Hi all another thing to add to my previous post they are suppose to keep you up other than physio I spend a lot of time in bed I would not be doing this at home
Ra sufferer: Hi all another thing to add to my previous... - NRAS
Ra sufferer

Hey Rocky
Why are you spending so much time in bed? Are you having the physio daily? What are their instructions to you?
How are you managing your pain? Are you feeling any improvement as yet?
Wishing you well
I am not getting any instructions about being out of bed as you know I can't walk by myself yet they just seem to keep me in bed
Of course. Maybe you could tell the nursing staff you'd rather be sitting in a chair by your bed? I'm sure they would accommodate that. Maybe mention it when they are handing out meds, meals etc or when you see the physio?
It sounds difficult for you Rocky but I think sometimes we all just need to dig deep, Bite the bullet and take control of things , as hard as it is, so we can get to where we need to be ?
Wishing you well and that you're able to get through this difficult period as swiftly as possible, for a safe return home .
Take care, marie.
Just a question Rocky07 .
You say if you were at home you wouldnt be spending so much time in bed.So who exactly is it that is keeping you in bed or telling you that you cant get out of it?
I am a bit confused here as whenever I have been in hospital you are encouraged to get out of bed,use the loo and shower!wash ,get dressed and even if you sit in your chair most of tbe day they always prefer you to be out of the bed rather than in it ?
Not sure why they are stopping you getting out of bed. Is there some sort of other medical reason for this ?
Take care.
There is no other medical condition I can't walk by myself yet they don't tell me to sit up when family come they take me in the wheelchair
If you cant walk by yourself at the hospital how do you manage to walk by yourself at home ?
Sorry dont get what you mean about not being told to sit up when family come .Do you mean sit up in bed ? If thats the case do you need prompting to sit up in bed when visitors call by to see you ? And where do they take you in a wheelchair?
Do you really need someone else to instruct you to 'sit up'? What exactly is stopping you from going home - you are not being held prisoner other than by your own mind and attitude so give up and go home. At least then the bed can be taken up by someone who wants to make proper use of the opportunity and will work to get the best results they possibly can for themselves and you will be where you want - in your wheelchair at home.
I appreciate your words Ali but it is not attitude I have to listen to what the nurses tell me if they tell me to sit up I will at present I have to go to the toilet on the commode the meals are not the best I have lost weight at home I would go to a private physio eat better and feel Better it is not attitude it is morals and alsio I can go to the toilet on my own nurses have to follow protocol so it is not attitude
Rocky, apologies if I offend but I have to support Ali's comment . It really is about attitude and you really need to turn yours around a bit. Of course this experience will be negative if you refuse to even try and make something positive out of it .
You simply need to put all your energies into getting mobile and ambulant enough, to get home.
I understand you'll need help to get in and off the commode but I don't understand why you then don't request to sit up in a chair, rather than return to Kay in bed?
There is a bit about being more a person who is recovering, than a patient unable to think, act and help themselves ?
You need to be more active in your own recovery Rocky.
I get it's hard ( believe me, I've been there) but I think you may me making it harder fir yourself than it perhaps needs to be.
Maybe, post op, your mood has really dipped and finding the motivation is more difficult as a result ( you refer to morale). If so, speak to the medical staff about it- they will offer you support.
As I have said before, I genuinely wish you the best in your recovery- but it really is time to bite the bullet and actively pursue this.
Well said Ali. Rocky - enough of this negative behaviour. Count your blessings and get on with your life
I can feel your frustration coming through your posts Rocky. You sound as though you are giving up a bit. You have to change your mindset and say to yourself "Bugger you RA!". YOU are in control of your body, not this horrible disease (although it may not feel like it sometimes). Just think, every step forward is a step closer to your home and your sister. Sit down with your physio/OT/doctor, and ask "What exactly do I need to be able to do for myself to get home?". Write it all down and start to goal plan for how you're going to achieve it. You'll get there! Keep your chin up. x
Hey Rocky thanks for not slamming me for my 'tough love' approach! Change the word 'attitude' to 'focus'. Shift your your focus of attention and stop working against yourself and your experience should shift to a more positive one - it won't change the quality of food or protocols but will change the colour and feel of your stay. It would help to deflect your attention away from the 'problem' by doing the things you can that you enjoy - reading? Sketching? Writing? Crosswords? One exercise (mind exercise!) that might help is list 10 positive things about being at rehab - to do this successfully you need to be open to appreciating the little things that are usually overlooked.
All the best