have til then, just ask & you'll receive answers to any questions you may have.
Unfortunately all meds can be harmful in the wrong hands, no denying that, but the ones our Rheumy's prescribe aren't toxic, not in the the true sense because they're specific to our conditions. All meds have the ability to cause side effects, ours are no different, but uncontrolled RD is really painful & damaging & not only to our joints.
If by everything you read is negative you mean on here or other forums then I'm afraid they do tend to be used most by people in the same position as you're in, not yet diagnosed, the newly diagnosed & not yet benefiting from their meds, or for those who are struggling who have not they found the meds that suit their particular form of the disease. You see there are over 100 variations, nowhere near as many meds son it's finding the right combination for yours. It's small percentage using forums, the majority of those with RD are doing well on their meds & getting on with their lives so it's not representative. Some of us here are doing very well & choose to be here, maybe they don't know anyone else with RD (me) or are doing well but so wish to help those who aren't (me again!). I've been uncontrolled (when I had an enforced break from my meds) so I can empathise.
Is there anyone close who can accompany you to your diagnostic appointment? I think you'll find it helpful, not only for support but so there's someone to talk through what was discussed afterwards as there may well be unfamiliar terms & meds to be discussed.
Irritability is common in the situation you're in at the mo. When you consider you're waiting for a diagnosis, questioning things, you're probably not sleeping as well as you normally do. You're also thinking all meds are toxic, anticipating side effects, you're uncomfortable at best, in a lot of pain at worst, wonky immune system.... all these can make you irritable, you wouldn't be human otherwise. So just ask away & we'll try to aleviate any of your concerns, we're the ones who really do understand. 🙂
Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback I have started to eat food that helps inflammation & I'm looking at more exercise. I have been told to take evening primrose oil.......any other suggestions? Many thanks.
You're welcome. There's no doubt a healthy varied diet helps, processed food isn't the better option so try limit them. Some find nightshade veggies cause a worsening of symptoms, due to them containing alkaloids, but it doesn't apply to everyone, myself included. Rather than just stopping all of them I'd recommend you see if you find they do increase inflammation because if they don't you'll be missing out on some really beneficial vitamins such as A & C, both really helpful in RD.
Exercise definitely helps but to avoid stress on specific joints it's always best to seek advice on some personalised ones for you, what I can do may not be recommended for you. You'll come to realise that RD isn't a one size fits all disease!
I'm not so sure about Evening Primrose Oil, I'm not sure if it's helpful for RD per se though there were some trials in connection with it's use with NSAIDs, helping with gastro problems. It can take up to 6 months to work though so if turns out it doesn't help you've paid out for nothing. If you're thinking of supplementing it's always best to check with your Rheumy, it's not really a good idea to start something on the say so of someone thinking they're being helpful but may not realise that some supplements can interact with the meds we take. It's knowing which are safe & which aren't. Multi vitamins aren't particularly a good option I don't believe but as I like to get as many nutrients & vitamins from my food I'm not best placed to recommend them. My Rheumy ok'd Omega 3 fish oil as I have OA as well but the others I had on my list she struck off with a harrumph!
Hope some of this helps?
Do not be put on a guilt trip or be influenced by the idea that "clean eating" , does anything more than make you poorer. I'm Celiac and promise you guten has had no impact on my RA. However being a healthy weight no doubt does. Evening primrose oil I don't know about, but be careful as some so called herbal and natural stuff can interreact with medications.
And RA does not just have an impact on joints mine affects my lungs and blood, so its vital to keep it under control. If I were you I'd give the meds a fair go and not take anything extra without chatting to your RA consultant or GP.
Thank you that's helpful. I started with asthma last year.....? I hope it isn't RA.
My consultant told me that evening primrose oil is helpful; fingers crossed.
Welcome and I understand how you feel about all these toxic drugs... I lived a drugfree life until RA reared it's ugly head. Once I wrapped my head around that these drugs are meant to help us live a somewhat normal life. These drugs are to control our RA so that our bones don't errode or become deformed. While on these drugs, we are monitored to make sure no harm done.
I am really allergic to cats so when I really think about it, cat's are more dangerous to my health than these drugs.