Ok. Good evening all! This is my third week on MTX. I take it Saturdays before bed. The first two were not so bad and were pretty tolerable. Today I woke in a puddle of sweat and very swollen everywhere. The day went on and of course the exhaustion came and the nausea. However, now I feel like I am coming down with the flu. It's almost like the medication facilitated a flare and I feel awful today. I don't know why I would feel worse on this dose and not the others. Do I have worse to look forward to? Is this typical?
3rd week on MTX and I feel pretty bad: Ok. Good evening... - NRAS
3rd week on MTX and I feel pretty bad
I felt similar when I started taking Mxt. I found it made me feel even worse for a couple of days afterwards in terms of pain and I felt extremely tired and nauseous. It gradually got better and now I don’t have any side effects. Hopefully it will be the same for you but mention it at your next appointment as treatment changes can be made.
I initially felt petty awful on MTX, but after a few weeks the side effects did settle.
Keeping very well hydrated was really important to minimising the effects. I drank around a litre of water in the few hours before injecting, and drank around 3 litres the following day. eating carbs helped too.
If you are taking tablets , you could ask about MTX injections, the side effects tend to be less.
It would probably be worth telling your medical team how you feel. It’s impossible for us to tell whether this is a reaction to MTX or the disease. However it seems quite often that there’s a horrible coincidence in that just as you start treatment your disease goes completely wild and rages around your body like a monster. My first 6 weeks were awful as I seemed to get worse every day. And feeling like you’re coming down with flu is a typical flare sign for me.
But you’re not me, which is why best to talk to your own medical team.
I guess I should give my experience as a sort of 'it's different for everyone' thing. I have no side effects from MTX now, after almost 6 months. A few like mouth sores which cleared up well and no more for months now. Additionally, the MTX is just now being felt for helping and that's a long wait for me. Personal opinion - my immune system is just hard to beat down. I take my dose, 15mgs, on Sunday at noon with a BIG meal and I drink a LOT of water daily. Hope this is helpful.